Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3562: One stone stirs up thousands of waves

Chapter 3562: One stone stirs up a thousand waves

Jiang Xiaobai’s voice was not loud, but his short sentence hit everyone’s hearts like a heavy hammer.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in disbelief. Some even suspected that they had heard wrongly and turned to look at others, wanting to confirm whether they were hearing hallucinations. Jiang Xiaobai wanted to Their subsidiary was made independent.

Speaking of these subsidiaries under Huaqing Holding Group, which one has not thought about going out independently and running their own operations?

Even if you have not thought about this issue, others will talk about it. For example, when chatting with friends or partners over dinner, others will inadvertently bring up this topic.

Your company is so big, why don’t you run it independently? Or would it be better to operate independently? Wait and stuff like that.

 However, the subsidiaries of Huaqing Holding Group are different from other subsidiaries because of the special development history of Huaqing Holding Group.

 As a result, Jiang Xiaobai's control over these subsidiaries was too strong. They did not have independent capital at all. Jiang Xiaobai said a word and they were replaced.

 Furthermore, subsidiaries still rely heavily on the headquarters.

For example, regarding the funding issues of various subsidiaries, if any of them runs out of money, they have to rely on help from the headquarters.

 Plus, with Jiang Xiaobai here, who dares to mention independence? What? If they want to rebel, they may be mentioned today, but tomorrow they will be transferred from their posts with an order from the headquarters.

For example, Changxingju Real Estate Company and Huaqing Electrical Appliances, when the company was first established, it was the person in charge who founded it, and then there was no change of people in the middle. All the management and senior management of the company were promoted by the person in charge. of.

 Fortunately, he has strong control over the company. Coupled with Jiang Xiaobai's decentralization, he has a certain foundation in the company.

It may be a bit troublesome for the headquarters to change people, but for other companies, the person in charge has been changed several times, such as Jiahe Beverage, Jiang Xiaobai Clothing Company, etc.

In such a company, the person in charge has changed several times. The company has defaulted, and the person in charge is the one appointed by the above.

 In addition, companies such as Yaohan Supermarket, Hualian Computer, and Huahai Automobile have only been established for a short period of time.

 So no one in the entire group or any of its subsidiaries dared to mention this matter, and Wang Meng and Wang Chao certainly would not mention it either.

 As a result, Jiang Xiaobai actually proposed it on his own initiative.

It can be said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone's hearts suddenly became alive.

 This is an independent operation, and the headquarters cannot intervene in most things. This is a good thing for each subsidiary.

Who can not be moved?

 But no one dared to answer the call for a while. It is true that I want to be independent, but at this time, I am the first one to come out and express my position. What are you doing? Have you wanted to be independent for a long time? So impatient.

 What do you think of Jiang Xiaobai?

Even though Jiang Xiaobai knew that everyone wanted to go out independently, he couldn't act too anxious.

 So after Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the office was quiet.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at everyone. After turning around, he said, "What's wrong? Why isn't everyone talking?"

Still no one said a word, even when Jiang Xiaobai looked over, some people even lowered their heads.

Jiang Xiaobai knew what they were thinking and turned to look at Wang Meng with a half-smile.

"Mengzi, this is not what you should be like. Shouldn't you say something when you have something to say?" Wang Meng's face turned red all of a sudden, and he said in a confused tone: "Brother Bai, I'm not a reckless guy."

 “Hahaha.” There was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

 The atmosphere in the conference room has also improved a lot, it is much more relaxed, and there is no longer the serious and tense atmosphere just now.

“Tian Yuan, tell me.” Jiang Xiaobai turned to look at Tian Yuan and asked.

Tianyuan was stunned for a moment. Looking at the eyes of everyone in the conference room looking towards him, Tianyuan felt that his heartbeat was beating much faster.

 As for running an independent business, he definitely wants to and is willing to do so. The company has its own decisions on everything big and small, so how could he not be willing?

  But as a newcomer, Tianyuan felt that he did not have the qualifications. In terms of scale, Huahai Automobile is not the largest among these subsidiaries.

 In terms of sales, Huahai Automobile only ranks second.

 In terms of qualifications, it is even more out of his turn.

Why did Jiang Xiaobai point to himself and say, what does it mean, what do you want him to say.

 But if I don’t say anything, I will miss this opportunity. If I miss this opportunity, I don’t know when the next time will be.

Even if the subsidiaries become independent, everyone is aware of it. It is impossible to say that all of them will be independent at once, and the group headquarters will become an empty frame.

 So there must be a sequence, so who goes first?

The sooner this kind of thing happens, the better. Just like the special zones in the country, the first ones always develop best.

And it is very likely that not all subsidiaries will become independent. Maybe a few people will become independent and then stop.

 So whether we should argue about this or how to say it, Tian Yuan felt hesitant in his heart. Obviously everyone was sitting in the conference room, but Tian Yuan felt as if he was in an examination room.

Moreover, without any mental preparation, they directly drag you to take the college entrance examination, telling you that this exam will determine your future destiny in life.

Tianyuan was nervous and had beads of sweat on her temples, especially under the gaze of everyone.

"Director Jiang. I..." Tian Yuan said hesitantly, looking at Mao Zhenhua aside, hoping that Mao Zhenhua could give him some hints.

He is in charge of the domestic Huahai Automobile Factory, and Mao Zhenhua is in charge of the overseas Huahai Automobile. Although on paper he is the top person in charge of Huahai Automobile, in fact, the two of them discuss any important matters.

 So at this time, he wanted to see what Mao Zhenhua had in mind.

However, Mao Zhenhua was also confused at this time. He couldn't understand why Jiang Xiaobai named Huahai Automobile Company.

 What does this mean? Do you want to test it out, or are you really willing to let Huahai Auto become independent?

 Or do you want Huahai Auto to be the first to become independent?

 Impossible. In terms of scale and qualifications, Huahai Auto should not be the first. Moreover, they had not heard any news about this incident before.

 So he is confused now and has not come back to his senses. How can he give Tian Yuan a hint?

 (End of this chapter)

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