Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3550: global issues

Chapter 3550 Globalization Issues

At the beginning of the establishment of Oriental Club, Jiang Xiaobai’s purpose was to set up a platform for everyone to communicate, not to set up a chamber of commerce or the like.

How can you communicate when you are sitting on the stage? You are directly facing your subordinates and giving orders.

 Exchange meetings, exchange meetings, of course require everyone to sit together to communicate. How can we communicate if we don’t sit together?

 So Jiang Xiaobai finally adopted this meeting method.

After everyone had almost arrived, Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly, took the microphone and said directly: "This Oriental Club has been open for many years, but actually I have never been interested in it. My thoughts are like this, these big cities all day long There’s no point in having a meeting, otherwise, let’s find another way in the future.”

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai said this, everyone turned their attention to Jiang Xiaobai, wanting to know what Jiang Xiaobai meant by changing the way.

 After all, the Oriental Society has remained unchanged for so many years. It suddenly needs to change its approach. What method should it be changed to?

 “What does Jiang Dong mean?”

 “Do you have any good ideas, Mr. Jiang?”

“It’s been so many years, it’s time to change it.” Everyone below said one after another.

 There are even those who don’t even know what method Jiang Xiaobai plans to change, so they directly start supporting Jiang Xiaobai.

"Looking back, let's choose a suitable place. The itinerary of the Eastern Conference will be fixed there every year. Find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and at the same time, we can relax. Just like the World Economic Forum chose Davos, we also have to choose a fixed place. place, otherwise the meeting place would be changed every year.

 Always seems to be fighting guerrillas, not like a regular team. "

Jiang Xiaobai paused as he spoke, and then explained: “The reason why I chose this method at the beginning was to give everyone a sense of participation.

But the participating places are Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It seems that there is nothing new. The organizers have to change hotels, and they can’t stay in the same hotel. It’s too laborious. "

“Will the organizer change in the future?” Someone asked. In fact, no one cares where the meeting is held. After all, it is not a meeting.

 The key is the organizer. For example, if Feng Lun is the organizer this time, he can make a lot of connections at once.

 This is what everyone cares about.

“As for the organizer, everyone can still take turns to be the host. It’s not good to be willing to spend money. If everyone is not willing to take turns to host, then everyone can pay some membership fees every year. This is optional.”

“Then I think it’s better to return the favor to the organizer every year. Otherwise, it won’t be our turn to host the company yet. Wouldn’t it be a big loss because we haven’t properly entertained everyone?”

“Yes, we were the organizers of the previous Oriental Club, and we were always asked to express our gratitude.”

Everyone said one after another that it was better to retain the organizer. Jiang Xiaobai didn't care, so the matter was settled.

 In the future, meetings will no longer be held in the headquarters city where the organizer is located. There must be a fixed place.

 But where to fix it, everyone has an idea. Director Lu, for example, wants to fix it in Zhejiang Province. Zhejiang Province is full of small towns with beautiful mountains and clear waters. There is no problem in choosing one.

 These people in the north tend to be in the north, but there is really no good scenery in the north. Unless it is built at the foot of some famous mountains, it will not be able to compete.

"For this specific location, let's go back and submit two of them one by one, and we will slowly select them. Anyway, the next time will be at the end of next year. Now we will officially hold the Oriental Conference to have a simple exchange on the development of various industries. ." Jiang Xiaobai brought the topic back on track.

 Everyone also began to concentrate on discussing the issues of this Oriental Conference.

 The two industries that must take the lead are real estate and heavy industry. Needless to say, these two industries have suffered such great restrictions this year. Now everyone wants to use the eyes of others to see what next year will be like.

Whether the cold weather will continue or there will be a certain degree of relief will also determine the next development strategies of companies in these industries.

Of course, this does not mean that the Eastern Conference can completely decide, but through the exchanges and collisions of so many people, we can have a more comprehensive view.

Three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang, not to mention that the people sitting here are all big guys in the industry. They all have their own vision and structure, and they all have their own unique views and understandings of the development of the domestic economic situation.

 Plus, Jiang Xiaobai is here.

 So after discussing that industry, we will basically make predictions about the development of this industry next year.

 After so many years, it is a very exciting thing for that industry to be able to fight for issues.

· Real estate and heavy industry were the first to capture the issues, followed by the Internet industry. The Internet industry has slowed down in the past two years.

After the previous bubble, not only did it not recover, but on the contrary, it also found its own path. Of course, this path has not been long so far, but the game alone has allowed some Internet companies to make a lot of money. The basin is full.

 So Internet companies are now very vocal, and in the blink of an eye, three companies have been selected.

Next, everyone wanted to continue talking, but Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly: "Let me raise a topic. Last night during dinner, Director Lu talked about Lian Xiang. Everyone knows what Lian Xiang is doing. He is leaving. Internationalization, the road to globalization.

So I would like to add this to the discussion. Should we take the path of globalization? How to take it? "

"I agree." Factory Director Lu was the first to express his opinion. In fact, Wanxiang is also on the road to globalization and has many plans abroad. It was even said that in the past few years, Wanxiang The road to globalization begins.

Liu Yonghao’s second statement of support is that some people in the real estate industry and heavy industry industry do not care about globalization or not, but their agenda has been determined and they will definitely support Jiang Xiaobai’s agenda.

Others have also agreed that globalization is indeed a problem that many companies sitting here today are about to face.

 In fact, the development of domestic enterprises now is completely different from that in the 1980s and 1990s.

 In the 1980s and 1990s, everyone seized the opportunity to develop domestically.

 But after entering the millennium and entering the WTO, it was completely different. Moreover, the domestic economic development was also changing with each passing day. It was a completely different world than it was twenty years ago.

 (End of this chapter)

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