Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3481: This is Jiang Xiaobai

Chapter 3481 This is Jiang Xiaobai

When Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the group office in the morning, Zhang Tingting was already waiting in Jiang Xiaobai's office.

"Dong Jiang." Zhang Tingting skillfully brewed a cup of tea and placed a stack of newspapers on Jiang Xiaobai's desk.

"Dr. Jiang, these are today's newspapers. The above are newspapers from "Southern Weekend", "Economic Interview" and "Modu Metropolis Daily". Some experts and scholars in the new energy automobile industry have spoken in these three newspapers. .

They all praise the new energy vehicle industry. I remember one of the experts openly said in the newspaper last year that even if new energy vehicles are the future, we cannot afford to bet on the future.

 But now, as soon as the above policy came out, he immediately changed his tune and quoted a poem, "So many things are never in a hurry; the world is changing and time is running out." ten thousand years is too long, fight for now…

 There is quite a sense of urgency to do it immediately and quickly, which really makes people laugh..."

Zhang Tingting pouted and complained. She still remembered that last year, when Jiang Xiaobai wanted to go into the new energy automobile industry, the outside world was not optimistic about it, and everyone said anything.

 As a result, as soon as the above-mentioned policies were announced, these people were able to immediately change their tune.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't have the pleasure of Zhang Tingting, pretending to be slapped in the face, etc. For Jiang Xiaobai, this mood has long since faded.

 The short few decades in life are like what Fan Wei said in "The Taoist Descends from the Mountain": seventy years of life, ten years of youth and ten years of age and weakness.

There are still fifty years, and fifty years are divided into day and night, leaving only twenty-five years. Coupled with the wind, rain, three disasters and six disasters, how many good days will the patient have in this life?

In such a short period of time, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to focus more on his career, hoping to leave something behind. It would be so despicable to pretend to be cool all day long.

“This is the group of experts and professors now. A blade of grass on the wall will fall to both sides when the wind blows. It’s the virtue of these people. There’s nothing to worry about.” Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

"Then the direction of the wind has changed too fast. They are really thick-skinned. What they said before has not yet been implemented. Now they have changed their words. They can take back what they said..." Zhang Tingting really feels this People are very shameless.

 When I was in school, I still had great respect for these experts and professors. Experts and professors are all people with knowledge, vision, mission, and sentiment. But now it seems that, haha, I might as well not mention them.

Jiang Xiaobai took the newspaper, glanced at it casually, and then turned to other news.

 Zhang Tingting took out today's itinerary and reported it to Jiang Xiaobai.

   What time is it at nine o'clock, what meeting is going to be held, how many people are going to be met at ten o'clock, what kind of dinner is there at noon, what activities are going to be participated in in the afternoon, etc.

Anyway, as long as Jiang Xiaobai is in the magic city, there is no idle time, and the schedule is full all day long. Of course, it will not be like in the TV series, three minutes for this, five minutes for that, the time is stuck. Then die.

 That's a complete exaggeration. It may happen on a special day and the time is tight. Basically, most of them are busy, but occasionally they can take a little rest.

"By the way, Director Jiang, several newspapers and media want to invite you for an interview. I have sent the interview outline, mainly for new energy vehicles." Zhang Tingting said after reporting today's itinerary.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands: "Forget it, just reject all these interviews."

"Huh?" Zhang Tingting was stunned. She didn't understand why Jiang Xiaobai didn't accept the interview: "Dr. Jiang, didn't you publicize many times in the media and newspapers before to get everyone to accept new energy vehicles? Now that the higher-ups are promoting it, so Good opportunity, just take this opportunity to promote it well, and at the same time prove your vision. This is the interview, let’s see who dares to refute..."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and shook his head: "It turns out that no one paid attention to me, so I came out. Now that the higher authorities have started to promote it, there is no need for me. As for proving my vision, does it mean that my vision lacks such a proof?" ?"

As Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhang Tingting really had no way to refute. Indeed, Jiang Xiaobai's vision and structure are obvious to all, especially Jiang Xiaobai's vision. Why Jiang Xiaobai is called the godfather of business is because of Jiang Xiaobai's vision.

 Basically, no one will lose money when investing in a company. If you invest in a company, the company will prosper.

 Since Hope Group, Jiang Xiaobai has invested in countless companies, and the investments have been very random, but each company has done very well.

 So Jiang Xiaobai's vision really doesn't need to deliberately use that one thing to prove anything.

“But Director Jiang, although he said he didn’t need to prove anything, there were so many rumors in the past that everyone didn’t take kindly to. Now let’s accept an interview and see what else they have to say.”

"Haha, it's not necessary. If you want to do something, there will always be rumors. This is human nature..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zhang Tingting saw that Jiang Xiaobai really didn't want to be interviewed, so she gave up and turned around and left.

On the topic of new energy vehicles, Jiang Xiaobai set off a wave of craze last year. Now the authorities are beginning to support the promotion of the new energy vehicle industry. Everyone is waiting to see what Jiang Xiaobai will do and whether he will support new energy vehicles. One step of development points the way.

  Or directly announce the current results.

 At the very least, we should say a few words to address the accusations and rumors at the beginning.

No one can ignore these three words Jiang Xiaobai in domestic private enterprises, and no one can ignore these three words Jiang Xiaobai in the new energy automobile industry.

 Because new energy vehicles were first proposed and promoted by Jiang Xiaobai, and he is a pioneer on the road to new energy vehicles.

 So everyone is waiting for Jiang Xiaobai.

But unexpectedly, at this time, Jiang Xiaobai did not show up at all. When no one was interested in new energy vehicles, Jiang Xiaobai promoted them vigorously. However, with the support from above, when new energy vehicles became a hot topic and people were clamoring, Jiang Xiaobai did not Come forward.

At first, everyone was full of doubts, but gradually, everyone guessed that it takes a lot of courage and responsibility to be able to take risks and doubts to come forward to support when no one cares, and to be unknown when there is a lot of people. This requires structure and mind.

 Those who praise Jiang Xiaobai for his big picture, those who praise Jiang Xiaobai for his broad-mindedness, and those who praise Jiang Xiaobai for his sentiments.

 In the end, it all came together into one sentence, this is Jiang Xiaobai!

 (End of this chapter)

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