Chapter 3566 It’s snowing

Shi Qiang is the newly appointed village chief, and it was Jiang Xiaobai who supported him. Jiang Xiaobai came back today and did not come out to greet him. He must have an explanation.

"Hmm." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand. He never cared about this kind of thing. People who don't have money especially care about others thinking they are poor. People who look ugly are very concerned about other people's eyes.

 But if a rich man is called a poor man by others, he won't care at all. Because everyone knows that it is jealousy.

This is also why it is said that the King of Hell is easy to deal with and difficult to deal with. Some small leaders and bosses are very arrogant because they need this to set off their status.

But when Jiang Xiaobai came here, he didn't use others to set off his majesty. Shi Qiang didn't come, so something must have happened and he couldn't leave. He knew it in his heart without having to explain.

“How has Shi Qiang been doing during this time? Can the affairs in the village be handled well?” Jiang Xiaobai asked casually.

"Yes, Shi Qiang is very thoughtful and a good person. In the past six months, he has been recognized by the villagers." Li Xiaoliu said after hesitating for a moment and then said: "He Lianghua has moved away and no longer lives in the village. ”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded when he heard this and said nothing. He Lianghua had stayed in the position of village chief for so many years.

 But those who are uncertain, especially in recent years, always feel that the growth of Jianhua Village is due to his ability, and even to a certain extent, it is a bit like the attitude of the owner of Qiu Village towards Daqiu Village.

 To put it bluntly, I am a little erratic. I want to have the final say on matters in the village, but how is that possible?

He Lianghua is just a latecomer in Jianhua Village. The old party secretary and himself are the founders. He Lianghua just inherited it all.

Placing He Lianghua in that position shows that He Lianghua is capable, but it would be the same for another person. As long as his ability is not bad, he can sit still.

“Dr. Jiang, let’s eat at the cannery for lunch. Someone went into the mountains yesterday and got some game. They packed it up and cooked it this morning. Let’s have some together at noon.” Li Laosan said with a smile.

 In later generations, these things have become protected animals, but at this time there were no such regulations. It has always been the simple concept of the Chinese people to rely on mountains and rivers to eat.

Some policies are not generalized and are changed based on actual conditions, such as family planning and the liberalization of two and three children.

Is that policy wrong? It's just that if you put it at different times, the results will be different.

 In the 1970s and 1980s, many places in the Northeast relied on cutting down trees to support national construction, but later the mountains were closed for forestation.

 At this time, eating some game meat really doesn’t mean anything, and there aren’t that many words to say about it.

 Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded. He still prefers to eat some game after returning to Jianhua Village. This hobby is only known to people in Jianhua Village.

Li Xiaoliu and Li Laosan sat in the small courtyard for educated youth for a while, then got up and left. Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi began to clean up the house.

 In fact, there are not many things to pack in the house. Needless to say, Li Xiaoliu has already arranged these things before Jiang Xiaobai comes back. Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi only need to put away the items they brought back.

After finishing cleaning, the sky became gray. In fact, after returning to Jianhua Village from the Magic City, I was still a little uncomfortable with the weather here.

 In winter in the south, there is generally little snow, but in the north the northwest wind is bitingly cold, and there is a heavy snowfall from time to time.

"The two children ran off to play somewhere. It's such a cold day, Xiaobai, or I should go look for them." Zhao Xinyi was a little worried.

This worry is a worry in my heart. Although I know that nothing will happen to the two children in Jianhua Village, I still can't help but worry. Unlike Jiang Xiaobai, Jianhua Village is an extremely familiar place for Jiang Xiaobai.

“Okay.” Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded. He understood his wife’s thoughts, got up and went out to find someone.

Finding people in the village is different from finding people in the city. Just ask casually. Jiang Xiaobai asked while looking for people in the village.

 After a while, I found Jiang Langlang and Jiang Xin, who were playing games at a villager's house.

Although there were online games at this time, many of them in rural areas were still Xiaobawang controllers.

Jiang Langlang was playing in full swing and had no intention of leaving at all. Jiang Xin was not willing to leave. When Jiang Xiaobai came to the house, the villagers of course gave him a warm welcome.

He also insisted on dragging Jiang Xiaobai to have dinner at home at noon. He was not polite, but he really wanted Jiang Xiaobai to stay.

They all started to roll up their sleeves and cook, but Jiang Xiaobai finally refused and said that Li Xiaoliu was ready, so he gave up.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't stay much longer. Before leaving, he told Jiang Langlang not to freeze. If he was hungry at noon, he should go to the cannery to eat.

“Okay dad, you can go and do your work, you can still be hungry in the village.” Jiang Langlang was playing hard and said nonchalantly.

However, there is no water in this statement. Every one of the people in Jianhua Village will not let Jiang Langlang and his sister go hungry even if they don't eat.

 Jianhua Village is what it is today because of Jiang Xiaobai.

 How could it be possible for Jiang Xiaobai's children to go hungry?

Jiang Xiaobai felt very relieved. The child was old and he couldn't get hungry in Jianhua Village, so he could do whatever he wanted.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the village's small courtyard for educated youth, Zhao Xinyi saw that Jiang Xiaobai had not brought the child back, and she understood what was going on without asking.

 “Don’t want to come back?”

“Well, he became wild when he came back to the village. I asked him to go to the cannery canteen for lunch at noon, but he was still unwilling and told me that he was not hungry.” Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Zhao Xinyi also laughed out loud: "Actually, I was like this at Longgang at the time."

“That’s not the case. You were the daughter of Longgang back then. How could you be hungry? We are different.” Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  When mentioning the past things, the two of them slowly reminisced about it. Sons of factory workers, people of that generation are very special.

 Passionate and innocent, at that time the sky was blue, the water was clear, and people’s hearts were simple and kind.

 At almost noon, snowflakes began to float in the sky, and petals of crystal clear snowflakes fell from the sky.

Zhao Xinyi saw that it was snowing and looked like a little girl. She ran outside the house and reached out to catch the snowflakes. She has been living in the Magic City for the past two years and has rarely seen such snowing scenes.

 (End of this chapter)

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