Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3665: Miss the best opportunity

Chapter 3665: Missing the best opportunity

  The outside world is still very concerned about Shengda Games' hostile acquisition of Xinlang Company, and they are also very concerned about Xinlang's response.

Shengda Game makes money, it definitely makes money. It is even said that the current Shengda Game is more profitable than Xinlang, but when it comes to its influence in the Internet industry, Shengda Game is far behind.

Therefore, Shengda Games wants to use this acquisition to expand its influence. The outside world is also very optimistic about this acquisition. However, the problem is that now that the poison pill plan has withdrawn, this has made the acquisition of Shengda Games It became a joke.

Shengda Games can of course continue to make acquisitions, but the problem is that the gains outweigh the losses after the acquisition, and the money invested in the early stage may be wasted.

Especially after Wang Zhidong immediately announced the changes in Xinlang's shareholders. Stone Company held more than 23% of Xinlang Company's shares, and Huaqing Holding Group's shareholding reached 21%. Let this hostile takeover enter the next stage.

It is basically impossible to have follow-up development. If Shengda Games wants to acquire Xinlang, the bottom line is 20% of the shares, because both companies are listed on Nasdaq and both are in the Cayman Islands. Registered company.

 According to the laws of Citi, once Shengda Games holds more than 20% of Xinlang's shares, the two companies must consolidate their financial statements and effectively become one company.

Shengda Games now owns 18% of Xinlang's shares. There is only a little bit left from 20%, only a 2% gap, but this 2% gap , but it has become a natural chasm.

Let’s not talk about whether it is a poison pill plan or not. The key to the problem is that Huaqing Holding Group and Sitong Company have openly sided with Xinlang, which already represents the attitude of the two major shareholders.

Anyone who wants to join the board of directors of Xinlang and control Xinlang must consider the opinions of these two people. Mr. Duan is a little better. Although he is doing better in the Internet industry, his influence and the like are not that good. That’s what emerging companies are like.

But Huaqing Holding Group is different. Its influence is very huge. It is not a good choice to compete with Huaqing Holding Group, which holds more than 21% of the shares.

Especially since Huadeng International and Dell are now missing, Xinlang has changed from the original state of dispersed equity to centralized ownership again.

Shengda Games held an emergency board meeting at five o'clock in the morning. Several shareholders behind the company also participated, but in the end they all agreed that the best opportunity to take over Xinlang had been missed.

To sum up, the reason is that they wanted to take over Xinlang without discussing with the major shareholders of Xinlang. The reaction of the major shareholders of Xinlang was far worse than that of Xinlang. What they imagined was much more intense.

Originally, they felt that Xinlang's equity was relatively dispersed. If they informed the major shareholders in advance, it would be detrimental to the acquisition. They launched the acquisition without any warning in advance, so they could catch Xinlang off guard.

In fact, as they expected, the sudden acquisition really caught Xinlang off guard. Before Xinlang could react, they had already acquired more than 10% of the shares.

The only thing they didn't take into account was the reaction of the major shareholders. They thought that each major shareholder didn't hold a lot of shares. Besides, if Shengda Games merged with Xinlang, the major shareholders would not lose any shares. It's just a change of person at the helm.

Of course they will lose part of their control over Xinlang, but at the same time, the shares in their hands will become more valuable.

The outside world is very optimistic about Shengda Games, but not so much for Xinlang. This is why Xinlang's stock price is falling. If Shengda Games merges with Xinlang, the recovery of Xinlang's stock price will also be beneficial. By then, the shares they hold in Xinlang will be valuable. This is a win-win situation for everyone, so why not do it.

  After all, Xinlang's equity is so dispersed, there is no need to fight for such a small amount of equity.

Unexpectedly, this acquisition actually led to a reshuffle of Xinlang's shareholders. Now that the equity has been re-concentrated, Xinlang's major shareholders reacted so fiercely, causing them to miss the most suitable time to acquire Xinlang.

 Now that acquisitions are out of the question, negotiations are the best option.

"Stop the acquisition." Cheng Tianqiao sighed helplessly. He originally wanted to create a new glory, but now he can only compromise.

There is no need to continue. This is business rather than anger, especially when faced with the two powerful major shareholders of Stone and Huaqing Holding Group. Even if they lose both sides, they don't care at all.

Huaqing Holding Group, in particular, has invested in many companies, not to mention foreign investments. Just domestic investments from all walks of life. I heard that they are still in contact with China Construction Bank recently. Some news media News spread that Jiang Xiaobai was photographed meeting with leaders of China Construction Bank.

 The specific news has not been announced to the public, but it is almost certain.

 Don’t even talk about other domestic industries, just talk about the domestic Internet industry. Jiang Xiaobai has invested in companies such as NetOne, Baidu, and Penguin.

  Baidu is preparing to ring the bell for listing on Nasdaq recently, and Jiang Xiaobai is on the list of participants.

This Xinlang is just a branch of a very small sector that I invested in, so I can definitely afford to bet. If I win, it will be even better. I can take Xinlang under my banner, and I can be regarded as one of the real major shareholders of Xinlang.

Even if both sides suffer in the end, it does not affect others at all. Even Cheng Tianqiao can imagine that even if the two companies Shengda Games and Xinlang fought with blood and blood, both sides suffered in the end.

Two days later, Jiang Xiaobai still appeared on Nasdaq, accompanying Baidu to ring the listing bell. It was another very successful investment.

But I am different. I only have the Shengda game. It seems easy to outsiders. I am worth a billion dollars, but this is all I have.

Huaqing Holding Group's big project this year is just to build a new wafer fab for Lianxiang Computer in the mainland. If a boss of four or five worth like himself is thrown in, how can he kill the enemy? He has no ability to threaten others.

 (End of this chapter)

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