Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3486: historical dust

Chapter 3486 Historical Dust

An enterprise that is brilliant for a while will eventually be lost in the dust of history, just like how many amazing and talented people are also lost in time.

Jiang Xiaobai was filled with emotion, and his eyes seemed to have penetrated time and space. Zhang Weiyi could not understand Jiang Xiaobai at this moment.

 Attention is still focused on current matters.

"Director Jiang, although you said so, you should take necessary counterattacks. Otherwise, if these rumors continue to spread outside, in the end, it will not be a good thing for the three companies." Zhang Weiyi said.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "In fact, the best way to deal with the media is to deal with it coldly. After a period of cold treatment, it will pass. Too many responses will only increase the heat."

"The times are constantly changing, Lao Zhang, the way we do things will also change. Twenty years ago, although the media and newspapers also dominated public opinion, there were only a few TV sets in the country at that time, and newspapers could be read How many talents are there.

 But now, every household in China does not have a TV set. The same public opinion propaganda is completely different.

What's more, now that there is the Internet, it would take at least a day for a piece of news to appear in a newspaper or be interviewed by a TV station.

 After the news has been collected, go back and edit it for typesetting and so on.

 But now on the Internet, everyone knows what happens here in an hour or two hours, and the information is more transparent.

 When we do things, if we still respond in the same way as before, we will suffer big losses sooner or later..."

Jiang Xiaobai reminded Zhang Weiyi. In fact, this time, it seemed that Kelong's Gu Jun was at a loss and put the matter in the sunshine.

  But in fact, they are insensitive to the changes in the current era and have no experience in dealing with new era media.

 In the past era, information was opaque and underdeveloped, and many people had limited access to information. The two sides might quarrel for several rounds in newspapers, but the outside world did not know about it at all.

Ordinary people don’t know much about these things and are not interested in them.

 But things are different now. Now that information is more developed and more transparent, Mr. Gu obviously still has the same idea as before.

When he took over Kelon, the outside world was in an uproar. Pan Ning left, and then the local coach was temporarily changed. There were all kinds of twists and turns, from being the top spot for eight consecutive years to losing money the next year. There was a lot of discussion about such a big thing. , but there are still no consequences.

 He took over successfully.

 He ​​thinks that media news and other discussions have no impact on him, but he doesn’t care about what time it was then or what time it is now.

 As we enter the 21st century, development can be said to be changing with each passing day. Every day is different, and every year is different from year to year.

 The first three years and the last three years are completely different. Using old experience to deal with new things will definitely cause problems.

"I know Director Jiang." Zhang Weiyi nodded. It's hard to say whether he took it to heart, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much.

It is useless to say this kind of thing, people must actually see it before they can believe it.

Huaqing Holding Group is not involved in this turmoil, but it is really paying attention to it. Mr. Gu of Kelon took action personally, and he also meant to keep his word. He directly sued the finance professor in Xiangjiang.

 There is also a lot of discussion from the outside world.

But at this time, Jiang Xiaobai also began to prepare for overseas inspections. Two things happened. One is that Yaohan Supermarket has expanded its layout this year. For example, it has built more stores in several surrounding countries, and the cost has begun to increase. Profits are down.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care about this. The domestic economy and the economies of several surrounding countries have slowly recovered after the financial crisis in 1997. The economy is picking up and people have money in their pockets. Consumption power will naturally increase.

There is definitely no problem in enlarging the layout of the branch, but Jiang Xiaobai still has to go and have a look. This is mainly to inspect the branch and understand the layout.

Yabaihan Supermarket belongs to the Huaqing Holding Group, but it is also the only company under Huaqing Holdings headquartered in Xiangjiang.

 Although not all other companies are in Shanghai, at least they are all in China. This is the only one in Xiangjiang.

In addition, except for Jiang Xiaobai’s inspection when he first acquired Yaohan Supermarket, he has never inspected it again since then. It has been several years and he always has to take a look.

●Other than Yaohan Supermarket, there is Hualian Computer. Hualian Computer has developed rapidly in the past two years. In China, it is basically one in the south and one in the north with Lianxiang Computer.

Hualian Computer firmly occupies the southern market. The northern market is owned by Lianxiang Computer, and Hualian Computer is also vigorously opening up foreign markets.

It is now one of the top ten personal computer manufacturers in the world, and Lianxiang is ranked ninth. However, compared with Lianxiang Computer, Hualian Computer has its own technology and its own wafer chips. This is the most important.

  However, in terms of market share, especially in foreign markets, it is still a little worse than Lianxiang. However, Lianxiang has only made stupid moves in the past two years and always wants to invest in the Internet.

However, the investment is not on the right track, and Hualian Computer is slowly surpassing Lianxiang Computer.

 So Jiang Xiaobai also needs to go and take a look at Hualian Computer.

 The affairs of these two companies basically took place from the end of autumn to winter. After Jiang Xiaobai settled the group's affairs, he set out for Xiangjiang at the end of October.

 Jiang Xiaobai has been to Xiangjiang many times and is very familiar with Xiangjiang, but every time he comes, he has a different feeling.

Magic City has developed very quickly in the past two years. Although it is not comparable to Xiangjiang now, the gap is not as big as before. However, the development of Xiangjiang in the past two years has been very slow. There seems to be no big difference even after several visits.

 Jiang Xiaobai came directly from Pengcheng, and Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aijun came to pick him up.

 “Hello, Mr. Jiang.”

"Hello, Director Jiang." The two of them said hello to Jiang Xiaobai. Liu Aijun was Jiang Xiaobai's childhood friend. When they went to the countryside in Jianhua Village, the two of them were together. But now their status is very different, and there is no trace of the past. Casual, friendly with a bit of awe.

"Little sister, Aijun, long time no see. Little sister is still so beautiful, and Aijun has gained weight. It seems that life is good recently." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and greeted the two of them.

 (End of this chapter)

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