Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3621: coincidentally

Chapter 3621 Coincidence

Zhang Tingting's eyes widened. This is what Jiang Xiaobai said just now, and this is what Wang Liang meant after he came.

After Wang Liang finished speaking, he saw Zhang Tingting's expression was strange, so he couldn't help but asked in confusion.

“What’s wrong? Secretary Zhang, did I say something wrong? Or did I?”

Zhang Tingting shook her head quickly and said: "No, no, I'm just curious. You and our Director Jiang have the same idea. I just got a call from Mr. Xiaorong.

 After paraphrasing President Zang’s words, Jiang Dong said, since President Zang wants to be in Cao’s camp and his heart is in the Han Dynasty, and wants to have two boats, let them board our pirate ship. "

As Zhang Tingting said, Jiang Xiaobai had a dark look on his face: "What is a pirate ship? When did I call it a pirate ship?"

“Dr. Jiang, that’s what you mean. You and Mr. Wang have the same idea.”

Wang Liang understood now and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile: "Dr. Jiang, it seems we have the same idea."

“Yes, the heroes have the same view.” Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Liang shook hands.

“So, before the start of this meeting specifically for Huahua Bank, we divided into two groups. On the other side, Mr. Huang prepared various reporting materials, and when the meeting started, he used hard power to convince all the board members.

On the other side, we visited the directors of China Construction Bank one by one, and we had to reveal in front of the directors that we were supported by President Tibet, and even the visit itself was ordered by President Tibet. "

 Jiang Xiaobai arranged.

Zhang Tingting reminded with some hesitation: "Director Jiang, if you do this, will it be counterproductive? If President Zang knew that we were visiting various directors in his name, would he be disgusted?"

Wang Liang on the side shook his head: "It's okay, we don't need to say anything. Now many directors think that bringing up the matter of Huahua Bank at the meeting was because Mr. Zang arranged for me to do it.

Moreover, Mr. Zang also asked me to handle the affairs of Huahua Bank. When the time comes, I will accompany Director Jiang. Even if I don’t say anything, these directors will think that this is Mr. Zang’s intention.

What's more, when the time comes, as long as Yunshan Mist says something specious, everyone will naturally believe it. "

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai also smiled and nodded, saying that this Wang Liang is really capable.

"Mr. Wang, I have always been very optimistic about you. Otherwise, you should stop hanging out with China Construction Bank and come to us. Don't worry, as long as you come here, you will have the shares and annual salary. They are definitely top-notch.

 In other words, you can make the offer, and as long as you make the offer, I will never make a counter-offer, okay? "

Jiang Xiaobai was very satisfied when he saw Wang Liang. Needless to say, this kind of professional business ability that can be promoted from the grassroots level in the system. Without achievements in this area, they would not be where they are today. Just talking about politics. The ability to fight.

 They are all top-notch.

 At the very least, Huang can’t be compared.

“Dr. Jiang, thank you for the award. If one day you really want to change your environment, you must go to Dr. Jiang to find a job.” Wang Liang said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded with satisfaction and looked at Wang Liang's words. How beautiful it was. What most people would say is, "If you can't survive, I'll find a job somewhere with you."

There is actually nothing wrong with saying this, but it always makes the listener feel a little uncomfortable, as if I am a shabby shelter here and you came to me because you couldn't survive anymore.

how? Is my place worse than the place you stayed before? I can't survive anywhere, so come to me. But when Wang Liang said, "It's a change of environment," it sounded much better. He wanted to change the environment, not that he couldn't get along. No one can find anything wrong with this.

The two people were chatting here, and Mr. Huang also rushed over. They sat together and discussed with Jiang Xiaobai and others. There was not much against Mr. Huang.

“You don’t have to worry about other aspects, just prepare for the next special meeting with peace of mind. We need to compare our advantages with Bank of America and Temasek in terms of hard power.

 There is no need for shortcomings, or even if they are shortcomings, they are just like shortcomings, but are actually advantages.

 Just like someone said, my biggest shortcoming is that I take my work too seriously. This is called a shortcoming, but it is actually an advantage.

 Can you understand? "

Jiang Xiaobai ordered that when speaking to Mr. Huang, he must speak clearly. He does not understand the domestic culture. If it were Wang Liang, there would be no need to explain. Wang Liang knew how to make things beautiful.

“Okay, Mr. Jiang, I probably understand.” Mr. Huang nodded.

“Well, Mr. Wang and I are responsible for other aspects of private communication, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Jiang Xiaobai said, even though Mr. Huang is the person in charge and chairman of Huahua Bank.

However, Mr. Huang is not very sophisticated in terms of human nature. If he is asked to do this kind of thing, he may end up with a situation where he fails to succeed but fails to succeed.

What's more, everyone in the country knows that he is the controlling person behind Huahua Bank, and he appears to be more serious about it in person.

 Everyone had no objection to Jiang Xiaobai's arrangement, and they immediately took action. Wang Liang and Jiang Xiaobai spent two days visiting all the directors of China Construction Bank one by one.

During the visit, all the directors had a very good attitude. First of all, Mr. Wang accompanied Jiang Xiaobai here. In the eyes of many people, this is an attitude in itself.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai’s identity and status are also displayed. He is the “godfather of business” in the ranks of domestic private enterprises.

 If you don’t respect such a person who is powerful and famous, you will be disrespecting yourself.

So the entire visit process was not too smooth at all, at least much smoother than Wang Liang and Jiang Xiaobai imagined.

Some directors directly agreed on the spot that they would support the entry of Huahua Bank. As an international strategic investor, since we ourselves can do it, why should we give advantage to outsiders?

 Our own people are always our own people.

During the financial crisis in Hong Kong, it was our own people, Jiang Xiaobai, who helped our family, not Bank of America or Temasek.

Jiang Xiaobai has been doing many things in these years, which often seem to have no particularly direct or obvious rewards, but they all play an unimaginable role inadvertently.

 In two days, Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Liang met almost all the board members of China Construction Bank.

Two-thirds of the people expressed their support, and the remaining one-third who did not express their support were also hesitant. Anyway, no one said directly that they did not support it.

 (End of this chapter)

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