Chapter 3595 Wellington

After Wang Zhiyuan explained the departments that probably needed to be contacted, Li Siyan also came back. She was very surprised by the tour. However, at this time, there were so many people there, and there was no way to talk to Jiang Xiaobai in detail.

 Instead, they also participated in discussing the specific implementation plan.

“In this way, we have some information here to introduce to you the situation in West New Zealand, so that everyone can have an idea.

Of course, the main thing is the history of anti-dumping in West New Zealand. Only by understanding the history of anti-dumping in West New Zealand can everyone make a clear target..."

“West New Zealand can be said to be one of the first countries to have anti-dumping legislation. In 1905, West New Zealand’s agricultural machinery manufacturers complained to a Citizen harvester manufacturer for monopolizing the West New Zealand market at low prices.

 As a result, an "Agricultural Machinery Production, Import and Sale Act" was passed, providing for the imposition of a special tariff on unfair imports. "

Li Siyan introduced, and Li Xiaoliu on the side couldn't help but said: "This West New Zealand is really good enough. Emotions have a history of complaining. If your own company is not good, just complain. If your own company is not good, just complain. It's done every day. This set.

I think they don’t need to hang around in the WTO anymore. They can just delist. What are they doing in the WTO? These rules are all made by them. If it is good for them, they will implement it. If it is not good for them, they will report it directly..."

Li Xiaoliu couldn't help but complain. Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly and interrupted Li Xiaoliu's words.

"Okay, now is not the time to say those angry words. What are you doing? Siyan, go on." Jiang Xiaobai said angrily, although he agreed with Li Xiaoliu's words from the bottom of his heart. What the **** is this? If we can play together, let’s play together. If we can’t, then don’t play together. Let’s do this.

But now it’s Wang Zhiyuan, Li Siyan and staff from the Ministry of Commerce, plus external lawyers and industry and finance teams.

 Complaining and complaining in front of so many people is useless and can easily be belittled.

 Li Siyan nodded and continued: “This bill was in use until 1915. In 1921, West New Zealand’s first complete anti-dumping law, the West New Zealand Customs Amendment, was promulgated.

This bill gives the Commissioner of Customs the power to impose anti-dumping duties. This act remained in effect until 1965. The Customs Amendment Act 1965 broadened the scope of the "infringement or injury" clause...

 In the 1971 Customs Amendment, some conditions for the imposition of anti-dumping duties were added... After several revisions, the content of the current "Act" basically follows the content of the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement and the WTO Countervailing Agreement.

 In the second half of 2000, the new Ministry of Commerce was renamed the Ministry of Economic Development. The Trade Remedy Unit of the Ministry of Economic Development is responsible for anti-dumping and countervailing investigations. The collection of anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties is the responsibility of West New Zealand Customs..."

Li Siyan introduced the history. Jiang Xiaobai had a headache listening to the names and changes of each bill. He was not a professional and felt dizzy hearing about these things.

 But overall, the anti-dumping in West New Zealand has a long history.

After Li Siyan’s introduction, the external team of lawyers on the other side began to introduce the anti-dumping process.

 The process of introducing anti-dumping cases was introduced by Lawyer Shen. He also collected some information. He has been responsible for such cases abroad for many years and also participated in a previous anti-dumping case in West New Zealand. "Anti-dumping cases in West New Zealand generally have several processes. The first is the original investigation. I took a look and found that our current anti-dumping case of educated youth cans is still in this process, so our best thing is to finalize the matter at this stage. ”

Otherwise, it is a sunset review. The sunset review is mainly to review the substantial damage and the necessity of continued taxation, followed by the review of the new exporter, and then the reassessment, which is mainly to reassess the anti-dumping or countervailing tax rates, including calculation. formulas and so on. "

Lawyer Shen introduced the process of the anti-dumping case to everyone, and then sent everyone some information, which was the anti-dumping case filed in West New Zealand from January 1998 to 2005, that is, January of this year.

“West New Zealand has conducted a total of 30 original anti-dumping investigations, and anti-dumping duties were finally imposed on 10 of them; a one-third chance of being established, which is quite acceptable.

A total of 21 sunset reviews were conducted, and anti-dumping duties were continued to be imposed in 4 cases; a total of 4 new exporter reviews were conducted, and no tax was imposed on new exporters; a total of 10 reassessment investigations were conducted, and 5 were taxed. rise.

The main reasons why the case was not taxed include: no dumping, no damage was found, the import volume was small, the applicant withdrew the application, and there were no comparable products. "

Lawyer Shen was still introducing. Jiang Xiaobai already had a headache. He stood up and said, "Let's discuss it. I still have some things to deal with."

He was really confused by hearing these things. Professional matters should be left to professionals. He should control the general direction of the group and just be a mascot honestly.

The plane flew for more than ten hours. By the second half of the flight, everyone was exhausted and soon everyone started to take a rest.

Li Siyan and Zhang Tingting went to the bedroom inside to rest for a while. In fact, it was Jiang Xiaobai's exclusive bedroom. However, there were too many people on the plane this time, and people from the business department were here to help. As the owner, Jiang Xiaobai was snoring in the bedroom. It's not appropriate to sleep in large amounts.

 The capital of West New Zealand is Wellington, but planes flying directly here usually land in Auckland.

Then we set off from Auckland to Wellington. After getting off the plane, the person in charge of Yaohan Supermarket came to pick us up.

I didn’t leave for Wellington that day because it was too late, so I stayed in Auckland for one night, and then set off for Wellington the next day.

 Wellington Steak is quite famous in China, but this Wellington Steak has nothing to do with the city of Wellington.

Wellington's climate is still very good, mild and humid, and spring-like all year round. Moreover, after entering Wellington, the artistic atmosphere is particularly strong. Together with Sydney and Melbourne, it can be regarded as the cultural center of Oceania.

The person in charge of Xixinlan of Yaohan Supermarket acted as a tour guide in the car, introducing the situation in Wellington to Jiang Xiaobai and his party.

"Wellington is a city built on a mountain. Because Wellington is close to the bay and the terrain is high, it is often hit by sea winds. It is windy most days of the year. It is the city with the highest average wind speed in the world. Therefore, it has "The Windy City."

 (End of this chapter)

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