Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3483: specialization

Chapter 3483 Specialization

  On the morning of September 12, the conference room at the Pengcheng Wank headquarters had been decorated for the 20th anniversary celebration. There were four chairs on the stage in the middle.

Behind it is a big red sign with the words "Vanke Group's 20th Peripheral Conference" written on it.

From left to right on the stage are the design director, general manager, Wang Shi and the manager of Modu Wank Company. There are seats for four people on the stage.

Wang Shi took the microphone and looked at the audience full of guests. With a smile on his face, he slowly said: "Good afternoon, everyone. I am Wang Shi, the chairman of Vanke. First of all, on behalf of Vanke, I would like to welcome all guests. Welcome. Dear friends from the press, I am very honored to welcome the 20th anniversary celebration of Vanke Group today. We have invited more than 150 media from the 16 cities we have developed to gather together..."

 There was a round of applause. Not to mention how strong Wanke is now, just being able to celebrate its 20th anniversary is already something worthy of admiration.

In the shopping mall, the situation is high and the waves are high, especially in the past forty years. Many policies have been constantly changing. Everyone is trying to cross the river by feeling for stones. When crossing the river by feeling for stones, there is a high possibility of falling into the river.

 Being able to survive for twenty years requires not only luck, but also great ability, vision, and hard work.

"Our weekly celebration will include speeches, the launch ceremony of "WAKO's Works", "WAKO's Proposal", "Two Episodes", "WA-WAKO Residential Architecture Competition" and "WA-WAKO Residential Architecture Design Competition" During the 2004 awards ceremony, there was plenty of time for reporters to ask questions.

Of course, I think the most important thing is that I am here today, on behalf of the management of Vanke Group, to express my heartfelt thanks to all the guests present and the more than 150 companies who came to our site.

Next, I would like to introduce to friends from the media the guests attending this anniversary event today. First of all, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, chairman of Huaqing Holding Group..."

Although Jiang Xiaobai did not go on stage to speak, he was definitely the first in line during the introduction. This is also the right thing. Jiang Xiaobai has participated in many anniversary celebrations of partners during this period, and he is basically the first.

 There was applause at the scene, Jiang Xiaobai stood up to signal, and the scene flashed. Jiang Xiaobai attracted the attention of many news media as soon as he appeared.

After a while, the applause stopped, and the king continued to introduce. However, the people behind him were just a series of names, and there was no time for applause. Otherwise, if they read one name and applauded once, there would be nothing to do in the morning.

After the introduction, Wang Shi continued: "First of all, please allow me to review the first three projects we did. In 1988, we obtained the first piece of land through auction and further entered the market. It is the first time for the real estate industry to obtain land through market-oriented means, which is consistent with modern trends. It is precisely because Vanke entered the Chinese market for the first project in the real estate industry that during the sixteen years of development, Vanke has Our market adaptability is the strongest. The first project we developed was called the Zenith Garden in Pengcheng. We had two points that stood out the most at that time. The first point was whether bicycles were stolen in Pengcheng Community. , if you have three bicycles stolen, congratulations, you are a citizen of Pengcheng. At that time, we made sure that the community would not be stolen. The second one was whether there were cigarette butts and bicycles in our community. Paper scraps. Start growing without cigarette butts and paper scraps.

The first urbanization project we developed was the City Garden in Shanghai in 1992. At that time, there were two important designs. One was that our apartment type was called "big living room, small room", and the second requirement was that every window should be opened to allow views. Go to green space.

Just because of these two points, the door of our sales office was broken down three times. Our Magic City Garden has a design and planning idea that seems to be leading even now.

 These three projects I just mentioned tell us that our country’s real estate industry has been in an enlightenment stage and the budding stage of the market in the past sixteen years. Our innovations then seem so naive and superficial now. However, my country's real estate industry has gradually grown up in such a process of establishment from scratch. It is precisely because we have always adhered to the concept of innovation, our compliance with economic laws, and our promotion of the humanistic spirit that Wanke That’s what happened today…”

 Wang Shi recalled the past and talked about the experiences and lessons learned by Vanke along the way. His face was filled with pride. He should indeed be proud. After all, Vanke today is one of the leaders in the domestic real estate industry.

You need to know about the real estate industry, but some state-owned enterprises have failed. Small real estate companies are okay. They take two pieces of land and build a house.

 But if you want to grow bigger and become the leader in the industry, it goes without saying that you will face huge competition.

 Wan Po was able to fight his way out, which is indeed admirable.

Wang Shi’s speech basically came to an end here. Next came the awarding of various competitions. The contestants were basically from the architecture departments of prestigious universities.

For example, those from Shuimu University, Jinmen University, Southeast University, and Shancheng University. The winners are basically these people, except for a few design studios mixed in.

After awarding the awards, the morning is over. The luncheon at noon is in the hotel. This is not important. For many guests, the most important thing is tonight’s dinner. This is a real place for making connections. Especially this time Jiang Xiaobai is here too.

 In the afternoon, it’s time for reporters to ask questions.

 The first thing I was asked about was the news that Vanke was rumored to acquire Dutch Construction Company. Wang Shi denied it outright, but he thought, the key is that there is no money.

 Then he asked about Vanke's strategy for the next ten years. Wang Shi also gave a general outline, which is basically to focus on the real estate industry and take a professional path.

Wanke has gone through the path from original diversification to specialization, and now it has made a name for itself in the real estate industry. If it continues to diversify, it would be to sacrifice the basics and seek the last.

“In the next ten years, we will continue to follow the path of specialization. We have positioned our industrial planning for the next ten years as refinement. The so-called refinement is compared to our first specialization, which is Vanke’s first specialization. It's equivalent to going from business diversification to business specialization..." Wang Shi talked eloquently on the stage and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai as he spoke.

He is also willing to diversify his business, but after all, he is not Jiang Xiaobai. He does not have the ability to diversify his business and at the same time find the company's positioning in every industry and do well in every industry.

 (End of this chapter)

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