Chapter 3564 Explanation

 The 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month is the New Year. After the morning meeting, everyone gathered for the last time in the Jianhua Hotel at noon.

 The last meal was dumplings, which is also a northern custom. Most of the executives of Huaqing Holding Group are northerners, and of course they follow northerners' habits.

 After the dinner, that afternoon, the Huaqing Holding Group headquarters announced a holiday, which would last until the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

 About half a month, which is certainly not in compliance with the normal holiday regulations. Legal holidays have never been so long.

However, Huaqing Holding Group is a private enterprise, and no one can control it if it wants to take a holiday.

 It is basically a holiday at this time every year. The headquarters is like this, so the subsidiaries below are also similar.

 After all, the headquarters is on holiday, and there is no way to carry out any business. Basically, after a day or two of holidays at the headquarters, the holidays will follow.

Having been busy for a year, Jiang Xiaobai did not get in the car and go back to the group headquarters after having lunch and seeing off the group’s senior management. Instead, he and Zhang Weiyi strolled towards the headquarters.

In the Magic City in the twelfth lunar month, although the weather was not as cold as in the north, there was a different kind of cold and biting feeling. Jiang Xiaobai wrapped his coat tightly.

The wind on the bank of the Huangpu River was very cold, and no one spoke for a while. It was not until Jiang Xiaobai finished smoking the cigarette in his hand and threw the cigarette **** on the ground that Jiang Xiaobai spoke.

“Still a little worried, right?” Jiang Xiaobai’s voice was low. In fact, Zhang Weiyi’s mood had been a little strange in the past two days, and he noticed it.

Others may have too many things going on in the past two days, and the construction of a wafer fab will disrupt the company's strategic layout for next year. Maybe it will affect the company's long-term development in the future when it becomes independent, and a series of other things. His mind was distracted.

None of them noticed that Zhang Weiyi, the group's chief butler, was emotionally abnormal, but Jiang Xiaobai noticed it.

 Actually, he had the same worries, but he didn't show his emotions.

 “Yes.” Zhang Weiyi responded softly and nodded slightly.

"Old Zhang." Jiang Xiaobai stopped and turned to look at Zhang Weiyi. In the cold wind, Zhang Weiyi's figure looked slightly thin.

The temples on both sides of his forehead are slightly gray, and wrinkles have appeared on his face without knowing when.

There was a worried and haggard look in his eyes.

“In the blink of an eye, it has been more than twenty years. We are all old. I still remember the first time we met. At that time, you were still working in the ministries in the capital.

  When you first resigned and followed me to Jianhua Village, your family didn’t agree. But you came resolutely despite the doubts and pressure from the outside world.

  We have created a miracle until today, but we have put in too much effort and effort to get to this day. I know you are worried and reluctant to let go, but we are old and cannot continue to be responsible for the entire group.

If the two of us are gone and the group remains like this, if it takes the wrong path, it will really be doomed.

 But if we separate, if the eggs are not put in one basket, it is impossible for all of them to make mistakes. Even if one company has problems, other companies can still continue. "

Jiang Xiaobai has never told Zhang Weiyi these things before, and Jiang Xiaobai is not a person who is willing to tell others what is on his mind. The habit we have always developed is to act arbitrarily within the group without explaining it to anyone.

But looking at Zhang Weiyi's worried look, Jiang Xiaobai felt that if he didn't make it clear, Zhang Weiyi might not have a good year this year, so he prepared to make it clear to Zhang Weiyi.

 Zhang Weiyi had a look of surprise on his face when he heard this. Indeed, Jiang Xiaobai's words made sense. Huaqing Holding Group was too huge.

 Many of its subsidiaries belong to leading companies in the industry, and the current system of Huaqing Holding Group is to concentrate its efforts on big things.

For example, in the previous acquisition of Huahai Automobile, all the strength of the entire group will be used. For example, in the current fab construction plan, the subsidiaries of the entire group will have people and strong efforts. Even many subsidiaries will adjust. Your company’s strategic layout for next year.

 Use all your strength to support the wafer fab construction plan. In this case, if the wafer fab plan succeeds, there is nothing to say, but if it fails.

 It has an impact on the entire group.

 With this kind of corporate strategic layout that has a huge impact, it is okay to make a mistake once or twice, but three mistakes will cause huge problems for the entire group.

The good thing about this kind of group system is that if there is a person in charge with great vision and structure to lead the way, it will develop very quickly because it can focus on doing big things.

 But once the layout is wrong, the backlash for the group will also be very large, and the advantages and disadvantages are very obvious.

Huaqing Holding Group has been able to reach today because Jiang Xiaobai has basically never made any mistakes. Under the system of this group, it has developed very quickly, and many subsidiaries have become industry leaders, but no one can guarantee that. He never makes mistakes.

 Even said that it was impossible for Jiang Xiaobai.

What's more, Jiang Xiaobai will not be able to stay in this position forever in the future.

 As for the subsidiaries below, if they become independent, even if one company makes a mistake, it will not affect other subsidiaries.

 Of course, in the future there will be no such thing to concentrate on, and we will have to rely on our subsidiaries for their own development.

 For example, if you want to use a computer, you will have to rely on your own strength to do anything in the future. If you rely on yourself, you will miss many opportunities.

Opportunities in the market are fleeting. If you miss some opportunities, they will never happen again. If you seize some opportunities, it may be smooth sailing.

“We have all dedicated our lives to the company. We were once high-spirited and passionate young people, but as time goes by, there is no point in being reluctant to give up..."

Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion, and Zhang Weiyi also showed a look of relief on his face. He stood by the Huangpu River and said with a smile: "Director Jiang, you are quite a lot, and you are still young and powerful. I am older than you. It is true now." old."

“Haha, I’m already old. Time is like a butcher’s knife, which makes people grow old.” Jiang Xiaobai joked. The process of appeasing Zhang Weiyi was actually a process of persuasion for him. No one has more affection for Huaqing Holding Group than him.

 (End of this chapter)

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