Chapter 3699 Speculation

Xia Jiang, who returned to the hotel, was still thinking about what Jiang Xiaobai said about Zhu Hong. It turned out that Xia Jiang wanted to transfer Zhu Hong away.

 With Zhu Hong around, he would not be able to control Gurley Electronics. Moreover, this was the wish of several chairman of Gurley Group, and none of them got along with Zhu Hong.

 But now after listening to Jiang Xiaobai's words, he has new ideas. It is obvious that Jiang Xiaobai is optimistic about Zhu Hong.

 Otherwise, he would not have mentioned this matter to himself after mentioning it to the city leaders. But what puzzled him was that Jiang Xiaobai did not show much persistence.

If Jiang Xiaobai had made it clear during the negotiation that Zhu Hong's retention would be part of the cooperation between the two parties, and the city's leaders would definitely not fail to consider this issue.

Even this is not considered a major condition. As long as Jiang Xiaobai proposes it, the higher-ups will most likely agree to it.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not mention this condition.

 But it’s fair to say that Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t take it seriously. After talking to the city leaders, he talked to himself again. This statement clearly showed that he valued Zhu Hong, but he didn’t say that Zhu Hong must stay.

 It always gave him the feeling that Jiang Xiaobai was just urging him to make a decision, mainly to make a decision, as if Jiang Xiaobai could accept it no matter what the outcome was.

In this case, it is more likely that Jiang Xiaobai is optimistic about Zhu Hong, or even Jiang Xiaobai wants to poach Zhu Hong.

The more Xia Jiang thought about it, the greater the possibility. Just like when Ni Guangnan was hired by Jiang Xiaobai immediately after Lian Xiang left, he also attached great importance to it. The company he founded, Hualian Computer, is now launched. Fab projects.

  It has robbed Lianxiang Computer of a lot of market, and even now it has vaguely suppressed Hualian Computer in terms of technology. In the future, it may even become the largest computer manufacturer in China and the fourth largest personal computer manufacturer in the world.

 For Huaqing Holding Group, and for Jiang Xiaobai, there is no shortage of money, marketing, or channels, only talents.

If Zhuhong leaves Gurli Electronics and wants to start from scratch and create another Gurley company, it will be basically impossible.

A successful company requires not only a good founder, but also opportunities, funds, etc., and even luck is very important.

But most of these factors can be solved by Jiang Xiaobai. Strong channels, marketing capabilities, strong background and connections, etc. When these conditions are combined, if there is another excellent leader , then many problems really won’t be a problem.

If Zhuhong is really poached by Jiang Xiaobai, Nagli is very likely to have a new and powerful competitor in the future.

Thinking of this, Xia Jiang felt a headache. What he wanted was a complete Gurley electron, not a split Gurley electron.

Don’t say anything. Huaqing Holding Group has shares in Gurley Group, so it will not create another air-conditioning company to compete in the competition.

That's a child's idea. A real investor invests in this, that, or even two rival companies. No matter who wins, he will not lose. Even if they tie, he will make a profit.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai’s investment in Yili and Mengniu, one of these two dairy brands is now the largest and the other is the second largest in the country.

 Jiang Xiaobai initially invested in Mengniu, but later changed his hands and invested in Yili. Mengniu still had to accept this fact.

It is not unacceptable for Jiang Xiaobai to invest in Gurley Group and then turn around and invest in Zhuhong.

Xia Jiang was full of hesitation and didn't know whether he should report his guess back. He knew that if he reported it back, he would probably add some weight to Zhu Hong's side. It is possible that the balance of the city leaders will tilt towards Zhu Hong's decision to stay, but if Jiang Xiaobai does not report it, then Gurley will have a powerful opponent out of thin air. To face strong competition.

 Even when Zhu Hong leaves, it is not impossible to take a group of people with him.

Xia Jiang was struggling. After hesitating for a long time, Xia Jiang sighed and decided to report this guess back. At least he could feel clear about it.

 Gurley Electronics is what it is today because of years of hard work. We cannot just watch Gurley Electronics gain a powerful opponent.

Xia Jiang admitted that it was a little late for him to pay attention to Zhu Hong at this time.

 But he couldn’t watch being poached by Jiang Xiaobai.

In the turbulent times, some people tried every means to bankrupt state-owned enterprises, and then pocketed the low-priced income.

 There are also people who still have their own conscience and think about state-owned enterprises.

Jiang Xiaobai had no idea that his conversation with Xia Jiang could have such an effect, but Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't care if he found out.

The matter on Zhu Hong's side was an idle move on his part. It would be good if he could poach him.

If Zhuhong can't be dug out but can stay, that's no problem. Gurley also has his own shares anyway.

 With a red heart and two hands prepared, you may win, but I will never lose.

Huaqing Holding Group has developed to this day, and its huge scale has given Jiang Xiaobai more choices and possibilities.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was still preparing for tomorrow's press conference. Gurley Group didn't care about anything and left everything to Huaqing Holding Group.

Since Huaqing Holding Group is in charge, Jiang Xiaobai needs to come forward and invite some city leaders and the like.

 Some formal work must be done.

On the morning of September 6th, after Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the group, there were already many cars from the news media parked downstairs of the company. Jiang Xiaobai did not even go to the office, but went directly to the press conference to greet some guests and the like.

 Zhang Weiyi is also here and can help deal with a large number of people.

Making Jiang Xiaobai relaxed a lot, Hu Jinshan handed Jiang Xiaobai a copy of the process for today's press conference. Xia Jiang and others followed closely behind. After greeting Jiang Xiaobai, they greeted their own people.

They also notified some people. Although this press conference was organized by Huaqing Holding Group, Gurley Group also participated in it, so they notified their own news media and several guests to come over. The specific reception was also provided by Huaqing Group. Qing Holdings Group is responsible.

 (End of this chapter)

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