Chapter 3708 Future

 Jiang Xiaobai certainly spared no effort in supporting the Internet industry. Seeing everyone looking over, he immediately took the microphone.

“I remember many years ago, when I first came into contact with the Internet industry, Mr. Ma came to promote Yellow Pages. He said at the time that Bill said that the Internet would change the world.

 Actually, Bill did not say this, nor did Bill say it. However, after Mr. Ma’s detailed introduction, I told Mr. Ma that you can say in the future that what I said is that the Internet will definitely change the world.

Since then, I have started to get more involved in the Internet industry. Similarly, now, I also say the same thing, the Internet will definitely change the world.

 Hence, I think policies should be more tilted toward the Internet, and relevant departments should focus more on the Internet industry. Gain a deeper understanding of the Internet industry.

 The importance of changing people’s lives to a country…”

Jiang Xiaobai spoke more directly. Compared with other people's euphemistic appeals before, Jiang Xiaobai started to ask for policies.

However, Jiang Xiaobai’s status is here, so there is no problem even if he wants policies.

On the contrary, if Jiang Xiaobai asks for policies, the higher authorities should really pay attention to it to a certain extent. After all, if Jiang Xiaobai asks for policies, then some policies should be given to him.

 Next, everyone changed the topic and talked about the Internet companies that failed on the way forward, and then talked about the comparison with foreign Internet companies.

 At noon, we had a simple bite, and in the afternoon, we continued chatting. This time, we had a sword discussion at West Lake, which lasted for two days.

 But the main thing is the first day. On the second day, there are more private gatherings.

At the end of the evening, Teacher Ma asked Jiang Xiaobai to give a concluding speech, which can be regarded as the finale speech.

Whoever is given this task will be unable to hold it down, even Wang Zhidong, a more senior senior.

Only Jiang Xiaobai came forward and no one thought there was a problem.

“Actually, I have been listening to it all day today, and everyone has said a lot. I just want to talk about the impact of foreign countries on our domestic Internet industry.

In the past few decades, we have still been in an era of admiration from foreign countries. After the reform and opening up, things made abroad are better than ours, their management experience is advanced, their technology is advanced, and their culture is open. Everything seems to be better than domestic products.

So with our domestic craze for going abroad and our vigorous pursuit, we feel that the stocks listed on Nasdaq must also be good. We feel that Wall Street investors are very powerful, and what they say must be right. .

I think people’s experience must be advanced, and so is the media. But if you think about it carefully, you will find that this is not the case.

 First of all, Wall Street investors are not born entrepreneurs, and they do not know much about the country. Many foreigners’ methods do not work in China.

 This point has been proven by both the foreign investment entering the country and the multinational companies entering the country. There are differences between us, which are determined by different national conditions.

As for the mutual benefit network industry, our domestic Internet industry is no worse than that of foreign countries, and they started not much later than each other. Our country even has more Internet users than some foreign countries. In the Internet industry that relies on users to develop, I think our domestic Internet industry should be better than foreign Internet companies.

There is a brighter future for development, and a brighter future for development, so I hope that everyone here can support the Internet industry.

ˆBe able to find a path to a mutually beneficial network industry with our domestic characteristics..."

When Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, there was warm applause. Some people listened to Jiang Xiaobai's words and their blood boiled with excitement. Of course, some people thought Jiang Xiaobai was talking big words.

 The domestic Internet industry itself has learned from foreign countries. It is already good to catch up with others, but how is it possible to surpass others?

Especially when comparing the top domestic Internet companies with foreign Internet companies of the same type, such as Baidu and Google, the two sides seem to be in a different league.

 However, the domestic population is large, and the user base of the mutual benefit network industry is very large and continues to increase.

Many people in the shopping mall are aware of Jiang Xiaobai’s plans for the Internet industry, so no one was surprised when Jiang Xiaobai appeared at the Internet Summit.

If there is something surprising, it is that Jiang Xiaobai has been so busy recently, acquiring this, investing in that, and Jiang Xiaobai is constantly making big moves. How can he have time today to attend such an Internet industry conference?

 And stayed at the site for a day.

 The Internet industry is developing very fast. Everyone knows this. From the original hundreds of millions of dollars, to now, the market value is billions of dollars once it is listed on the market.

 However, there are still many people who look down upon the Internet industry and do not see the value of the Internet industry. They think that this thing is just opportunistic and making money at most, and it cannot have any impact on the real industry.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't hear the comments from the outside world. At this time, he was having dinner with Teacher Ma and others. Although Teacher Ma was the host, he still invited Jiang Xiaobai to the main seat, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any airs.

 Compared to those in the Internet industry, Jiang Xiaobai is a bit older, and given his status, it seems that there is only a generation between the two parties.

But in fact, there is no big difference. When the two parties communicate, there is no barrier. The main reason is that Jiang Xiaobai actually knows the Internet industry very well, even better than everyone here.

Chatting with this group of people, Jiang Xiaobai is completely backward compatible, whether it is from the overall situation, from a strategic perspective, or from an economic development perspective, etc.

 So everyone was very comfortable chatting. Of course, there were some people here who had conflicts, couldn't talk, and even had some conflicts. However, in front of Jiang Xiaobai, everyone temporarily restrained themselves.

  Needless to say, the newcomers in the Internet industry, as well as people in other real industries, all have to give Jiang Xiaobai a face, so the drinking party in the evening went on very harmoniously.

The next day's West Lake Swordsmanship was about rafting in the West Lake. It was for three or five people, and those who were close to each other were grouped together.

 (End of this chapter)

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