Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3538: Responsibility and responsibility

Chapter 3538 Responsibility and Responsibility

Several directors spoke one after another, and their opinions were very unanimous. They did not say that they opposed the launch of the wafer fab project, but that it needed to be slowed down and it could not be launched now.

Ni Guangnan's face is already ugly. Please take a moment to calm down. Time often doesn't wait for me. If you delay, it will be equivalent to missing the opportunity.

 But he couldn't refute it even if he wanted to, because building a wafer fab requires a large amount of money, and no one said they would not support your technology development.

If he said that people do not support technology and only want to go into the sales market, then he can still refute a few words, because technology, industry and trade have always been the route he adheres to.

 But the problem now is that it is too difficult to come up with this fund, so he understands it.

 Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Weiyi: "Mr. Zhang, what's your opinion?"

“The construction of this wafer fab is very important, especially now. We have been catching up with foreign technology for many years. We have even made achievements in all aspects. We are no worse than foreign technology.

 So on this chip, our Huaqing Holding Group, as a leading domestic enterprise, also has this responsibility and responsibility. It should invest in technology research and development, and should be the leader to catch up with foreign technology. "

Zhang Weiyi stood at a good height as soon as he opened his mouth. Jiang Xiaobai nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s a matter of time. I think we should wait a little. At the end of the year, the heads of each subsidiary will hold a year-end summary meeting. Let’s count the profits of each subsidiary this year and see how much money can be spent.

In addition, there is also how much money can be obtained from Huahua Bank. If it is not enough, then you need to wait for a year. These billions of dollars are indeed a lot of funds.

 There is a lot of pressure on our group, but this is not a reason or excuse. If we cannot raise enough money this year, we will definitely do it next year.

When we do things, we only look at whether it can be done and whether it is necessary to do it, rather than whether the money is a big investment. We only look at the things that need to be done. Then we have to find a way to use the money. There must be more ways than the difficulties. If we can't do it in a year, we Just two years.

If it needs to be launched, then make it a top priority. At the end of the year, ask Mr. Ni to come again and report this matter again in front of the heads of each subsidiary company and mention this plan..."

Ni Guangnan had an excited look on his face after listening to Zhang Weiyi's words. Compared with the excuses of other directors, Zhang Weiyi also mentioned that he didn't have enough money and needed to wait.

 But he clearly gave a time and started to think of a solution. This statement is almost unreservedly supported.

It's like you're asking someone to borrow money, or something like "I won't have it this month. I'll get you some when I have more money." "I'm also nervous now, so let's go find someone else first. I've got some." "I'll help you pay it back." "If you didn't tell me earlier, I just don't have any money now. So, when I want to pay someone else the money they owe me, I'll pay it back first."...etc.

  It is obviously an excuse.

But if you say: "I have 30,000 yuan in hand now, and next month's salary can still make 8,000 yuan. If it is not enough, I will go to my buddy tomorrow and he still has 20,000 yuan, and I will give it to him together." you…"

 This means that I really want to lend you some money.

 “Thank you, Mr. Zhang.” Ni Guangnan said excitedly. "You're welcome, it's all for the group's sake, there's no need to thank you." Zhang Weiyi waved his hand.

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang said it very well. When we at Huaqing Holding Group do something, we only ask whether it should be done, not whether we have the money. If we don't have the money, we just try to figure it out.

 When we started building the Educated Youth Cannery, we only had one hundred yuan. One hundred yuan, if we wanted to make cans and sell them, it would definitely not be enough if we had enough money.

But we knew that we could only make canned food at that time. We didn’t think about whether we had enough money, so we just did it. That’s why our Huaqing Holding Group is today. We have experienced many ups and downs along the way, and we have always been Just do it if you are sure you need to do it.

Of course we encountered many difficulties during the process, but we never backed down, which is why we have achieved our current results.

Since everyone agrees that this wafer fab project should be built, the matter is settled. The next step is to find a way to do it, rather than saying that we don’t have the ability now and pushing it back. "

 Jiang Xiaobai said with finality, and several directors lowered their heads. It cannot be said that what they said was unreasonable. The key is whether they are brave or not. This thinking is still normal business thinking.

"Our Huaqing Holding Group, many people in the country think that we are the leader of private enterprises. What is a leader? Can a company be called a leader just because it makes a lot of money? No, I think it is like what Mr. Zhang said , because of responsibility and responsibility. When we stand in this position, we must have our own responsibility and responsibility. Other companies do not have the strength to do this technology and public relations. We have it, so we have to do it.

Rather than occupying more of the market and making more money, when competition requires scientific research and technology, saying that this should not be done by a company and needs to be done by higher-ups, what kind of responsibility and responsibility is that? "

 Jiang Xiaobai’s words were all addressed to the directors sitting here. He hoped that they could improve their ideological awareness and improve their standing. A leading company should have its own height.

  You should have your own consciousness and responsibility, and you should have your own mind and structure.

“Standing in this position today, we did what we did. Even if we didn’t have the strength and fell in the end, at least we would have written a strong mark in history, letting people know what leading companies should do.

Lianxiang and Hualian are competitors. The other company is in the trade, industry and technology industry. Today, they are planning to acquire Citigroup’s IBM PC division.

 We are taking the technical, industrial and trade route, so we must have our own technical support, otherwise, why would we compete with each other?

 So I approved the construction of a new wafer fab. The next thing everyone discusses is no longer whether it should be built, but how to find a way to build this wafer fab project.

understand? "

  Although the directors in the conference room looked ugly after being scolded by Jiang Xiaobai, they still responded one by one at this time. They were deeply shocked. This was the first time that Jiang Xiaobai let them, directors, decide on major affairs of the group.

 This time is also an educational lesson for them, letting them know what kind of company Huaqing Holding Group really is.

 (End of this chapter)

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