Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3684: press conference

Chapter 3684 Press Conference

The time for this business trip is not short. Ever since I set off from the Magic City in a hurry to deal with the hostile acquisition of Xinlang by Shengda Games, I have not been back to the capital.

 After handling the matters in Xinlang, I went to Citigroup to participate in the listing of Baidu Company on Nasdaq. After returning from Citigroup, it was about China Construction Bank. Next, there was the West Lake Debate in the Internet industry.

It cannot be said that all matters at the group headquarters are left to Zhang Weiyi, and the cooperation between Hu Jinshan and Gurley will also be put on the agenda. This also requires him to go back and personally contact Gurley. Yes, the best thing to do is to go to Gurley and have a look in person.

 It was clearly agreed that he would gradually reduce his work this year, but now Jiang Xiaobai finally understands that as long as he is in this position, there will be no time for rest.

 It’s like this every year, there are so many things to do and it’s impossible to finish them all.

"Director Jiang, this press conference is different. There may be leaders coming over, and I would like to take this opportunity to chat with you." Mr. Zang mentioned.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t say anything else and nodded directly. Since a leader was coming, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t leave. This is the way of the world.

There was nothing going on the next day. Jiang Xiaobai wanted to relax and rest for a day, but Mou Qizhong called again. He didn't know where Mou Qizhong knew that Jiang Xiaobai was in the capital.

 Jiang Xiaobai happened to have nothing to do, so he sat down with Mou Qizhong and had a chat. Mou Qizhong was an old man and had an eternal heart. He took Jiang Xiaobai to talk about the situation of the Internet industry and the changes in international economic development.

 In the past two years, the problems of state-owned enterprises going overseas for listing, the institutionalization of modern enterprises, the problems of management incentives of listed companies, and the problems encountered in the transformation of state-owned enterprises.

Even though Mou Qizhong is just making movies every day, he is still concerned about the changes in the economic situation.

 For some people, it doesn’t matter what industry they are in, as long as they make money. As long as they make money, it is the same no matter what industry they are in. But for Mou Qizhong, it is different.

 He is always thinking about the world and is always worried about many important things. The Internet industry can make money, but it is not what he likes.

 Jiang Xiaobai had nothing to do anyway, so he chatted with Mou Qizhong casually.

"By the way, is the matter with Baidu Company over?" Mou Qizhong looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked. He only heard that Jiang Xiaobai was in the capital, but he didn't know what Jiang Xiaobai was doing in the capital.

I thought Jiang Xiaobai and Li Yanhong came back because there was something going on at Baidu Company.

“It’s over, the only thing left is to face competition from Google.” Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

“Then when are you going back?”

"The day after tomorrow, I have something to do in the capital tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai said, and Mou Qizhong just listened to it without thinking much.

The next morning, a hall in the Beijing Hotel had been set up as a press conference. More than thirty reporters from the news media came to the scene, basically all the news media that could be called in the capital and all over the country. All present. It is the first of the four major domestic banks to be listed on the market. This has attracted a lot of attention. People from China Construction Bank have been busy preparing early in the morning. Wang Liang, Mr. Zang and others also arrived at the scene early to receive various guests.

Jiang Xiaobai took Mr. Huang and other people from Huahua Bank and got off the bus at the door of the hotel almost at the same time as the people from Bank of America. Jiang Xiaobai had never met anyone from Bank of America, but Mr. Huang had dealt with people from Bank of America. However, the relationship between the two parties was originally competitive, but today it is a cooperative relationship.

Mr. Huang gave a brief introduction. The people at Bank of America were very enthusiastic, especially when facing Jiang Xiaobai. Bank of America is really good, the second largest bank in the world.

But this is the capital, the mainland, not other places. In this three-acre land, Jiang Xiaobai still has a great influence, and the majority shareholder of Huahua Bank is Jiang Xiaobai.

 The people who came to Bank of America were all professional managers and a few representative small shareholders. The real major shareholders did not come at all, and the major shareholders did not participate in these daily management.

So if you calculate it this way, Jiang Xiaobai's status is still higher than that of several heads of Bank of America, not to mention this is the capital.

Jiang Xiaobai can be regarded as half the host at today's press conference.

As Jiang Xiaobai and the people from Bank of America walked into the scene, the scene suddenly lit up with flash lights. When Mr. Zang, Wang Liang and others saw Jiang Xiaobai and the people from Bank of America coming in, they immediately came over with smiles on their faces.

 After a brief exchange of greetings, the two parties sat down in the front seats.

“Director Jiang, China Construction Bank has informed us that the press conference will be broadcast live.” Zhang Tingting came over to Jiang Xiaobai and said.

 Jiang Xiaobai nodded indifferently and continued to talk to Mr. Huang. When he came to the stage to speak, Mr. Huang must be the one representing Huahua Bank. Jiang Xiaobai came just as a decoration. His presence represented the importance Huahua Bank attached to this press conference.

Soon, the press conference officially began. The first person to speak was the General Manager of Tibet, followed by various leaders and invited guests. Finally, the General Manager of Tibet acted on behalf of CCB, announcing that CCB had officially introduced Bank of America and Huahua. The two banks serve as strategic partners for China Construction Bank's overseas listing.

The two parties have signed a contract. The two companies will invest billions of dollars to acquire shares in CCB, become shareholders of CCB, send members to CCB's board of directors, and provide a series of follow-up services to help CCB go public and embark on a successful overseas journey. .

 There was thunderous applause at the scene. As the first company among the four major banks to be listed overseas, there is no doubt that CCB has received attention and influence.

Mr. Huang and representatives from Bank of America stepped onto the stage at the invitation of President Tibet and signed a strategic cooperation agreement in front of everyone. The three parties held their hands together, representing the cooperation of the three parties.

The flashlights kept lighting up, and at the same time, the news was broadcast live to the whole country.

CCB is listed. Ordinary people don't care about this, but a considerable number of people understand what this means. This means that domestic state-owned banks have taken the first step overseas. People who understand this meaning are paying attention. With.

At the same time, the live broadcast camera also showed Jiang Xiaobai in the audience, and it stayed for five seconds.

 (End of this chapter)

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