Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3701: Teachers' Day

Chapter 3701 Teacher’s Day

After settling the matter regarding the Gurley Group, Jiang Xiaobai is also preparing to go to Lin'an City to participate in the "West Lake Sword Competition". The West Lake Sword Competition is now in its fifth session.

Since the first session, Teacher Ma has taken great pains to specially invite Mr. Jin from Xiangjiang. Now, the West Lake Swordsmanship has become famous.

ˆMost domestic Internet industry practitioners who can come will come to participate in the West Lake Sword Discussion, which is already a grand event in the Internet industry.

 It is even said that not only practitioners in the Internet industry, but also outside the industry, the reputation is not low. After all, the Internet industry itself loves publicity, and this Internet industry event is the focus of publicity.

 The Internet Summit, which started on September 10, has been promoted a few days ago, and many Internet industry practitioners have also rushed there.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that it can be served to the table as soon as it comes, and everyone can chat together. Not many people can sit on the stage and chat.

The main stage is a stage that only belongs to a few people. Other top foreign Internet companies have also come, but they are basically in the audience, not the main company leaders.

 I just sent a representative to participate. While giving face to the event, I also wanted to see what the big guys in the domestic Internet industry were talking about.

This is also a very important thing. The domestic Internet industry is currently developing no worse than the foreign Internet industry.

●The two sides are basically on the same starting line. The domestic Internet industry is a little behind, and the development time is a little shorter than that of foreign countries.

 But there is no technical blockade on this thing. The only problem is the market. I can take your ideas and use them directly. The Internet industry is nothing more than these things.

Portals, search engines, online games, instant messaging, etc., everyone can learn from them and use them.

 There is no technical threshold, and you can't block it. There is just a slight difference in the market, and this market is just the number of Internet users.

 The number of Internet users in China is still increasing, and one day in the future, it may not be worse than those abroad. Therefore, under this situation, the domestic Internet industry has also received great attention from the foreign Internet industry.

This West Lake Forum is considered to be one of the most lively and high-end summits in the domestic Internet industry. Although it is private in nature, its gold content is still high.

 Although in such a public place, some business secrets and other things will definitely not be discussed, there is a difference between the Internet and traditional industries.

This difference is not only in the company's development and the company's source of funds, but also in the collision of ideas. Since you have come to participate in the Internet Summit, you must have conversations. In some conversations, you will also have collisions of inspiration and ideas. Certain inspiration.

 So this is not only a formal meeting, but also really related to the future development of some industries.

 The next corporate strategies of some companies can also be seen in it. This is something that everyone hopes to see.

 So some of the top domestic Internet companies also came to participate, and even some foreign capital also sent people.

As for the domestic Internet industry, the original people who were planning to participate were Ding Lei, Zhang Chaoyang, Xiao Ma Ge, Wang Zhidong and others. It’s just that after the news of Jiang Xiaobai’s arrival spread, some domestic Internet companies changed from preparing to send people over to the person in charge of the company wanting to come over in person.

For example, Baidu's Li Yanhong, after parting ways in the capital, originally thought that Jiang Xiaobai had returned to the capital, but unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai quietly invested in China Construction Bank.

With such a huge influence, it goes without saying that Li Yanhong wanted to invite Jiang Xiaobai to dinner at that time, but Jiang Xiaobai declined politely, and Jiang Xiaobai returned to the Magic City directly.

 Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to meet him.

There is also Cheng Tianqiao from Shengda Games, who also came here for Jiang Xiaobai’s sake.

Guo Fansen of Huicong Company was also willing to participate because Jiang Xiaobai was coming. At this time, the domestic Internet industry was also considered to be a great event.

Many people arrived in Lin'an one day in advance and stayed in Lin'an, waiting to attend the Internet Summit the next day.

Jiang Xiaobai got off the plane at around eight o'clock the night before. Jiang Xiaobai originally planned to come in the afternoon, but unexpectedly, he attended a related meeting organized by the Magic City, so he was late. .

However, Jiang Xiaobai arrived late, and Teacher Ma was also waiting for Jiang Xiaobai at the airport.

 “Dr. Jiang, thank you for your hard work.”

"I've been delayed by something temporarily, so you don't have to wait for me at the airport. I guess there will be a lot of people coming this time. As the host, you just have to entertain them." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said politely.

Teacher Ma immediately shook his head: "Dr. Jiang, this Internet Summit and the West Lake Sword Forum have been able to maintain this influence after so many years, that is, because of your participation, and the face given to you by everyone, you are the most important, why can't you I’m coming to pick you up at the airport.”

"What you said is too exaggerated. Okay, get in the car." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said nothing more. It was undeniable that what Teacher Ma said had some truth, but it was still a little exaggerated.

In the previous life, even without himself, Teacher Ma still held the "West Lake Sword Discussion" in a lively manner, but there were not so many people participating, so it gradually became less lively.

After the two got in the car, Jiang Xiaobai leaned comfortably in the car and joked with Teacher Ma: "Is it because you have been a teacher yourself that you set the time for this year's West Lake sword discussion on Teachers' Day? "

Today is September 9th, and tomorrow will be September 10th, which happens to be Teachers' Day.

"Haha, this...this can be regarded as one aspect. The main reason is that the time is just right." Teacher Ma blushed and said.

It is undeniable that he also had this little thought in mind. When he was just an English teacher, not many people in the country, not to mention the entire Lin'an, knew about him.

But things are different now. Although Ali, led by him, has not yet achieved overall success, it has become a leader and a big brother in the B2B field and the global field, and it is still making continuous progress.

 (End of this chapter)

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