Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3571: Clear-cut support

 Chapter 3571: Clear support

The first video and telephone conference of the Oriental Association, but this video and telephone conference is likely to determine the future direction of the Oriental Association.

 The Oriental Association has been established for a long time. It has been maintained very well in the past, but this time it is different.

In recent years, the domestic economy has developed very rapidly, the scale of assets under our hands has also grown rapidly, and everyone has more thoughts.

There are also many members of the Oriental Club, and the team is huge. Now it seems that Jiang Xiaobai can manage the affairs of the Oriental Club, but there are also hidden dangers here.

From Zhao Xiaojin’s perspective, if the Oriental Society is still around, it will definitely be beneficial to Huaqing Holding Group.

 So she wants to maintain the Eastern Club, so she must work hard to promote tonight's events. Once the rules of tonight's conference are implemented, they will form rules in the future.

There will be no hidden dangers in the future of the Oriental Society.

 As for what happens tonight, loyal allies such as Huaqing Holding Group, such as Wank and Wanxiang, will definitely be able to achieve their goals better if these loyal allies are present.

Time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye, the hands were already pointing towards seven o'clock, and there were already members waiting on some of the screens.

Zhao Xiaojin is still counting. This first Oriental Association video conference is very special. Members of the Oriental Association, regardless of whether they have time or not, will take time to participate.

“Secretary-General Zhao, all the sub-venues participating in the video conference this time have been connected, and two-thirds of the members have already arrived.”

 Zhao Xiaojin nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "Where is Director Jiang?"

“Director Jiang is almost here.”

"Okay, get ready. Contact each branch venue for the last time to confirm the situation of each branch venue and whether the sound and video are good." Zhao Xiaojin took a deep breath and said.

 The huge TV screen has been divided into small squares, and each small square is a branch venue.

 Zhao Xiaojin has already gone to the door to wait for Jiang Xiaobai.

 At seven o'clock sharp, Jiang Xiaobai appeared at the door of the conference room, and Zhao Xiaojin greeted him.

“Director Jiang, all branch venues have been connected, and there are no problems with audio and video.”

“Are you absent again?” Jiang Xiaobai nodded and asked.

 “No, no one is absent.” Zhao Xiaojin said.

 Jiang Xiaobai had already sat down in the middle of the conference room and looked at the huge screen. On the huge screen, the side of the main venue occupied half of the huge screen.

 The remaining small squares made Jiang Xiaobai feel dizzy.

“Okay, let’s adjust the layout so that whoever speaks will put up the screen of the branch room. This is too messy,” Jiang Xiaobai said.

 Zhao Xiaojin nodded and waved to the staff on the side, and suddenly there were only a few squares left on the screen. The most important ones are the Hope Group and Wanxiang Group, which have the best connections.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the people on the screen, softly spoke, and said directly: "I believe everyone knows the reason for holding this meeting today.

Everyone should have seen the Sudan Red thing on the Internet today. Yes, I had people put these things on the Internet.

It’s really too much. I really can’t believe that some companies are so crazy that they can even add carcinogens.

The melamine issue is still happening right now, and as a result, some companies are taking risks for the sake of profit, and food safety issues continue to occur..."

Jiang Xiaobai said straightforwardly as soon as he came up. There was no need for any preparation for this kind of thing, but any normal person would feel angry.

And everyone can also feel the unspeakable anger contained in Jiang Xiaobai's calm voice from Jiang Xiaobai's voice.

"Heinz Company, haha, this is such a big company. This afternoon, it actually approached the four major portals and wanted public relations. What kind of thing is this? Food safety issues have all been exposed by testing, and they didn't even think about it. He admitted his mistake and didn't want to solve the problem. He was afraid of exposure and wanted the police to calm the matter down. This is really not taking our domestic market seriously. "

Jiang Xiaobai continued to talk. The entire video call venue, involving dozens of sub-venues, was silent, and no one dared to say a word.

It wasn't until Jiang Xiaobai's words came to an end that Factory Director Lu said: "Director Jiang is right, the impact of this Sudan Red incident is too bad. From my perspective, we absolutely cannot stand by and watch this kind of thing. "

"Director Jiang, Director Lu, we in the East will have regulations. Just start sanctioning Heinz according to our regulations. When such a vicious incident happened, the first time I didn't think about how to make up for the mistakes I made, but in the end I still wanted to I’m in charge of public relations.”

Factory Director Lu and Liu Yonghao clearly agreed with Jiang Xiaobai's opinion from the beginning. Jiang Xiaobai didn't even say anything, but they already stood up and supported Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai was still drinking water, and Zhao Xiaojin on the side was already relieved.

Next was Mr. Wang from Wank, who made the same statement: "I agree, not only to sanction Heinz, but also to sever ties with Heinz on a global scale, and notify all partners that in the future, anything related to Heinz, No contact is allowed and all contact is severed..."

“Our Dawu Group is preparing to hold a press conference early tomorrow morning to announce this matter. Heinz Company, this company has gone too far. It is just for money and has no conscience..."

Sun Dawu is the most indignant. In fact, judging from the size of the group at this time, Sun Dawu definitely should not speak out at this time.

 But he could no longer bear it any longer.

Next is Niu Sheng: "We made mistakes before, but we corrected them. We are also very resistant to this kind of behavior. Similarly, we are willing to join this boycott. For Heinz Company, we cannot Leave some room, we must block it and resist it.”

“I agree with the ban and boycott. Even if Director Jiang doesn’t mention it, I am willing to do so. This afternoon, I got the news. To be honest, I even threw away my tea cup at that time..."

"Director Jiang, please give the order. According to the rules of our Oriental Association, you can handle it as you want. Our company fully supports it unconditionally."

 (End of this chapter)

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