Chapter 3660 Persuasion

Jiang Xiaobai had enough time to watch Wang Zhidong persuading the shareholders. He was still in the mood to observe the expressions on the faces of the shareholders. On the Huadeng International side, it was obvious that they were very hesitant and did not want to participate in this kind of thing. When it comes to things, there is no determination to make things work together.

  After all, they came here to make money. Now that they have not made any money, they may lose all their previous investments, and they will continue to lose money in the future.

This result is obviously very unacceptable to Huadeng International. This is also in line with their usual style of doing things. They were planning to buy Xinlang's shares back then. Jiang Xiaobai estimated that Shengda Games was too domineering, even if Huadeng International has no hesitation in any bearish acquisition.

 As long as the price is right, hesitating for one more second is disrespectful to money. Of course, there is no such opportunity now.

As for Mr. Duan who talked about Sitong, he was obviously hesitant. He may have considered that he could fight to the death and not broadcast it. After all, Mr. Duan regarded Xinlang as his own company to a certain extent. Now that such a Shengda game suddenly pops up and wants to **** Xinlang away from him, Mr. Duan will definitely not be willing to do so.

This is a person with a strong desire to control. It turns out that Sitong has always been the major shareholder of Xinlang. If it is just robbed by Shengda Games, where will this face be saved?

 But, on the other hand, if this continues, the losses will be considerable. It is normal for Duan to always be hesitant in this situation.

Wang Zhidong is working hard to convince the shareholders, and the other directors are the same. Since they are directors of Xinlang, no one is willing to let Xinlang fall.

If Shengda Game Company acquires shares in Xinlang, Xinlang will definitely go through a round of reshuffles. The shareholders here may suffer losses, but directors like them will not be able to keep their current positions.

But if we continue to fight, according to Wang Zhidong's idea, it is possible to win. Anyway, it is the shareholders' business to lose, and the shareholders will bear the losses, but if they win, it is their business, so the directors Also very hard working.

Of course, except for Zhang Jun and Zhang Tingting, they probably understood Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts without persuasion. Jiang Xiaobai was not the kind of person who was willing to admit defeat. He didn't even say hello and just grabbed things from Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

Do you really think that Jiang Xiaobai is short of these two funds? Of course, the more important thing is that Jiang Xiaobai has the final say in Huaqing Holding Group and can make his own decisions. It is not like other companies at all. If he loses this investment , there is no way to explain it to your company’s shareholders’ meeting or board of directors.

Jiang Xiaobai had no such concerns at all. Wang Zhidong had been persuading him from the afternoon until he was about to get off work in the afternoon. Finally, a small shareholder began to express his agreement, willing to work together with Wang Zhidong, and agreed to the poison pill plan.

However, the top three shareholders have not yet expressed their stance. Wang Zhidong knows that he still needs to continue to work hard. The attitude of the top three shareholders is what ultimately determines everything. The most important thing now is to negotiate an agreement between Sitong and Huadeng International. One family.

One of the companies from Stone or Huadeng International has taken a stand, and if Jiang Xiaobai supports him, then the task will be completed. The remaining family will have no choice even if they don't agree, and they will have to go to Liangshan if they are forced.

 But now it’s time to get off work in the afternoon, and we won’t discuss company matters anymore, but we still need to eat. Of course, there is nothing delicious in Xinlang’s employee canteen.

But filling his stomach was no problem. While eating, Wang Zhidong came close to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Director Jiang, what do you think?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Zhidong and said with a smile: "Of course I support you and your poison pill plan. If you need me to express my position now, there is no problem. I will make a statement immediately after I return.”

Wang Zhidong waved his hands repeatedly: "No, Mr. Jiang, wait a minute, I just want to communicate with you in advance."

When Wang Zhidong heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, he felt a long sigh of relief. With Jiang Xiaobai reassuring him, there would be no problem. It was just the remaining two companies, Sitong and Huadeng International. As long as he could convince one of them, That's it.

Wang Zhidong was full of confidence. After taking a simple bite, everyone returned to the conference table and started negotiating. Huadeng International was still silent when asked. Anyway, no matter what you said, he would not say anything.

 At eight o'clock in the evening, Mr. Duan finally let go.

"I support the poison pill plan. It means that both sides suffer. My old friend doesn't care. I can afford to follow it. But when doing business in a shopping mall, the last thing you should not do is to be underestimated. You can still make money after losing it, but you can't. You can’t let people slap you in the face like this. There’s no way to get the lost face back.”

Although Mr. Duan said this in a somewhat angry and angry tone, at least he made his position clear, and Wang Zhidong breathed a long sigh of relief in an instant.

Then he turned and looked at Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai did not hesitate and stood up immediately: "Since Mr. Duan supports it, let alone me. To be honest, I, Jiang Xiaobai, have never been beaten in the domestic shopping malls for so many years. I've slapped someone in the face. Since the other person thinks he has the strength to play around, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will also accompany me. Isn't it just a matter of money?

  If necessary, I can always mobilize funds..."

 Jiang Xiaobai spoke with wealth and wealth, which made Mr. Duan very envious, but there was nothing he could do about it. Jiang Xiaobai spoke very forcefully because he also had this strength.

Who doesn’t know the strength of Huaqing Holding Group, not to mention domestically, even abroad? The famous Huaqing Holding Group is one of the top 100 companies in the world, not to mention that there is a Huahua Bank standing behind Jiang Xiaobai. .

Tsk, tsk, that’s awesome.

 Wang Zhidong suddenly had a smile on his face. The remaining small shareholders were still hesitant. When Mr. Duan and Jiang Xiaobai from Sitong expressed their opinions one after another, it goes without saying that they all agreed and no longer hesitated.

In the end, only the Huadeng International family is left. Wang Zhidong originally thought that this should be a natural thing. Mr. Duan agreed, Jiang Xiaobai agreed, and the Huadeng International family was left. Is there any surprise?

Even if he was forced, he should have agreed, but Wang Zhidong had no idea that Huadeng International was so insecure. From about ten o'clock in the evening until twelve o'clock in the evening, everyone was trying to persuade him, but there was no such thing. A little effect.

 (End of this chapter)

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