Chapter 3517 President Class

Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Tingting walked into the elevator as they spoke.

“The MBA CEO class at Beijing University?” Jiang Xiaobai turned to look at Zhang Tingting.

Zhang Tingting nodded: "The invitation letter from Guanghua College of Beijing University is very sincere. I really hope you can come. As you know, I didn't study at Beijing University, and there were teachers from the college who invited me." Call me, I..."

Zhang Tingting explained to Jiang Xiaobai that the CEO class has only become popular in the past two years, and there are many classes, the most famous of which is the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

In addition, Jingcheng University has a CEO class, as well as Shuimu University, which also has a CEO class, and there are also some other business schools.

For example, the most famous Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. If you want to be admitted as a student, you need certain conditions. Basically, you need to have a certain reputation and assets. Of course, not to mention how much you will learn after entering, at least. This is a strong connection and so on, for sure.

 Other business schools in the country, some are not so famous, and the requirements of the schools are not very strict. Even after the development of business schools in later generations, there will be more and more mixed products.

Of course, top business schools are still available, such as Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and so on. Every quota is very important.

However, Jiang Xiaobai has not participated in the affairs of these business schools in the past two years, which does not mean that there are no business schools to invite Jiang Xiaobai.

And unlike the invitations that most people received, Jiang Xiaobai was not going to be an academic, but to teach, but Jiang Xiaobai basically refused.

The first is Yangtze University, which is led by the Li family in Xiangjiang. It claims to cultivate a group of business leaders and entrepreneurs with global vision and global resource integration capabilities, humanistic care and social responsibility, and innovative spirit for domestic enterprises and society.

There are many business school paths like this abroad. In fact, the most important thing is to build up connections. As for those who truly succeed in starting a business, they are successful because they learned something in business school.

The relationship between the Li family in Xiangjiang and Jiang Xiaobai is not good. There was friction between the two companies before, and they even had a fight. So it’s not that Yangtze University didn’t invite Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai was invited and why did he go? Competitors are supporting the field.

 Jiang Xiaobai will definitely not go.

Furthermore, after Jiang Xiaobai made his attitude clear, many members of the Oriental Society and people close to Jiang Xiaobai stopped going back.

 This is a trend indicator. If Jiang Xiaobai goes to the CEO class, he will definitely bring a group of people there. This is Jiang Xiaobai's influence.

 So in the past two years, Jiang Xiaobai has not accepted invitations from various CEO classes and business schools. Normally, Zhang Tingting would not report invitations from Beijing University.

 But this is Zhang Tingting's alma mater after all, so she still mentioned it. This is the power of a secretary. She doesn't seem to have much power, but if she mentions it at a critical moment, the effect will be completely different.

For example, at this time, Zhang Tingting brought it up. Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and said, "Okay, let's get on with it."

Zhang Tingting followed him around all day long, and the little girl didn't even have time to rest. If she raised this matter, she must give Zhang Tingting some face.

 It's just a CEO class, which usually doesn't do him any good. Jiang Xiaobai doesn't bother to go, but since there is a need, it's not a big deal to go.

 “Thank you, Director Jiang, thank you, Director Jiang.” Zhang Tingting suddenly showed gratitude. She understood that Jiang Xiaobai agreed because of her own. Otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai would have been too lazy to go to the capital.

 This is to take care of one's own face. "Okay, you're welcome." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand. After getting out of the elevator, Li Longquan was already waiting in front of the car. He opened the door for Jiang Xiaobai, got in and left.

Zhang Tingting got into her car, but after getting in the car, she did not drive home in a hurry. Instead, she took out her mobile phone and called the dean of her university department.

“Director Wang, this is Zhang Tingting.”

 “Classmate Zhang, hello, hello.”

“That’s it, Director Jiang just agreed. If he has time, he will attend the opening ceremony of the MBA CEO class at Beijing University and give lectures.

This matter has been arranged in the itinerary. If nothing unexpected happens, Director Jiang will arrive on time. "Zhang Tingting said straight to the point.

The MBA CEO Class of Beijing University was first organized by the alumni of Guanghua College and was established relatively early, in 1992.

It has become very famous in the past two years. After all, with the name of Beijing University on its back, it is still very intimidating.

Of course, Guanghua College has been mainly responsible for the past two years, and Zhang Tingting is not from Guanghua College. What happened this time was that the dean of Guanghua College found the head of the department where Zhang Tingting was in school.

 Ask the department chair to do a favor.

 Guanghua College has a great reputation, and the dean is also very powerful, but if you want to go directly to Zhang Tingting, it's not a matter of losing face, it's a matter of whether they will pay attention to you.

 No matter how good Guanghua College is, what relationship do you have with Huaqing Holding Group? Why do they bother you?

So I found the dean of the department where Zhang Tingting was studying at that time for help. The dean asked the instructor to call Zhang Tingting to express his sympathy. When Zhang Tingting finished the work, she called back, and of course she called her department dean directly.

“Okay, okay, thank you, Mr. Zhang. When I get back, I’ll call your instructor and a few teachers to treat you to dinner and thank you...” Wang Jun said with a smile.

I helped the dean of Guanghua College accomplish this, so of course I had to use my own favor.

"I'll treat you to a guest when the time comes. I'm grateful to the school for the training I have today..." Zhang Tingting is of course also very good at talking.

 “Classmate Zhang is so polite, you must come back to school often…”

The two exchanged polite greetings before hanging up the phone. Zhang Tingting then drove home. After working as Jiang Xiaobai's secretary, although she was busy working all day and was very tired, her identity and status were completely different. Different.

There is a big gap between me and my original classmates. Other classmates are still working hard, hoping that at the class reunion many years later they will become famous, return home in glory, and prove to their teachers that they are promising.

 But now, I have asked teachers and even department heads to call me and ask me to help them.

 (End of this chapter)

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