Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3500: lack of water

Chapter 3500: Water shortage

A group of people argued in the conference room for a long time, and finally Ni Guangnan made the final decision, and the report will continue tomorrow.

To say that Ni Guangnan was able to manage his affairs well, before the decision was made, there was a lot of noise in the conference room. But after it was decided, the entire conference room began to check for leaks and fill in the vacancies, and everyone worked seriously.

“I think there are very good reasons for us to build a new wafer fab in the mainland. This side of Xiangjiang is a water-scarce city, and our wafer fab consumes too much water.

 Hong Kong’s water shortage is a big problem..."

 A vice president first put forward a reason. Of course, this is also the main reason. It is not that we cannot continue to expand in Xiangjiang, but the key to the problem is that water use here is a big problem.

 Many people know that Xiangjiang’s economy is very prosperous, but most people don’t know that Xiangjiang is very sleep-deprived.

Furthermore, Xiangjiang has a long history of water shortage. Xiangjiang is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the rolling mountains and hills are mainly composed of volcanic rocks and granite. The hard geological conditions are not conducive to groundwater storage and exploitation.

At first, fresh water in Xiangjiang was mainly obtained by collecting rainwater. Although Xiangjiang is located in the subtropics with abundant rainfall, with an average annual rainfall of more than 2,000 millimeters, it lacked lakes, no big rivers, and the land area was small, so there was no way to build large water storage ponds. Conditions make surface precipitation come and go quickly, making it difficult to collect in large quantities.

 The approach of relying on the sky for water and cutting off the supply when drought occurs is unsustainable. Since fresh water is extremely precious, Xiangjiang residents have always called it "fresh water".

Shortage of water is very terrible. When the water conservancy conditions were not so good, many villages fought hard to fight for water.

Of course, it is for irrigating crops, and even drinking water is a problem on the Xiangjiang River side.

There is a TV series called "Red Flag Canal", which describes the people of Lin County who built an artificial sky river by diverting the canal into the forest to solve the water problem. It took ten years to build it and flattened more than a thousand hills. More than 200 tunnels were opened and more than 10,000 various buildings were built.

 It lasted ten years, and more than 100,000 people were used. Eighty-one people died in the process of building the Red Flag Canal. The oldest was 63 years old, and the youngest was only 17 years old.

In Xiangjiang, people were short of water, and it was impossible to build canals to divert water. Because the area is such a big place, we had no choice but to ask for help from the mainland. Then in order to solve the water problem of our compatriots, the mainland chose the Dongjiang River.

Thousands of Miles of Dongjiang, Qianli Gallery, cut mountains and roads, dug holes and built bridges, built 6 barrages, and 8 water pumping stations, forcing the mountains to bow their heads and the river to flow backwards. Supplied to Xiangjiang.

Xiangjiang can be considered to have water. Of course, it is just a draft. Industrial water is still very tight, and it is also a city that is short of water.

 In the production process of the wafer factory, it is inevitable to use a large amount of water, and sea water cannot be used. It must be pure water.

 Why water is needed to produce chips? This needs to start with how the chips come from. The chips are packaged in wafers.

 The main component of the wafer is silicon, and silicon is commonly found in quartz sand, which is sand.

 It seems a bit unbelievable that something as advanced as a chip is made of sand, but this is the fact.

The characteristic of sand is that it is rough, so the surface of the half-cost chip is also rough, which is not suitable for chip packaging. The solution is to clean it with water. Not all water can be used to clean the chip. Impurities in semiconductors have a great impact on resistivity and have many other effects, so chips need to be cleaned with ultrapure water during the production process.

Ultrapure water has almost no impurities except molecules, but extracting ultrapure water is a difficult process, so it requires a lot of cost.

Ordinary water cannot produce pure water in equal proportions, so there will be losses. And producing a chip requires a lot of water. For example, a 2g chip requires 32 kilograms of water resources.

 This requires a lot of water resources, so it is naturally not suitable to expand the scale in Xiangjiang. This is a hard condition.

Ni Guangnan nodded and added this item to tomorrow's report.

"Mr. Ni, I think there is another point that needs to be reported, and that is the problem of the clean workshop. Once the clean workshop is established, it can only be upgraded, not transformed. The current situation is that we want to make some technical improvements. breakthrough.

 The first thing that needs to be solved is the problem of the clean workshop. Now that we want to expand production, the problem of the workshop cannot be solved, and a new workshop must be built..."

"Mr. Ni, let me add that in the current international market, the importance of chips is self-evident. Now among all the technology companies in our country, we are the only one that can produce chips, and we have a complete set of processes. Everyone can sit down.

 From wafer production to chip design to final packaging, although the chips we can produce now have not yet reached the most advanced level, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

  However, the chip market will be huge in the future, and there have been many orders during this period, which will further increase in the future.

 So it is reasonable to build a new wafer fab to meet the demand for future chips..."

 Everyone is talking about it. In fact, there are very good reasons to build a new wafer fab in the mainland. The only problem is that building a new wafer fab is really expensive.

Since its establishment, Hualian Computer has basically invested all the money it has made in technological research. This investment in technology is a bottomless pit, and now it is building a new wafer factory.

Applying with Jiang Xiaobai not only means asking Jiang Xiaobai to approve it, but it also means investing.

Furthermore, the investment in a wafer fab is huge. This does not mean that it can be built with a few hundred million, or more than a billion is not enough. It can easily cost billions or tens of billions of investment.

A group of people discussed it very late and finally decided on everything. Regardless of whether Jiang Xiaobai agreed or not, they had to report it anyway.

When Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the wafer factory the next day, he saw that Ni Guangnan was not in very good spirits, and asked doubtfully: "Mr. Ni, did you not have a rest last night? I don't think you are in a good state? Why don't you rest first, if something happens? Let’s talk later?”

“I fell asleep a little late, that’s okay. I’ll just catch up on some sleep at noon. Don’t worry, Director Jiang.” Ni Guangnan waved his hands in embarrassment. He must not talk about the overnight meeting yesterday. It was embarrassing.

 (End of this chapter)

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