Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3505: What is the core competitiveness

Chapter 3505 What is core competitiveness?

After walking into the supermarket, Jiang Xiaobai could feel that the customer flow of this supermarket was still very good. Of course, it would definitely not be compared with those supermarkets in China because there are so many people in China.

How many people are there in this entire Garden Country? They are not even as good as a first-tier city in later generations. How many people are there in first-tier cities in the country in later generations? They all have a population of tens of millions at least.

As for the Garden Country, the Garden Country has a total population of less than five million, and some of them are distributed on surrounding islands.

So the flow of people is definitely not comparable to that in China, but the consumption power of people here in the Garden Country is relatively high. Jiang Xiaobai can see that the various fruits and vegetables supplied in the supermarket are of relatively high quality.

While Jiang Xiaobai was shopping, he asked the surrounding customers how the prices of vegetables and various products were. To put it simply, it was a satisfaction survey. The other thing was the attitude of the service and the attitude of the staff when checking out. .

 After looking through it, Jiang Xiaobai found that the best-selling areas of these products were mainly concentrated on various small items.

"Dr. Jiang, the small commodities in our supermarket here are mainly purchased from the mainland. We have specialized personnel to select suppliers in the country, so the products here are mainly cost-effective. Opening in the supermarket In the future, we will base our statistics on sales reports.

 In the field of daily sales products, we still have a very strong advantage..."

Liu Xiaomei introduced it to Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai nodded and continued to observe. It can be seen that Liu Xiaomei still understands the situation here very well, and can tell basically every detail.

Jiang Xiaobai did not criticize or praise, he just looked at it lightly. These things are certainly the competitiveness of Yaohan Supermarket. For example, relying on the domestic market, it has great advantages in the category of daily sales products.

 For example, when choosing a geographical location, Liu Xiaomei is also very visionary and foresighted. For example, when choosing a supplier, Liu Xiaomei is really serious.

 As well as store management and a series of other aspects, Liu Xiaomei has done a good job, but this is not the core competitiveness of the supermarket.

If you want to build a small supermarket and rely on several communities, as Liu Xiaomei said, a small supermarket can be built, and you can even open several branches. This is no problem, but if you want to really turn a supermarket into a small supermarket, Turn into a multinational enterprise, turn into a multinational group, or even become the head of the world's top 500 companies like Wal-Mart.

 Becoming a multinational retailer requires core competitiveness.

 Customer-centered, core competitiveness of low prices every day, and this core competitiveness is achieved by its logistics and distribution system.

As for Yaohan Supermarket, Jiang Xiaobai has not seen this core competitiveness until now, especially in this supermarket.

 This core competitiveness is the foundation of a large-scale retail business, and it should be something that is difficult for competitors to imitate or surpass.

This is the core competitiveness of an enterprise, and the characteristics of Yaohan Supermarket that Jiang Xiaobai sees now are very easy to imitate and learn.

Of course, the brand influence of Yaohan Supermarket is also a great advantage, but it has no characteristics. After taking a quick look inside the supermarket, Jiang Xiaobai ended his private visit on Weibo and went to the office above the supermarket.

 The regional director and supermarket manager are already waiting.

“Tell me about the current situation in the supermarket.” Jiang Xiaobai drank tea and looked at the person in charge of the supermarket and said. The person in charge of the supermarket had received the notice a week ago and was fully prepared.

"Okay Director Jiang, let me first talk about the key data report of supermarket sales. This key data is divided into four parts, namely order volume, sales, net sales profit margin and profit. The first is the issue of order volume. The order volume shows The upward trend, generally speaking, is for daily sales products and fast-moving consumer goods...

 Sales are also expanding with the increase in order volume...

Secondly, in terms of product benefits, I will report from three aspects: popularity, profitability and profit contribution. Our supermarket will evaluate and compare the benefits of each product and select those with the highest comprehensive competitiveness. Poor products provide decision-making basis for category optimization..."

The person in charge of the supermarket talked freely. To be honest, the report was very good, organized and well analyzed. It was well prepared in advance.

“There is also customer benefit analysis: analyze customer retention and growth, and use the RFM model to classify customer value groups. At the same time, we further analyze the consumption behavior characteristics of different categories of customers, discover value degradation risks or value improvement points, and thus clarify different categories. The focus of product marketing for customers…”

  The person in charge of the supermarket reported that various data were constantly appearing in the PPT in the conference room. Jiang Xiaobai was not very interested in these data. This is not to say that these data are useless.

 But it is of little use to Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai cannot understand the meaning of these data. He is not a professional, he is only responsible for the general direction.

 After the supermarket manager finished his report, Liu Xiaomei and the regional manager were very satisfied, but Jiang Xiaobai only asked one question.

 That is “What is the core competitiveness of the supermarket?”

Suddenly the supermarket manager was stunned. This report had been prepared for a long time, and now he was suddenly asked to talk about a core competitiveness. How could he understand what core competitiveness was?

He couldn't help but look at the regional director aside. The regional director was also a little confused. Of course he knew the core competitiveness, such as brand advantages, such as relying on the cost-effectiveness of the mainland market, and the establishment of his own brand. Ah, these constitute the competitiveness of Yaohan Supermarket.

But when Jiang Xiaobai asked this question, he was definitely not asking about these things. If he was asking about these things, there would be no need to point them out specifically.

But since Jiang Xiaobai asked this question, he couldn't think too much for a while. He could only bite the bullet and said: "Director Jiang, our core competitiveness now is to rely on the domestic market and high-quality daily necessities. In addition, It’s just a private label…”

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands before he finished speaking and said: "These are not core competencies. In this way, I leave this question to you. You can think about it carefully in the past few days. When I leave, you can answer this question. "

 (End of this chapter)

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