Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3692: technology and quality

Chapter 3692 Technology and Quality

 Zhu Hong’s face was full of excitement. In fact, at this age, he did not pursue much wealth. Even when he was working on Gurley Electronics, he did not intend to pursue much wealth.

But now that people like Jiang Xiaobai agree with it, he feels that it is worth it. As for the future affairs of Gurley Electronics, he can't control so much.

Zhu Hong has already thought about retreating. The superiors don’t want to see her anyway.

While visiting along the way, I can say that the technology of Gurley Electronics is really strong. At least in China, it is definitely the first level.

Everyone at Gurli Electronics also reveals an attitude of valuing technology. Gurli has been able to rank first in the industry in terms of sales volume and market share for many years in a row, not because of any marketing, but because of this serious emphasis on technology. Momentum.

 Jiang Xiaobai visited the entire Gurley Electronics for more than two hours. More than two hours, to see a leading company in the industry, is definitely not enough. There is no doubt about it.

 It was just a quick glance, but even with such a quick glance, I could see a lot of things, which made Jiang Xiaobai feel a little bit.

After the visit, everyone did not leave Gurley Electronics immediately. Instead, they came to Gurley Electronics' conference room. After everyone took their seats, Xia Jiang originally wanted to let Jiang Xiaobai sit in the main seat, but Jiang Xiaobai declined.

This is Gurley's home court. What's the point of sitting in the main seat?

 Finally, Xia Jiang sat on the main seat, with Jiang Xiaobai and Zhu Hong on one left and one on the right.

“Dr. Jiang, these are the senior executives of our Gurley Electronics. Now that you have finished the tour, please introduce us to us. What do you think of Gurley Electronics?” Xia Jiang said with a smile.

As for these senior personnel of Gurley Electronics, Xia Jiang did not introduce them at all, and there was no need to introduce them at all. These people were completely introduced to Jiang Xiaobai, who could not be on the stage.

However, Jiang Xiaobai still saw a familiar figure among them, the Miss Dong who was famous in later generations. Of course, in later generations, she was no longer Miss Dong, but Old Mrs. Dong.

 Miss Dong is currently in charge of the sales business and sits at the end of the conference room. However, being able to squeeze into this conference room already shows that Miss Dong is not an easy person.

However, Jiang Xiaobai just glanced at it and didn't care at all. If he didn't invest in Gurley Electronics, what Gurley Electronics would look like in the future had nothing to do with him. He could do whatever he wanted.

If it were to invest in Gurli Electronics, then Gurley Electronics would definitely have its own influence. It would be enough to replace her when the time comes, and it would not be a big deal.

 In fact, many things have proven that salespeople are not suitable to be at the helm of a company.

 Because he has his own sales thinking. He thinks about marketing everything, just like Yuanqing.

 When he was working in sales, he was a good hand and Mr. Liu's right-hand man. He could be said to have made great contributions to Lianxiang's current situation. However, after he became the president, he was completely different.

No matter what you do, you will lose money. This is completely like a salesperson's thinking. "Please call me Yuan Qing". He can do such eye-catching things, but there is no way to look like a person in charge of a company. .

The same goes for Ms. Dong. She was born as a salesperson and wanted to join any industry that made money. It turned out that Lao Zhu had just given up the little money she had saved.

 When she was interviewed by a reporter, she was asked if she had ever made any mistakes in the management of the company. She said no, and even if she had, it was a matter of execution. Well, the whole thing is a non-stick pan. No one can make mistakes without being a sage. But those who feel that they are not wrong have actually gone very far on the wrong path and cannot get back.

 Just like a person who drinks too much, it makes sense to always say that he has not drunk too much.

“Come on, everyone welcomes Director Jiang to give us some guidance on our work.” Xia Jiang raised his head and clapped, and bursts of applause suddenly erupted in the conference room.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and waved his hands. After the applause subsided, he said with a smile: "Actually, even if Director Xia doesn't say anything, I still want to say a few words. Of course, it's not to give advice, but after participating in Gurley Electronics. , which touched me deeply.

I can’t wait to tell you my feelings after visiting Gurley Electronics. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, turning to look at Hu Jinshan: "Jinshan, you can simply write down what I said in a moment, and then ask the people in the group office to sort it out, and then distribute it to the entire group, and everyone will learn from it."

 “Okay, Director Jiang.” Hu Jinshan nodded quickly and said.

Jiang Xiaobai's words gave Xia Jiang and Zhu Hong enough face, and the expressions on their faces were a little excited.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai slowly said: "Visiting Gurley Electronics gave me a feeling of stubbornness.

 The entire Gurley Electronics team seems to have an obsession with technology. I am deeply shocked by their pursuit of technology and their seriousness in quality.

Each technician is doing his or her job like no one else, and the quality requirements are beyond my expectation. Every process and every inspection is so strict, and many standards are even higher than those of the relevant ones. The regulations are much stricter.

This kind of seriousness and perseverance is what I think is why Gurli Electronics has been able to go from an electric fan manufacturer on the verge of bankruptcy to the home appliance company that ranks first in sales volume and market share today.

 This kind of serious pursuit of technology and quality is also an example that our other companies need to learn from.

 Times are changing. In the past, the emphasis was on the aroma of wine and the depth of the alley. Now, the emphasis is on the aroma of wine and fear of the depth of the alley. Some people say that marketing is very important now, some say channels are very important, and some say brand image is very important.

But in my opinion, the most important thing is to master technology and pursue quality. Chunlan, which attaches great importance to marketing, has now disappeared and disappeared in the long river of history.

 Consumers vote with their feet. If the quality of your product is good, it is good, and if it is bad, it is bad. There is no room for ambiguity. If you deceive once, you cannot deceive the second time.

There are also technical aspects. If you master some technologies, you can do them. If you don’t master them, you can’t do them...

 So even today, I still believe that word-of-mouth is more important than any publicity, good quality is better than any advertisement, and having your own technology is more important than having your own market..."

 (End of this chapter)

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