Chapter 3637 Choice

"Mr. Huang's idea makes sense, go on." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Mr. Huang and said. Although Mr. Huang is not very mature in politics and has some deficiencies in this aspect, and he is almost useless in terms of human relations and sophistication, but in business In terms of business, it is still very capable. For so many years, Huahua Bank has basically not had to worry about Jiang Xiaobai, and Mr. Huang has been able to run it very well. This has been proved.

Mr. Huang nodded and continued: "The third point is the overlap in the market between Temasek Company and our Flower Bank. Temasek Company is a League of Nations enterprise in the Garden Country, and its main business scope is also inseparable from the southeast. countries, including Hong Kong.

As for Huahua Bank, we are also operating well in the markets of various countries in Hong Kong and the Southeast. We have experience in this field, so I think if we replace one company, based on the above three points, the higher-ups must intend for us to replace Temasek. company's.

rather than Bank of America. "

 After Mr. Huang finished expressing his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai nodded affirmatively, but did not express his position in a hurry. Instead, he looked at the other people in the conference room.

"Director Jiang, I also agree with Mr. Huang's opinion, and there is another reason, that is, the progress of negotiations between CCB and Bank of America is far ahead of that of Temasek. CCB's first contact was with Bank of America, not Temasek. The progress of negotiations between the two, and the progress of negotiations with Bank of America, exceeds that of Temasek by a large margin. If it is to be replaced, it is very likely to replace Temasek..."

 Jiang Xiaobai nodded. This is also a reason. It is also a factor in terms of first come, first served.

"Dr. Jiang, there is another factor, which is also a political factor. Bank of America is a company of Citigroup, and Temasek is a League of Nations company of Garden State. The political meaning behind these two companies is different. Citigroup is obviously not a Garden State. Comparable, this factor is also very important. When the superiors are considering kicking a company out, it is impossible not to consider the political significance behind it..."

“Dr. Jiang, I support us replacing Temasek…”

“Director Jiang, I think if we were to replace a company, it should be Temasek…”

 The voices in the conference room sounded one after another, and a one-sided trend began to form. They all agreed that if it were to be replaced, it would most likely be Temasek. However, at this moment, another different voice appeared.

"Director Jiang, I have a different view. I don't think it will definitely replace Temasek. Instead, we may be directly added in. No one has stipulated that when China Construction Bank goes public, it can only find two strategic partners, not three." Is it possible? If there is no one left out, just add us in. Originally, two companies were chosen because there were no other suitable companies, but now our company is added in, creating a situation where the three companies will check and balance each other.

 In this case, it is also a better situation for CCB, and it is also conducive to their control and balance..."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "This is also an idea. Not only is this possibility possible, but the possibility is not small."

 Other people in the conference room thought for a moment and nodded, thinking that this possibility was not small.

Mr. Huang said directly: "Director Jiang, if this is the case, then we should make a plan to replace Temasek. If the higher-ups intend to replace one company, it must be Temasek. If the higher-ups want to replace one company, it must be Temasek. If there are many other companies, they will just include us. "

After Mr. Huang finished speaking, everyone immediately agreed that this should be followed.

However, Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a moment and said: "There is one more thing you haven't thought about, which is to replace Bank of America. Although Bank of America is large and there are political factors behind it, it is good in all aspects, but the only thing is that they It’s a bank, and we are also a bank. The businesses of the two companies are the same. Is it necessary for China Construction Bank to introduce two banks at the same time?” After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, everyone in the conference room fell silent. Yes, the business scope of the two companies overlaps. It's not small. Is it necessary to introduce two banks in this case?

"Director Jiang, how do we make a plan? There are all three possibilities. What the higher-ups think, we can't guess here." Mr. Huang said with a crying face. If he were serious, it would be simple. Talking about business, that goes without saying.

Mr. Huang is very proficient in investment and other aspects.

  But if there are political factors involved in business, it would be difficult.

Jiang Xiaobai was also a little hesitant, which is why this meeting was held. He wanted to hear people’s thoughts, but now it seems to be getting more and more chaotic.

“Let’s vote with a show of hands. If you agree to replace Temasek, please raise your hands.” Jiang Xiaobai said.

Mr. Huang was the first to raise his hand when he heard this. About half of the others were sparse.

“Hands up in favor of replacing Bank of America.”

  The result was half the people again, and Jiang Xiaobai suddenly had a headache. There was still no decision, and he still needed to make his own decision, but there was really no way to judge the current conditions, and anything could happen.

Jiang Xiaobai was helpless. He was the boss. At this time, others could hesitate. He could no longer hesitate. He gritted his teeth and said, "Just make a plan according to the negotiation progress, replace Temasek, and start preparations."

After Jiang Xiaobai said a few words, he stood up and left the conference room. His role as the boss was to make decisions here, and he was not needed for the rest of the specific work. Mr. Huang immediately started busy with his people, focusing on The plan to replace Temasek Corporation must of course be reflected in the plan.

What makes Huahua Bank better than Temasek? In which aspects does it have more advantages? To put it simply, I have the advantages you have, and I still have the advantages you don’t have. I will start to emphasize some areas that are really lacking. , I can make up for my advantages in this aspect in other aspects, or my advantages are more important to CCB, etc.

 This plan is made by myself, and the pen is in my own hands. Of course, I will be more inclined to my own side.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the room, he stood in front of the window. He didn't know whether the choice this time was right. If he made the right choice, there would be nothing wrong with it. If he didn't make the right choice, it would add a lot of difficulties to the cooperation this time.

 (End of this chapter)

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