Chapter 3528: Dragging the Hall

 The audience burst into applause. If Jiang Xiaobai was giving a normal lecture, everyone would not be so enthusiastic. After all, everyone has heard too many commonplace questions and is tired of hearing them.

But when Jiang Xiaobai wants to have a casual chat, everyone gets excited. Jiang Xiaobai has been in business since 1978 and has been so successful in more than 20 years. There are so many things worth talking about.

 Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "I started doing business in 1978. At that time, I was not thinking about starting a business. In fact, I was thinking about when I could return to the city, or when I could resume the college entrance examination and take the college entrance examination.

 But the problem we faced at the time was that we couldn’t survive, the village was poor, and we, the educated youth, were given half the work points for a day’s work.

 There was no other way. If you couldn't survive, you had to start a business, so you started making canned food. With a start-up capital of 100 yuan, more than ten people rolled up their sleeves, but they had no experience, no funds, no connections, and no support.

What is more is just the courage to move forward.

 So the first question I want to say is that in fact, when it comes to starting a business, there is never anything ready. No matter how much you prepare or think about, it is useless.

 Get started and walk on the road, think about it while walking, and slowly correct the problem.

Later, the business gradually started. When I was in college in Beijing, I met Mou Qizhong. He asked me to sell watches, saying that this business was profitable, but I didn't go. Later, he came to me and said that he wanted to exchange cans for money. I made the airplane, and it was successful. We successfully obtained the airplane, found a buyer, and added two large airplanes to Xinan Airlines.

 In fact, many people found it unbelievable at the time, and many people even thought it was too whimsical. However, doing business requires courage. If you only think about making money, you may not be able to make much money despite your hard work.

But if you think about doing big things and changing something, you might really be able to succeed. People who are too timid will not make a fortune. Just do it if you see it right. In the process of starting a business with courage, you must have something..."

 Jiang Xiaobai used his own personal experience to talk about some of the things he encountered during his more than 20 years in business. In fact, he can’t talk about rebirth, and other things can be said casually.

There were bursts of applause from the audience. There were some things that no one could feel when they were just mentioned, but combined with some personal experiences, especially for people like Jiang Xiaobai who have achieved success in their own fields, it is very convincing. It's very strong.

“The last thing I want to say is the keenness of vision. Why did state-owned enterprises fail in comparison with private enterprises? Why? Is it because there is no policy support? Or is there no financial support, or no technical support.

 No, state-owned enterprises crush private enterprises in all aspects, but there is only one thing that private enterprises cannot compare with state-owned enterprises, and that is agility.

 In the first half of this year, colorful socks are popular, and everyone sells colorful socks. In the second half of the year, pantyhose are popular, and everyone sells pantyhose.

But as for the state-owned enterprises, in the first half of the year, colorful socks became popular. They started to make plans and report them to the superiors. When the superiors found time to hold meetings and study, they started to produce colorful socks.

 The product on the market is outdated.

 This is a question of acumen, going deep into the market and understanding the changes of the times. For example, pagers were very popular before, but now it is mobile phones.

One day in the future, the current mobile phone will definitely be replaced by a product, but we don’t know yet. It can even be said that Nokia and the like who are successful in making mobile phones may not be able to react by then.

 This is the opportunity that agility brings…

 The abolition of the welfare housing allocation system did not cause any waves, but today the real estate industry is already booming..."

Jiang Xiaobai was talking eloquently on the stage. He didn’t have a single manuscript in his hand. They were all things he had summarized from his more than 20 years of business experience and his ups and downs in the business world. The students in the audience listened with rapt attention. I can't feel the passage of time at all.

The class started at three o'clock, and it was past five o'clock before I knew it. Normally, there are two classes in the afternoon, one big class, one hour and forty-five minutes, and one small class, forty-five minutes. minute.

 But today is the opening ceremony, so there is only one class, starting from three o'clock and ending at four forty-five.

But the lecture lasted until five o'clock, and no one noticed that get out of class was over. Everyone was still listening with interest, and applause broke out in the classroom from time to time.

It wasn’t until Zhang Tingting came on stage to remind Jiang Xiaobai that the timeout had expired.

“Okay, that’s it for today’s class. I hope it didn’t waste everyone’s time. I hope today’s two hours can help you gain some experience. Finally, everyone is welcome to visit our group.”

Jiang Xiaobai walked down the podium gracefully. The students in the audience stood up and applauded. At the same time, they also understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant. Although there were two more Jiang Xiaobai classes scheduled later, it was very likely that Jiang Xiaobai would not attend again. .

 This is the first class today, but it may also be the last class.

 Amidst a round of applause, Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the classroom.

“Director Jiang, Dean Shi and the others are already waiting at the door. In addition, Mr. Han from China Film Group also called.”

As Zhang Tingting said, Jiang Xiaobai took his cell phone and called Mr. Han back.

“I may need to go there later in the evening, so the movie will be scheduled for 7:30 pm.” Jiang Xiaobai looked at the time and said.

It's past five o'clock now. Even if I leave early, this dinner will take at least two hours. After attending the dinner, it is impossible to say that I have gone and leave before my **** is warmed up.

 Mr. Han heard this on the phone and immediately said: "Okay, Director Jiang, I will pick you up when the time comes."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Han looked at Director Feng and said, "In this case, Director Jiang won't be able to come for dinner. You take these people from the creative team to dinner. Control the time well. Director Jiang will finish at 7:30, and I will take over." Master, come over here and we should be able to show it at eight o'clock.

 The time is two hours. After it is over, I will arrange a place for a late-night snack and see if Director Jiang can go there. "

Director Feng did not complain at all. Since the matter has been done, complaining will not solve the problem and will easily make Mr. Han uncomfortable.

This favor will not sell well.

 Besides, today we are inviting people like Jiang Xiaobai. It is normal for any emergencies to occur. It is even normal for Jiang Xiaobai not to come for a while.

Similarly, when he went out, the people below who wanted to ask him for help also made all kinds of thoughtful arrangements.

 (End of this chapter)

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