Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3582: stock market

Chapter 3582 Stock Market

ˆ Domestic products were sold abroad because of low prices, and the manufacturing industry at that time was bound to be affected.

 For local people, it is inevitable that businesses will close down and the unemployment rate will increase. They do not want to do this.

 But for domestic enterprises, it is also inevitable to export products, engage in globalization, and compete according to legitimate and legal means.

 When domestic state-owned enterprises were rampant, there was local protectionism. Even after joining the WTO, it does not mean that domestic enterprises were not protected.

Taking the film industry as an example, it needs to introduce foreign films every year, but the fewer films it can introduce, the less they will be introduced. Once they are introduced, good schedules will not be arranged.

Then there are also things like Domestic Film Protection Month.

 Every country handles it the same way. Now that the domestic manufacturing industry is powerful and has had a certain impact on the economies of other countries, they will also face this kind of obstruction.

 There is no good way, we can only face the difficulties, each for their own interests, and within the rules, to maximize their own perseverance.

Moreover, the only thing that is strong in China now is manufacturing. It would be worthwhile to be happy when the things created in China can gain a foothold internationally.

 Instead of just relying on cheap labor to reduce costs like now, there is actually nothing to be proud of.

Of course, in fact, the domestic economy did not even have a manufacturing industry in the past. In just twenty years, it has become a global phenomenon that has aroused the vigilance of other countries and caused companies in other countries to use administrative means to intervene. .

 This achievement itself is something to be proud of.

 The food must be eaten in bite-sized chunks, and the journey must be walked step by step.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the document in his hand and signed his name. This is still one of the procedures for Huahai Automobile's independence.

This kind of thing always proceeds very slowly, and there are too many things involved. If all the documents are sorted out, they may be able to fit into a large box.

In the first half of the year, Huahai Auto probably didn’t have to do anything. Tian Yuan and Mao Zhenhua could just go through these procedures.

Of course, this does not mean that these procedures require Mao Zhenhua and Tianyuan to come forward, but if other people below are allowed to go out and run the procedures, the time consuming will be even slower.

For example, the current shareholders involved in Huaqing Holding Group include Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Meng, Wang Chao, Liu Jian, Zhang Weiyi and so on.

If you go to the office to go through the formalities, you may not be able to see these people at a certain time when you get to the place. You have to make an appointment and wait.

 It needs to be notified, etc. It may take two or three days for one person to sign a document, and I don’t know how long it will take to sign a whole set of documents.

Tian Yuan and Mao Zhenhua came out in person, but it was different. Even if the road was blocked, they could sign two documents.

 So this matter must be handled by Mao Zhenhua and Tian Yuan. It is really not just Wang Chao and others who are arrogant, this is reality. No matter how airs it is, it is impossible to say that people from below can come and block it at any time.

 The key is that there is no such relationship.

Zhang Weiyi waited for Jiang Xiaobai to finish signing, but did not leave. Instead, he talked about the stock market. The stock market occupies a very important position in the domestic economic market.

 Although the domestic stock market has been unsatisfactory, after all, it is an important part of the economy. It used to be more than 2,000, but now it has more than 1,000 left, and even the index is still falling.

This shows that capital has not been optimistic about the domestic stock market. For ordinary companies, there is no need to consider the stock market at all. After all, if the company is not listed, the quality of the stock market has nothing to do with the company.

But it is different for Huaqing Holding Group. With such a huge scale, Huaqing Holding Group and the overall domestic economic environment have a lot to do with Huaqing Holding Group.

 The domestic stock market has been not doing well, and Zhang Weiyi will certainly be worried.

“This is the domestic stock market.” Jiang Xiaobai said hesitantly, and in the last half of his life he said, “Forget it, this stock market has nothing to do with us, so don’t think too much about it.”

 It is true that the domestic stock market has been failing to live up to expectations. The stock markets in other countries are booming, but the domestic stock market is.

  It was originally one thousand points, and later it was three thousand points. Anyway, there is no bottom line or threshold. This place is simply not accessible to ordinary people.

There may be people who make money in the stock market, but the probability is actually not much greater than the probability of buying stocks.

 In the general stock market, when people buy stocks, they do value investing, but in the domestic stock market, they do value investing, hahaha.

It was so disappointing that Jiang Xiaobai didn't even bother to mention it.

“Yes, I know that we have listed each company one by one, but other companies will definitely choose to go public in the future. If the domestic stock market continues to be like this..."

“If that doesn’t work, just choose Hong Kong stocks. There is no need to list in China.” Jiang Xiaobai said.

Hearing this, Zhang Weiyi shook his head helplessly. He knew that Jiang Xiaobai had completely given up on the domestic stock market, otherwise he would not have said such words.

You must know that Jiang Xiaobai has always been very concerned about the domestic economy and has a very strong sense of social responsibility.

 At this mention, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

“By the way, Director Jiang, there are two meetings in Shanghai recently. One is about the business environment of small and medium-sized enterprises.

 The other one is a forum on in-depth reform of enterprises..." Zhang Weiyi said.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Okay, I understand. You tell Zhang Tingting about the itinerary and let her arrange it, but you will be responsible for some subsequent matters.

 Next, regarding the canned affairs of educated youth, I need to go abroad to West New Zealand..."

 Zhang Weiyi and the two chatted for a while before getting up and leaving.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but open the stock market on the computer. Looking at the green top, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh. It was already a thousand points. If the memory was not wrong, he couldn't hold on to the thousand points. In the end, he couldn't hold on to the stock market. There are only a few hundred points left.

The domestic stock market is actually not a human problem, but a flaw in the system design since its inception.

ˆ There are two types of equity: tradable shares and non-tradable shares. The shareholding ratio of non-tradable shares is relatively high, and the same shares have different rights, which has caused the rights and interests of many shareholders of tradable shares, especially small and medium-sized shareholders, to be harmed.

 (End of this chapter)

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