Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3579: Two big questions

Chapter 3579 Two major issues

 The issues of battery life and charging can be said to be the most difficult issues in the history of pure electric vehicles, and this is also the case with future 05 cars.

The 180-kilometer range is fine for a quick run in the city, but not enough for a long trip.

For many people, although the battery life may not be used for a long time, if it is used, the battery life will not be sustained at all.

 Purchasing a car is still very important for a family, and this shortcoming is very important.

 And the 180 kilometers of cruising range refers to normal weather and road conditions. In extreme weather, the cruising range will be even shorter.

“Battery life is definitely a problem. In this case, there are only two ways. One is to seek technological breakthroughs, that is, breakthroughs in lithium batteries. If there can be a breakthrough in lithium battery technology, there will definitely be no problem.

This battery life can be increased, but this will definitely not happen overnight..."

“The other is to add hybrid methods and use power lines as a range extension method...”

 Wang Fu proposed a solution to the problem of short battery life. In fact, this is not a novel solution, because basically all pure electric vehicles use this solution when they face battery life problems.

 Either conquer the technology, or do hybridization.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Don't mention the hybrid thing. We are not in a hurry, and we are not in a hurry to make money. So, let's set a time limit first, two and a half years, and our new car will be ready in 2008 at the latest, which is the Olympic Games. It was officially offline that year.

 At that time, it will be called Future 08. We will use these two and a half years to further conquer technology. I will give you a standard.

 In two years, the mileage will be increased by 120 kilometers per year. In two and a half years, the mileage will be increased by 300 kilometers.

I hope that by 2008, our first car will roll off the production line in 2008, and it will have at least 480 kilometers of driving range. "

Hearing this, Wang Fu had a wry smile on his face: "Dr. Jiang, I can't guarantee this. A 480-kilometer battery life requires a lot of technological breakthroughs."

"In two and a half years, we have to give people what we need, give money to what we need, and the cruising range must be exceeded. We will not consider the hybrid range extension, because first of all, it is about the maintenance of the motor and the maintenance of the generator set. The cost is relatively high. In addition, the battery capacity of hybrid vehicles is smaller and the cruising range in electric mode is shorter. If we choose hybrid, it will be even more impossible to make breakthroughs in battery in the future..."

 Jiang Xiaobai said, and Wang Fu nodded helplessly. He knew that what Jiang Xiaobai said was indeed correct. If a hybrid was used, it would definitely be more difficult to achieve a breakthrough in battery technology.

 Because the adoption of hybridization means that they do not have the courage to burn the boat and stick to the path of pure electric vehicles, it means that they can go on without hesitation.

 But the pressure fell on him in the end. If he couldn't do it by then, he would bear the greatest responsibility.

“What Mr. Jiang said makes sense. If you use a hybrid to extend the range, don’t end up with a different car, like a toddler in Handan...” Uncle Li also said.

Factory Director Lu also nodded and supported Jiang Xiaobai’s idea. The three of them are capable of manufacturing themselves. It would be meaningless to build a car that looks different. They might as well just make a fuel vehicle.

 It is not that there is no market for fuel vehicles.

 There is no need to engage in this kind of hybrid range extension, it is completely meaningless.

 Jiang Xiaobai, Deputy Uncle Li and Factory Director Lu all have this attitude. The remaining Wang Zhongtian and Wang Fu have no use having any opinions. Although the two of them are anxious to make some money, even if it is a hybrid, as long as they can make money, it does not necessarily have to be done in one step.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was resolute and they had no choice. It would be great if Jiang Xiaobai was willing to take them to play together.

“After the issue of battery life is over, there is the issue of charging. Now our cars normally use a 220V magnetic induction system to charge. It takes about three to five hours to fully charge, which is a bit long.

But our magnetic induction system charging has its own advantages. This wireless charging technology means there is no direct connection, and charging the car when it rains does not bring any risks. "

Wang Fu said proudly that he led his team to research this charging system day and night. Not to mention it is the most advanced system now, but to a certain extent, this charging system is at least the most advanced system in the country. .

“Of course GM also provides a 110V portable charger that can be used with any standard power outlet, but this charge is extremely slow, taking about 12-15 hours to fully charge.”

 Jiang Xiaobai frowned when he heard this.

“How much does that wireless charging system cost?” Jiang Xiaobai asked.

“This cost is a bit expensive.” Wang Fu said sheepishly. In fact, many technologies are not unusable. The key issue is the cost.

  If you want to put a technology into commercial use, the most critical issue is that the technology must not only be produced in the laboratory, but also be produced in the factory.

 It is not enough that it can be made in a factory, but the cost needs to be reduced.

If the cost is too high, this technology will be useless.

"12 to 15 hours is a bit long. Normally, in a city, when people go back from get off work and go to work the next morning, the time in between should be reduced to at least six to eight hours. .

Or even in a shorter time..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, Director Jiang." Wang Fu didn't even argue this time and agreed directly. Of course he knew that the charging time was too long.

“Dr. Jiang, will wireless charging technology continue to be developed?” Wang Fu asked.

 Although the technology cost of wireless charging is too expensive, it is safe and fast, which is the most important point.

 Jiang Xiaobai nodded: “Continue development and strive to further reduce this cost.

 In addition, if our cars are mass-produced, another very important issue is the safety of outdoor charging, which must also be fully considered.

 There is also a need to connect with the technology sector. There will be as many charging piles as there are gas stations in the future, at least more than half. As for this infrastructure, it needs to be promoted and coordinated by the higher authorities. We alone will definitely not be able to do it. "

 (End of this chapter)

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