Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3608: share reform

Chapter 3608 Shareholding Reform

 Chu Beiping looked at Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's reply. No matter how active he was about the equity restructuring, Jiang Xiaobai still had to nod his head in approval.

If Jiang Xiaobai agrees, with the influence of Jiahe Beverage, there is no doubt that it will be among the first batch of listed companies to participate in the shareholding restructuring.

It is even said that as long as the pilot enterprise "Sany Heavy Industry" completes the shareholding reform, they can start the shareholding reform process at any time.

But if Jiang Xiaobai disagrees, it will be useless for them to think anything, because Jiang Xiaobai is the major shareholder and the big boss.

Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be pondering, but in fact, he didn't consider whether to agree to this matter at all, because the shareholding reform was a trend.

 This matter has been brought up a long time ago. This is also the normal development of the stock market. Otherwise, the equity between tradable shares and non-tradable shares would be unequal.

 Non-tradable shareholders must find ways to make money, and it will be difficult to end the chaos of being a banker.

Of course, this does not mean that this phenomenon can be completely avoided after the shareholding reform, but at least to a certain extent, it can be reduced a lot.

 Someone had proposed it before, but in the end it was shelved because the opposition was too strong. This matter was very similar to the price breakthrough in the 1980s and the corporate property rights reform in the late 1990s.

At the beginning, it was a powerful quarrel. It was not possible to promote forcibly. The effect was not great. It may even be directly miscarriage, but when the argument was exhausted, it was often smooth to promote the enterprise.

Jiang Xiaobai has no reason to disagree with this matter. Not to mention that this matter itself is a good thing. Simply looking at historical trends, this is a major trend and there is no way to stop it.

 I remember that in my previous life, this share reform was very successful and it took a very short time, that is, in one year, more than a thousand listed companies almost completed the share reform. It has reached more than 90% of the market value.

 So the shareholding reform must be completed, and there is nothing wrong with completing it ahead of schedule. What Jiang Xiaobai hesitates about is how the shareholding reform should be carried out, whether to distribute shares or give away money.

“Director Jiang, this is a good thing. After the stock market reform, it will definitely be more conducive to the development of the stock market. I think we can participate in the share reform.” Zhang Weiyi persuaded from the side.

He thought Jiang Xiaobai was hesitant about the share reform. After all, it could be seen from Jiang Xiaobai's previous attitude towards the stock market that Jiang Xiaobai was very cautious about the stock market.

Other companies are actively seeking to go public, but among the companies under the Huaqing Holding Group, the only ones listed so far are Home and Beverage. Other companies, Changxingju Real Estate Company, have been making noises about going public, but they have not yet been listed.

 One can imagine Jiang Xiaobai’s attitude towards the stock market.

Jiang Xiaobai came to his senses after hearing the words, nodded directly and said: "It's a good thing, we should participate. The higher-ups have ideas to arrange for the first batch to start the share reform, so we will be the first batch to participate."

“Okay, Director Jiang.” Chu Beiping suddenly became excited.

“However, this share reform plan needs to be carefully considered, and the start time must be subject to the arrangements from above. The share reform plan must be more cautious, and the interests of small shareholders must be fully considered.

We have to be responsible to the small shareholders. I don’t care what other companies are like, but after the tradable shares are listed, the company must prepare part of the cash and repurchase part of the shares from the market...”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Chu Beiping and arranged. Chu Beiping and Zhang Weiyi looked at each other. They both knew Jiang Xiaobai and knew that this was Jiang Xiaobai's usual style.

 Compared with other listed companies, which issue additional shares one after another in order to raise funds, Jiahe Beverage has not only never issued additional shares in the market, but has also repurchased shares. Unlike other companies, listing is just for raising money. This is one of the reasons why the stock price of Home and Beverage is very strong. As long as you hold the shares of Home and Beverage for a long time, there is no reason to lose money.

 Even when the market and general environment are not good, Home and Beverage's stocks have maintained their value very well.

“Okay, Director Jiang, I understand.” Chu Beiping nodded and went back to prepare a plan.

Not long after Chu Beiping left, Fan Gang called. He also called because of the shareholding reform.

 Yili also received the notice from above.

Fan Gang was far away from the grassland, far away from the Magic City, and his connections within the group were not very deep due to time constraints, so he did not know the news of Jiang Xiaobai's return in advance.

I just got the news this afternoon that Jiang Xiaobai was back, so I called and wanted to come to Shanghai to report to Jiang Xiaobai.

He knew that Jiang Xiaobai was busy, and if he arranged his time normally, he might have to wait until later, and the shareholding reform was an imminent matter, so he did not call Zhang Tingting, but called Jiang Xiaobai directly to ask about Jiang Xiaobai's schedule.

"You don't need to come. Jiahe Beverage has also received a notice. I agree with this matter. You can just convene the board of directors to make arrangements normally, but you must fully take care of the interests of small shareholders..."

Jiang Xiaobai paused and said, "By the way, the company needs to prepare some funds to repurchase shares from the market.

Especially after the share reform, the shares released by circulating shareholders must be repurchased so that the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders cannot be harmed. As for the rest, it depends on whether the share reform plan can be passed.

 Then it depends on whether the share reform plan can be passed. The opinions of circulating shareholders must be fully solicited. If the circulating shareholders have opinions, then shelve it temporarily. "

As for Yili, Jiang Xiaobai is a little more worried, although normally, Yili's performance in the stock market is pretty good.

 But compared to home and drinks, the performance is still unsatisfactory.

Jiahe Company has nothing to worry about. The only issue that needs to be considered is whether Jiang Xiaobai agrees or not. As long as Jiang Xiaobai agrees and Chu Beiping is confident, there will be no objection from small and medium-sized circulating shareholders.

 In this share reform plan, either cash or shares will be given to small and medium-sized circulating shareholders.

The shares of other companies are worthless. There is no difference between giving them away and not giving them away. At the beginning of the share reform, the stock price dropped so much that all the shares were given away. For example, ten shares were given away and three shares were given away. Before the shares were given away, one share might be ten bucks.

Hold one lot, that is, one hundred shares, which may be worth a thousand yuan.

 But after the shareholding reform, after three lower limits, the stock price is only about 7 yuan. There are too many shares. Ten shares have become 13 shares, but the total of 13 shares is only more than 90 yuan. There are more than nine hundred left in one hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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