Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3654: contradiction

Chapter 3654 Contradiction

At this time, when mentioning Gurley, everyone thought of Mr. Zhu, but the group of people Jiang Xiaobai received was not Mr. Zhu, but people from Zhongshan Special Development Company.

Just like Jianlibao led by Li Jingwei had conflicts with Sanshui County, Gurley led by Mr. Zhu also had conflicts with Zhongshan Special Development Company. Zhongshan Special Development Company has now changed its name to Gurley Group, and Gurley led by Mr. Zhu Gurley is called Gurley Electrical Appliances.

Gure Group and Gure Electric Appliances are two companies. Gure Group owns the Gure brand, major decisions, personnel, appointment and dismissal rights. Gure Electric Appliances is a listed company, and Gure Group is the actual holding company behind it. people.

 This is the same as Huaqing Holding Group, Jiahe Beverage, and the group's subsidiaries.

For example, Jiahe Company is a listed company, and Chu Beiping serves as the chairman of Jiahe Company, but Huaqing Holding Group owns the Jiahe Company brand, major decisions, personnel, appointment and dismissal rights, and Jiang Xiaobai has the final say. .

 It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai delegates power most of the time.

As for Jiahe Company, it was not founded by Chu Beiping, but has been in charge for many times. Coupled with Jiang Xiaobai's absolute prestige in the group, there is no conflict between the two parties. Jiang Xiaobai is the one who makes all the decisions for Jiahe Company. All major issues must go through Jiang Xiaobai, the Huaqing Holding Group.

The same is true for Huaqing Holding Group’s other subsidiaries. Why is Yili said to be the second son? It’s because Huaqing Holdings does not own the Gurli brand. Jiang Xiaobai can only influence through his status as a major shareholder. This influence It's much worse than before.

The difference between Gurley Group and Gurley Electric Appliances is that Gurley Electric Appliances was founded by Mr. Zhu from the beginning and has little to do with Gurley Group. Therefore, in order to get rid of the mother-in-law in his head, Mr. Zhu began to ask the group to Sort out the asset relationship and management relationship with listed companies.

To put it simply, if the Nagli Group can agree if they want to have the final say, the two sides will naturally quarrel.

There are also rumors in the media that the chairman of the Gure Group is changed quickly, but everyone wants Gure Electronics to listen to them and is not willing to let Gure Electronics go out completely independently, so both parties The competition has become increasingly fierce.

 Even both sides have begun to have personal problems, and they are not just focusing their conflicts on official matters.

Two years ago, a classmate of the chairman of Gurley Group published an article in the media, directly accusing Mr. Zhu of embezzling property. Mr. Zhu took the other party to court. In the past two years, Mr. Zhu has become quite old. I'm sixty and ready to retire.

  But during this equity restructuring, when Gurley Group visited other domestic securities companies, other securities companies asked about Mr. Zhu’s fate.

 The words above and beyond the words are all hoping that Mr. Zhu will stay in office. If Mr. Zhu stays in office, everyone will accept the order. But if Mr. Zhu does not stay in office, the securities company will not accept the order from Gurley Group.

 From this, we can also see that Mr. Zhu’s influence on Gurley Electric is definitely not comparable to that of others.

The so-called founder theory by others is even more nonsense. It is said that without Mr. Zhu, there would be no Gurley. This sentence is not problematic at all, just like Mr. Zheng is to Yili, even if Mr. Zheng is now He has already entered, but he is still the founder of Yili. No one can erase this.

 Jiang Xiaobai has never denied the existence of Mr. Zheng.

The same pressure in the capital market is now on the Gurley Group, and the Gurley Group is also very helpless. But at this time, Hu Jinshan stepped forward, and whether Mr. Zhu is not Mr. Zhu, this is a big deal for Hu Jinshan. It does not matter. When Hu Jinshan makes investments, he never invests in people. He looks at data. The Gurley Group has ranked first in sales for eleven consecutive years. Why can't such a good company invest? So when he contacted Gurley Group , it shows directly.

If others don’t do it, I can do it. Just wait a moment. As long as my securities company is established, I will do it. As for what Mr. Zhu said, I don’t care. As long as the data is good, since Gurley Group has This, I'm optimistic about this, that's fine.

When the leaders of the Gurley Group heard this, they immediately became happy. This is good. They were originally not going to deal with Mr. Zhu. If all the capital puts pressure on them, they may have no choice in the end. They have to admit Mr. Zhu even if they hold their noses. Let Mr. Zhu continue to stay.

 But since there are securities companies that don’t pay attention to this, there is no problem.

What’s more, this securities company is backed by Huaqing Holding Group, which is even better. First of all, Huaqing Holding Group is powerful, and it is very powerful.

Secondly, Huaqing Holding Group has a strategic vision. With Jiang Xiaobai here, Huaqing Holding Group’s investment has not been missed. Every step has been taken very accurately. When cooperating with such a company, the main thing is to be very reassuring.

The last one is Huaqing Holding Group, which also owns Yaohan Supermarket and Huaqing Electric Appliances.

Especially Huaqing Electrical Appliances, which is the largest electrical appliance dealer in the country at this time. Once you have a relationship, you will become your family in the future, and the benefits are not too many.

There is also the sales channel of Yaohan Supermarket, which can be exported overseas. Who wouldn’t want to do this? In this case, Gurli has the technology and Huaqing Holding Group has the channels.

The only disadvantage may be that the securities company established by Huaqing Holding Group Investment Company has little experience, but this shortcoming is not worth mentioning in the face of many advantages.

 So in this case, the Gurley Group has been waiting for news from Hu Jinshan. As soon as Hu Jinshan was confirmed, they immediately came to contact him.

 After meeting Jiang Xiaobai, I felt even more relieved. With Jiang Xiaobai here, what problems would there be?

Hu Jinshan was also very enthusiastic as he wished he could confirm the shareholding reform plan on the same day. However, during the meal, Jiang Xiaobai also mentioned the issue of Mr. Zhu’s stay, and the people at Gurley Group suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

“Director Jiang, do you also want Mr. Zhu to stay in office?” the leader of Gurley Group said and winked at Hu Jinshan.

Hu Jinshan immediately said: "Director Jiang, this Gurley Group has nothing to do with a certain person. Whether Mr. Zhu stays or goes has nothing to do with the development of Gurley Group."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "I'm not actually concerned about whether Mr. Zhu will stay. In fact, Mr. Zhu's decision will determine what route Gurli will take in the future. That's what I want to know."

 (End of this chapter)

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