Chapter 3652 Complaint

After Jiahe Company's shareholders' meeting ended, the news was already flying all over the sky before it was officially announced to the outside world. When other companies reported that they wanted to reform the split share structure, when the plan was being prepared, the stock price would have an obvious change. of decline.

 But the opposite is true for Jiahe Company. After the share-trading plan came out, Jiahe Company’s stock price not only did not fall significantly, but on the contrary, it actually rose.

This news has been talked about by many news media. Jiang Xiaobai will definitely not be interviewed. The media reporters could not find Jiang Xiaobai, so they went directly to Chu Beiping.

After Chu Beiping asked Jiang Xiaobai for instructions, he directly held a press conference. At the press conference, Chu Beiping was very happy. Although this equity restructuring had some twists and turns at the beginning, as long as the final result is good, it will be good. That's it.

Media reporters have reported on it one after another, and also invited some small shareholders of Jiahe Company to interview them. During the interviews with small shareholders, they all thought that the shareholding split reform of Jiahe Company was a good thing.

 Before Jiahe Company's stocks, if you buy more stocks, that is to say, if you speculate in stocks, you can become the shareholders of Jiahe Company. They are all the reasons.

Some stock investors even expressed a little regret during the interview, saying that they had prepared a large amount of funds and were ready to wait for the stock price of Jiahe Company to fall and then buy the bottom, but as a result, the stock price of Jiahe Company did not fall. It went up instead.

 As a result, they missed the opportunity to become shareholders of their families and companies.

 The words were full of regret.

The share-trading reform plan of Jiahe Company has also been regarded by the media and reporters as the most successful share-trading reform plan.

The essence of the share-trading reform is to give shareholders and investors the opportunity to become shareholders of the company and have voting rights. However, in the eyes of many people, this opportunity is not worth it. They just want to make a little money and become shareholders of the company. That's not an opportunity, it means it's stuck and you can't leave.

 But Home and Company are different. If there is an opportunity to become a shareholder of Home and Company, everyone would be happy because they are never afraid of getting stuck. Whenever the stock price falls, Home and Company will come out to acquire it.

 It can be considered that the significance of this share-trading reform has been realized to a certain extent.

However, this is just Jiahe Company. However, as soon as Jiahe Company’s equity restructuring plan came out, it was immediately resisted by many listed companies. You are noble, you are great, you have money, you can distribute cash, and you can propose three Non-tradable shareholders are prohibited from trading on the market during the year.

But our purpose is to convert the non-tradable shares into tradable shares and then cash them in the market as soon as the lock-up period is over. If you raise the threshold like this, aren’t you simply not wanting us to survive in the market? .

If you play this way, then how should we make our shareholding reform plan and how can we pass the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders?

This share-trading reform was originally opposed by many people in the outside world. Since the company and the company have improved so much all of a sudden, many listed companies are certainly not willing to do so. It's just that this kind of thing cannot be said openly, and there is no way to say it openly. If it is said out loud, how will small and medium-sized investors look at you? If you can't do it and you don't allow others to do it, what kind of banditry is this? , will make people scold.

However, it cannot be done openly, but it does not mean that it cannot be targeted covertly. If Jiahe Company is an ordinary listed company, it goes without saying that it will embarrass your Jiahe Company every minute. If you dare to provoke public anger, Do you still want to hang out in the future?

 Targeting you directly and ostracizing you will make it impossible for you to continue to work in this industry in the future. Isn’t there a saying that the beauty in the forest will be destroyed by the wind?

You are just a conspicuous person, showing that you are capable, then great, everyone will target you together and see what else you can do?

But it happens that Jiahe Company is not an ordinary company. Not only is it powerful, but it is also backed by Huaqing Holding Group. Not to mention how many strategic allies Huaqing Holding Group has in the industry, whoever dares to If you propose to block your home or company in private, you may be blocked the next day.

 So now you can't scold or hit your family or company, but this doesn't mean that everyone has nothing to do. If so, then the last one is left, file a complaint. I will file a complaint with the head office.

So one by one, the complaints came to the Supervisory Committee, and there was nothing the Supervisory Committee could do. If one or two complained, they would definitely be sent back, and they would not even be able to see the principal. If you want to file a complaint, just file a complaint. Ah, but there are too many people here, and the Supervisory Committee can only focus on appeasing them.

  If you go to your home and company because of this matter, the leaders won’t say that they are so brainless. They have all fulfilled the requirements of your supervisory committee, but you just made more promises. Is this also wrong? What's wrong with this?

The first one to make a commitment was Sany Heavy Industry. Sany Heavy Industry promised a quota for listing and circulation in the second year. The Supervisory Committee did not say anything, and it was almost acquiesced. If they promised more, they would also be non-tradable. The shareholders are willing. This is also to protect the interests of circulating shareholders. If you interfere at this time, what will happen?

 So no one would do such a mindless thing, and the brain is not broken.

But there were so many people who came to complain, so I could only find a way to appease them, saying that there was only one truly wholly-owned subsidiary of Huaqing Holding Group, so they had already announced the plan and they would definitely not change it. You guys Just worry about your own affairs. There is no comparison with others.

Although everyone said they were unwilling, the Supervisory Committee had already spoken out to this extent, and a group of listed companies had no choice but to go back, but they would start to make new plans after going back.

It turns out that there is no such commitment at all. They are waiting for large-scale cash out once the lock-up period is over. Many of them have also imposed restrictions on the share of cash out. Otherwise, they are afraid that they will not be able to pass the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, which will be bad.

It is a little more restrictive, and the standards of self-restraint are also raised. It can be said that the release of the share-trading plan of Home and Company can be regarded as further promoting this share-trading plan in a certain sense. The restructuring has made the effect of share-trading restructuring slightly stronger than before. At least many companies have extended the lock-up period, and those that have not extended it have also added some restrictions.

 (End of this chapter)

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