Chapter 3589 Analysis

Wang Meng and Li Beibei left, and Jiang Xiaobai and Li Xiaoliu began to formally discuss the anti-dumping case against educated youth cans in West New Zealand.

Anti-dumping cases generally go through several stages, including appeal, filing, investigation, ruling, review, etc. Under normal circumstances, industries harmed by importers or their representatives should submit a written application to the relevant department to start an anti-dumping investigation, which is a necessary condition for an anti-dumping investigation.

The anti-dumping case against educated youth cans has now reached the investigation stage. As for the applicant, it is a food canning company in West New Zealand. They believe that educated youth cans have damaged their industry.

 So I appealed, and now it has been approved and is in the investigation stage.

"Dr. Jiang, I won't be afraid of a formal ruling or a lawsuit. This is not the first day that our educated youth cans have been abroad. We still have some understanding of various countries. In West New Zealand, While opening up the market.

For the situation of Xixinlan, if you say a lawsuit, the big deal is to prepare the materials, and then set up an international consortium and an external professional lawyer group ... "

Li Xiaoliu said in a somewhat shaky voice, obviously a little angry about West New Zealand's anti-dumping.

In fact, it’s understandable. It’s not easy to open up markets abroad. But after finally opening up the market, you stopped having fun and just resorted to administrative procedures. Who wouldn’t be annoyed by this?

"Don't say such things, this is just the beginning. We are not the first company to encounter this situation abroad. The current international situation is like this. As our international influence grows, we will encounter this situation." This situation will definitely become more and more common.

  This is a normal thing, and you should deal with it proactively if you encounter it. "

Jiang Xiaobai scolded, Li Xiaoliu immediately shrank, nodded and said: "Director Jiang, I understand."

"Well." Jiang Xiaobai continued: "The current situation is that if we can avoid going to the stage of responding to the lawsuit, we don't have to meet in court.

 Try to resolve this matter as early as possible during the investigation stage. In this case, one is to shorten the investigation time as soon as possible.

 It can allow our products to be released as soon as possible and reduce the ban time. The other is to end it early, needless to say, the relationship will be so rigid. "

 Sometimes, if you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose. For example, in a casino, if you win, you can get all the chips, and if you lose, you will be cleared out.

 Winning is winning, losing is losing, it’s very simple.

 But some situations are more complicated. They fall into the category of losing when you win, and winning when you lose, such as a quarrel between lovers. If you win the quarrel, you will lose the relationship. If you lose the quarrel, you will win the relationship.

 This anti-dumping case is similar to one involving feelings.

 Anti-dumping cases are very troublesome. First of all, in terms of time, generally speaking, the maximum period for an anti-dumping investigation is twelve months from the date of announcement of the decision to initiate the investigation, which is one year.

  But if there are special circumstances, it can be extended to eighteen months, which means that it will take a full year and a half. In a year and a half, the day lilies will be dried.

This is still the first stage. If you respond to the appeal and lose, you have to continue the appeal and wait for the second time.

 The maximum period for the first investigation is one and a half years, but many anti-dumping cases start in two or three years.

 You can imagine how long it takes. During this time, you have to lead people all day long to collect information, form an accounting team, find lawyers, and conduct analysis and research.

 Another one is the amount of money spent, which is also a large amount. For enterprises, not only will they not be able to make any money during this period of time, but they will also have to spend a lot of money on it. In the final result, life and death are unpredictable, and we don’t know what the final direction will be. If we win, it’s okay. We don’t need to pay more anti-dumping charges and we can export at normal prices.

 But if you lose, it will really be a heavy loss.

 Furthermore, in this kind of anti-dumping case, the party under investigation can basically say that it loses more than it wins.

 The last one is procedurally very troublesome. After receiving the notice, the party under investigation must prepare various response materials and then deliver them to the designated location within a certain time limit.

 The parties will then provide written evidence. Finally, during the investigation, all relevant parties will hold hearings at any time... and consumers and customers will also be asked to express their opinions.

 It’s all kinds of troublesome procedures anyway.

 To sum up, there are three points: time-consuming, money-consuming and cumbersome procedures. These three points are enough to cause the collapse of the enterprise.

 So the best thing is to intervene during the investigation stage and understand the matter quickly, rather than waiting until the end of the investigation.

 It is best to terminate the investigation early, which can save a lot of time and effort.

"Okay, Director Jiang, when are we going to go there? I have initially formed a financial team and an external legal team. Although they are not very professional, they can be used together." Li Xiaoliu said.

“Okay, just be prepared and take it with you. If it’s time to set off, do it as soon as possible.” Jiang Xiaobai said.

“Okay, Director Jiang, I will make arrangements right now. Do you think there is anything else?” Li Xiaoliu asked.

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a moment: "Let's do this. Contact our domestic canning industry association and ask the association to come forward and see if they can help coordinate.

 In addition, I will set off this afternoon to go to the capital and look for someone at the Ministry of Commerce to see if the people there can help coordinate. After all, they are an official department...

Finally, it’s our counterparts in West New Zealand. Let’s see if there are any strategic partners of ours in West New Zealand. If your educated youth canned food company doesn’t have one, go to the group. You can go back and contact Mr. Zhang and all the subsidiaries and ask them. Again, it would be better if local people came forward and could clarify the stakes. "

“Okay, Mr. Jiang, I understand.”

“Okay, let’s do it like this.” Jiang Xiaobai nodded, stood up and said, “We will go in three directions. I will be responsible for negotiating with the commercial department, and you will be responsible for contacting the canning industry.

Zhang Tingting, you are responsible for finding our group’s strategic partners in West New Zealand..."

After lunch that day, Jiang Xiaobai took Zhang Tingting and set off. Li Xiaoliu arranged the company's affairs and then set off with the team. The two parties would meet in the capital and then head to Xixinlan together.

 (End of this chapter)

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