Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3533: Transparent

Chapter 3533 Transparency

He didn't have Jiang Xiaobai's personal phone number. After all, he was in the same circle as Jiang Xiaobai. Although he had had two meals with Jiang Xiaobai because of his relationship with Mou Qizhong, he didn't get Jiang Xiaobai's contact information.

But now Jiang Xiaobai not only gave him his contact information, but also told him that he can find him when he comes to Shanghai. This is undoubtedly a further step in the relationship between the two.

 And it's like a promise.

Mr. Han has been busy all day just because of Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

 Jiang Xiaobai had already got in the car and left, leaving only a group of people in front of the hotel.

"Everyone, thank you all. If you are not in a hurry to leave tomorrow, I will treat you to a meal tomorrow and thank you all. This time, you are helping me. If anything happens in the future, you can come to me. "

Mr. Han said with a smile that Jiang Xiaobai gave him his contact information, indicating that the relationship was further deepened, and he made a promise to these actors that if you have anything to do in the future, you can contact him, which also means that he admits this matter. He owes you a favor.

 Level 1 constitutes the operating rules of this society.

Several celebrities all said that it didn't matter, but they were very satisfied in their hearts. Isn't this how the connections came about.

 Furthermore, I had a meal with Jiang Xiaobai. From now on, I will be proud to brag when I go out.

But when a few people were thinking about it, Mr. Han continued to speak: "But there is one more thing I want to ask you, that is, what happened tonight, please keep it secret and don't tell it. Especially when we are chatting, Something to say, this..."

Director Feng couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth as Mr. Han spoke. He did say a lot of things that shouldn't be said tonight. He said what he could and couldn't say. Mr. Han basically said everything he knew. .

 Several celebrities heard the news and quickly said that they would not tell it, but they couldn't help but cursed in their hearts, you know you can't spread it, so don't tell it.

They are actors and stars. During the meal, Mr. Han and Jiang Dong were talking about the scandals of star actors that they knew about. There are unspoken rules.

  Although they are very curious about these things and listen to them with great interest, after all, it is a matter of their industry, and being criticized like this makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, you have a high status and cannot be offended. You can say whatever you like. Now that you have said it, are you still afraid that we will spread the word?

And even if we don’t say these things, is it true that Jiang Xiaobai won’t say it? This is all gossip, can people keep it from spreading?

 Or do you dare to let people keep it a secret?

He knows how to bully those of us who are weak, but even though he is dissatisfied, since Mr. Han has spoken, he can't help but give him face.

After agreeing, several celebrities got in the car and left, leaving only Director Feng and Ge You.

“Mr. Han, please get in the car and go back.”

"Okay, I'll treat you tomorrow night. Let's have a drink." Mr. Han nodded, got in the car and left.

Ge You watched Mr. Han's car slowly disappear from sight, and said casually: "Director Feng, Mr. Han really had a good time tonight, and he spoke freely. I am the number one in many secrets in the industry. Heard it once.”

"What makes you happy after drinking? Not to mention this little wine, even if you drink twice as much wine, even if you are drunk, Mr. Han will not talk nonsense.

If he didn't have the right words, would Mr. Han be able to get to where he is today? "Director Feng shook his head and said in a deep voice. "Then what did Mr. Han say today..." Ge You asked doubtfully.

“Can’t you see? That’s because Jiang Xiaobai likes to listen. Jiang Xiaobai likes to listen. In order to build a relationship, Mr. Han will naturally say everything he can and cannot say.

 Otherwise, what would we talk about? Talking about business? What people are thinking about is which multinational company to acquire, and what they are talking about is the changes in the domestic and foreign economies. What you are thinking about is making two movies to attract some investment. How can we talk about this?

 Finally, I finally found a topic that people are interested in. Why don’t you just follow their advice? Naturally, I have said everything that should be said and should not be said. "

Ge You was a little emotional when he heard this. He didn't expect that even someone like Mr. Han would cater to this extent.

“Okay, let’s go. This Jiang Xiaobai is different from Mou Qizhong, and we are not able to come into contact with such a character. If we meet today, we may not know when we will meet next time.

But with this one-sided relationship, if you really encounter something in the future, go to someone and maybe they can help you because of this one-sided relationship. Director Feng said with some emotion.

Ge You shook his head: "How is that possible? People will help me just after eating such a meal. I don't think I have that much face, nor do I have such a deep friendship with them."

Director Feng smiled and said, "I guess you don't understand this. It's not that you have a great reputation or a deep friendship, but that what is a big deal to you may only be a matter of one sentence to others.

Tell me about this one-time relationship. Would anyone help you? "

 Ge You's eyes widened. Although he said he didn't want to admit it, what Director Feng said made sense. He knew that there was a big gap between him and Jiang Xiaobai, but this understanding was far less profound than Director Feng's.

 Indeed, what may be a big deal to you may be a matter of just one sentence to others.

During the meal just now, Jiang Xiaobai also revealed something during the conversation. The Lin family of Xiangjiang, the former entertainment tycoons, had a very good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai and told Jiang Xiaobai a lot of gossip.

This shows that Jiang Xiaobai also has a lot of connections in the entertainment industry, but people don't take these things seriously, such as Mr. Han's personal connections.

For ordinary actors and celebrities, it must be very important. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people here today. But for Jiang Xiaobai, such connections may be just gossip and entertainment. .

 People don’t care at all.

 So when the time comes, if I really have something to ask Jiang Xiaobai's door, Jiang Xiaobai's casual words may be able to help me a lot.

 I feel that the friendship is not deep and the reason why others will not help me is because this matter is difficult to handle. But if the matter is just a casual remark, such a casual relationship is enough.

“Director Feng, you still see clearly. I still want to learn more from you.” Ge You said with some emotion.

“You don’t need to learn from me, just keep acting. I see that Jiang Dong likes you. If you have a chance, get in front of more people.”

 (End of this chapter)

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