Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3723: the difference

Chapter 3723 Differences

 Before doing something, you should think about the good side, this is what you should do, but before doing something, you should consider the worst result. This is the principle of doing business.

 Before investing, it is a taboo to only think about how you should spend the money you have earned, how much money you will make, and how much money you can make without thinking about what you will do if you fail.

 Have considered the worst outcome, and if it is still acceptable, then you can do it, but Wang Meng obviously has not thought about this now, and has not thought about what to do if he fails.

Wang Meng is not a newbie, and has been immersed in the business for so many years, but these years have been so smooth that the domestic real estate industry has actually been non-working from the beginning to the present.

  Even if there are certain policy adjustments sometimes, it is still very easy to do.

First of all, Chinese people have different definitions of houses. A house is not a simple product of reinforced concrete and soil mixed together, but a "home". With this definition, Chinese people have different meanings and pursuits of houses. .

 The other thing is that houses are urgently needed. Let’s not talk about policies such as school district divisions and household settlements. Let’s just talk about how many people have no houses to live in in the past. This is a problem.

This house is different from other things. Other things are in line with the laws of the market. The more it goes down, the less people buy it. It’s better to chase the rise and kill the fall. But the house is different. As long as the price is reduced, it will be within everyone’s tolerance. Within the scope, those who have the ability and need will want to buy it.

 So in the past few years, although there have been policy adjustments, the real estate industry is still relatively easy. As long as it is built, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell it.

 The difference is just a matter of how much money a project makes.

 That’s right, with the policy controls in the past two years, everyone said that the real estate industry’s winter is coming, and many real estate companies have bankrupted. This is true, but the real estate companies that have bankrupted have taken too big a step.

When I have one yuan, I borrow ten yuan from the bank and do something worth one hundred yuan. Such a company will be in a hurry when it encounters policy controls, which eventually leads to problems in the company. But generally speaking, Not so radical business, not so risky business.

It is still as stable as Mount Tai. As long as the project is completed, there will be no unprofitable project. It is just a matter of making more or less.

Therefore, Wang Meng's mentality has also changed. For him, he feels that the real estate industry both abroad and domestic is the same. There is no one that is not profitable and there is no one that is not successful. It is nothing more than a matter of money. As long as it is built, it will be the same. It can't be unsuccessful.

 So when faced with Jiang Xiaobai’s question, I immediately didn’t know how to answer it.

"Where are the rest of you, who can answer this question?" Jiang Xiaobai did not wait for Wang Meng to answer, and turned to look at the other executives in the conference room. However, the other executives also lowered their heads like Wang Meng. Silence.

 No one ever thought that they would not be successful, because they have been so smooth over the years, one after another succeeded, and one after another succeeded.

 “Has no one thought about this?”

“Director Jiang, in fact, we have studied it carefully and these projects will basically not fail.” Someone said bravely. Jiang Xiaobai immediately frowned and asked: "You have studied it carefully. I ask you, which of these failed projects has not been studied in advance? Do you know the gap between domestic and foreign conditions?

Have you ever researched this? Success at home does not mean success abroad. National conditions and markets are different. Have you fully considered these issues? "

Jiang Xiaobai's aura was so overwhelming that everyone couldn't breathe. Jiang Xiaobai finally focused on Wang Meng.

Wang Meng had no choice but to remain silent any longer. He could only grit his teeth and said, "Dr. Jiang, in fact, we have inspected it many times."

“After investigation, can you tell me, what are the differences in national conditions, markets, and laws? What are the differences in the target market groups?”

Jiang Xiaobai asked a series of questions, and Wang Meng was suddenly confused.

"I don't know, right? Let me tell you, the difference in national conditions is that in China, the Chinese people's definition of house is home, and everyone's view of land and house is the cultural accumulation of thousands of years. Traditional thoughts, for land, for home There are special feelings.

 As for foreign countries, tell me which country has it? Are they those countries in Southeast Asia? We all have Confucianism, which emphasizes self-cultivation, family governance, and world peace. When they were still drinking blood and growing hair, do you have the same feelings about houses as the citizens of our country have about houses?

 This is one of them, there are other cultures and the like, I won’t talk about them first.

The other thing is the market. We are currently undergoing an urbanization movement in our country, and we have a large population. In some large cities, every inch of land is precious, but in foreign countries, many of their places are vast and sparsely populated.

If you build a seaside villa in Pengcheng, it will be very popular, but can you do it abroad? In that geographical environment, is your approach still feasible?

The legal difference is even greater. In our country, when buying a house, your off-plan house is sold in full. After receiving the down payment, the money from the bank will be allocated to you. If something happens later, Problems, according to our laws, many of them are the responsibility of consumers.

But it’s the same abroad. Take the Yinni you mentioned, for example. The real estate sales model in Yinni is different from ours in China. Home buyers only pay a small deposit, which can be refunded later. "

“In this case, the model of our domestic real estate companies will not work. In our country, as long as you have money to acquire land, you can mortgage the land to the bank, get a loan from the bank, and then build the project.

During the construction process of the project, after obtaining the pre-sale permit, it can be sold. Each drawing is still on paper, and the houses have not been completed yet. As a result, they have all been sold. After getting the money, you can look for new projects.

But this method is simply not possible abroad. Not only will they not bear the risk of your real estate opening, but you will also pay a small deposit. If you don’t want to, you can still get a refund at any time. With this model, the domestic model is different. The difference is huge…”

As Jiang Xiaobai spoke, the entire conference room became extremely quiet. Wang Meng and the executives of Changxingju Real Estate Company present had very ugly expressions on their faces, because they had not paid attention to what Jiang Xiaobai said.

 (End of this chapter)

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