Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3521: have a friend

Chapter 3521 I have a friend

Mr. Han talked about the recent commercial film "A World Without Thieves". Jiang Xiaobai had watched this movie several times in his previous life.

So Jiang Xiaobai said casually: "Whenever it is released, let me know and I will go and take a look when I have time."

Mr. Han's heart suddenly moved. Originally, when he mentioned this matter, it was in line with Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Zhongzhong's topic about the changes in the economic market in the past two years.

This also exists in the film industry. What he wants to say is the difference between literary and artistic films and commercial films. You work hard to make a film, but no one buys it, and the box office is bleak. But if you make a casual commercial film, you can make a lot of money. full.

When I give an example, let’s take Director Feng next to me as an example. After all, Director Feng’s commercial films in the past two years have been recognized by everyone, and this is also related to their Beijing Film Academy.

 Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai actually said that he wanted to see it. If Jiang Xiaobai wanted to see it, of course he had to arrange it.

After the meal, Jiang Xiaobai left, but Mr. Han became busy. I don’t know how long Jiang Xiaobai can stay in the capital, but if you want Jiang Xiaobai to like him, the sooner the better.

For a person of Jiang Xiaobai's status, it is actually not easy for him to do what he likes, because Jiang Xiaobai needs nothing. Everyone has what you have, and what you don't have, others have.

In this case, it is rare for you to say that you want to give something to someone who likes him. Mr. Han has met Jiang Xiaobai several times with Mou Qizhong, but his relationship with Jiang Xiaobai is limited to the fact that Jiang Xiaobai knows this person. .

When around Mou Qizhong, Jiang Xiaobai might have looked at Mou Qizhong and said hello to him, but without Mou Qizhong, it was uncertain whether Jiang Xiaobai would talk to him or not.

 Mr. Han has great ambitions. He knows that with the further reform and opening up, the entertainment industry has actually begun to become market-oriented.

 It turns out that making a movie is a task assigned by the superiors. Whatever the superiors tell you to make, they allocate funds and then start shooting.

 In other words, submit the project to the higher authorities, wait until the higher authorities approve it, and then you can start shooting. Then you can start shooting with the money allocated by the upper authorities.

 But things have changed in the past two years. For example, when Mou Qizhong introduced him, he said he was the president of Beijing Film Academy, Mr. Han, and some people outside also called him the same.

 In fact, he is now the president of China Film Group. A few years ago, the original China Film Group directly merged eight companies including Beijing Film Group Corporation into the current China Film Group Corporation.

 It is already the largest film production and distribution company in China.

 But the entertainment industry is different now. Private film companies are waking up to the coming times. It’s not like before. In the past, film and television companies like them were all within the establishment and provided iron rice bowls.

 However, after the reorganization, China Film Group has become a modern enterprise. Although it is still a state-owned enterprise, it is not the same as before.

 If you want to achieve results, you have performance requirements.

China Film Group not only makes movies, but also invests in real estate. Not to mention making money, at least they want to make some money.

 Coupled with the integration of the entertainment industry and the market, it is particularly important to make connections like Jiang Xiaobai, because Jiang Xiaobai is a big boss in private shopping malls, and can even be said to be a big boss in domestic shopping malls.

 He is actually the vice chairman of the company. If he wants to go one step further, become the chairman, and control the entire China Film Group, he will definitely need to achieve results.

 Achievements are often inseparable from financial support, let alone the praise of capital. Therefore, Mr. Han is very ambitious and plans to take this opportunity to hook up with Jiang Xiaobai and completely strengthen Jiang Xiaobai's network.

So after the dinner, Mr. Han called Director Feng directly and asked about the release time of the movie.

Director Feng is also a little surprised. He has a good relationship with Mr. Han. Although they are not too close, but in the Beijing film industry, it is still necessary to maintain a good relationship with Mr. Han.

 So I briefly talked about it, half a month later.

He didn't understand. Mr. Han asked why this matter was for. It was just a movie. Moreover, this was not a New Year's movie. It was not worthy of Mr. Han's attention. Moreover, even if it was a New Year's movie, China Film Group did not invest in this movie. Why was Mr. Han paying attention to it? ?

"Is that so, has the film been cut now? Can it be played? Are the main creative staff in Beijing? Can you call over and screen a movie in advance?" Mr. Han asked directly and simply.

 He has cooperated with Director Feng and has a close relationship. In addition, he still takes the initiative when facing Director Feng.

  After all, he is the deputy director of China Film. This status is nothing in front of Jiang Xiaobai, but in the cultural industry, especially the film and television industry, he is really a big shot.

“The film has been edited and can be played now. As for the creative team, I need to call and ask.” Director Feng was very surprised, but he answered directly and straightforwardly.

Unlike other directors with professional backgrounds, Director Feng has made his way from an ordinary person to where he is today, from the publicity department of a grain factory in Beijing, to the labor union of an urban construction company, to an extra, then to an art director, and now to the current New Year film.

Director Feng is definitely an inspirational idol, very different from someone who comes from a professional background, or who comes from a family of directors.

Later generations said that Wang Baoqiang and Yang Chaoyue started out as group actors and were very inspirational. In fact, when it comes to inspiration, Director Feng is the most inspirational.

This is the real ordinary person who comes from a humble background and climbs up step by step.

Director Feng is certainly aware of how much effort has gone into this, and he understands the world better than others.

 So when Mr. Han asked, he answered immediately.

After answering, he tentatively said: "Mr. Han, what's the matter with you?"

"Well, when a friend was having dinner, I mentioned the film "A World Without Thieves" that you were planning to release. My friend was very interested and said he wanted to watch it.

But he may only be in the capital for a short time, so I was thinking if I could screen your movie in advance and invite members of the creative team to come over. If he wants to meet him then, we can arrange it. Meet. "

 Mr. Han said briefly, but Director Feng felt a turmoil in his heart.

What Mr. Han said was not very clear. He used the word "friend" throughout the whole process, and his words were also vague. Ordinary people might not understand and would ask what kind of friend this was, but he understood clearly. There is a lot of information revealed in this vague way, and the amount of information is very huge.

 (End of this chapter)

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