Chapter 3727 Reasons

Zhang Weiyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a puzzled expression. Jiang Xiaobai could tell that Zhang Weiyi was really confused when he asked this question.

Rather than fighting for the public relations crisis of these foreign-owned brands abroad.

 In fact, Jiang Xiaobai probably has this doubt in his mind, not only Zhang Weiyi, but also many people in the domestic shopping mall.

  To say whether there are problems with these foreign brands, there must be problems. There is no doubt that so many problems have broken out. If they don’t have problems, how can they be framed by others?

There is a problem. Why did so many things explode in one year? It was as if they were planned and then detonated in a concentrated manner.

"What do you think is the reason?" Jiang Xiaobai did not answer immediately, but asked with a smile.

"I wonder if the higher-ups are deliberately suppressing foreign brands?" Zhang Weiyi guessed. He couldn't think of anyone who could have such a big hand. It couldn't be done by a company, because domestic There are no enterprises with such great capabilities, and this foreign brand scandal involves many industries.

There are all kinds of things. No company has such great energy and has no reason to take action.

 It is only possible that the higher-ups are guiding these public opinions.

But Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "It has nothing to do with that. The reason why the outbreak is so concentrated is because the domestic economy has developed, and consumers and media have begun to mature, and it is not the same as before.

 There are too many differences between domestic products and foreign products. People have the right to speak, and everyone is touting foreign products. Now everyone has more self-awareness, has matured, and can distinguish better.

 In addition, international companies have participated at all levels in the country, from milk powder to cosmetics, from cars to cameras, from ice cream to fast food, which also illustrates the development of the domestic economy from another aspect.

For example, in the past, there were only a few Kende Chicken stores in China, and Haagen-Dazs was not well known to ordinary people, and they had never heard of it. But it is different now. The domestic economy has developed, and international Companies have also begun to actively participate. Once they become involved, more problems will naturally arise. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, and Zhang Weiyi nodded in agreement. Jiang Xiaobai's analysis really hit the point of the problem itself. Some accidental things happened together. It seemed accidental, but in fact it was inevitable.

It is a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change. For example, a wall collapsed due to rain. However, it is not the cause of this rain, but that it has rained many times before. The wall has already been overwhelmed, so it collapsed. .

By the same token, foreign brands also have troubles. The more they enter, and international companies actively participate in the domestic economy, naturally more problems will arise and more will break out.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "The other is multinational companies. They have been in the country for a long time since 1978, and they are familiar with the domestic national conditions and unspoken business rules. Many times, they do not care about anything else for the sake of performance, so this is why they have This is the year of scandal.”

The word "scandal year" is very accurate to describe the situation of international companies in China this year. After Soni's problem broke out, Soni did not immediately admit his mistake. On the contrary, he also issued a statement Deny this. In the end, due to pressure from the media, it took several days to admit the mistake, apologize to the public, and agree to the consumer's request for return.

However, Sony's attitude was very infuriating, so media reporters followed closely, and it was exposed again a few days later. Five LCD TVs that had just been launched by Sony were found to have software defects.

Soni had no choice but to upgrade the software of more than 10,000 TV sets sold in the domestic market.

But this matter is not over yet. At the end of the month, the Statistics Bureau in Beijing reported economic census data. Among some of the illegal companies exposed, Soni was one of them, with total sales of 1.8 billion hidden.

This time Soni was dealt with badly. The last month of this scandal year has come to an end, which can be regarded as a lesson to these arrogant international companies.

Jiang Xiaobai felt proud when he saw the news about Soni in the city. Of course, he also knew that for these international companies, they have always been very arrogant. The automobile industry has reduced the number of cars sold in China. It's not news anymore.

In the final analysis, the relevant laws and regulations are still incomplete. For example, in the Ouzhou market, new cars launched are required to come standard with 11 safety items such as ESP, active braking, lane keeping assist, tire pressure detection, daytime running lights, and reversing cameras. configuration,

●In Citi countries, new cars launched on the market are also required to be equipped with standard safety configurations such as ESP, tire pressure monitoring, reversing cameras, and side airbags. In the domestic market, the requirements are greatly reduced, and only basic configurations such as ABS, width lights, rear fog lights, and seat belts are required as standard, and even airbags and tire pressure monitoring are not required.

On the other hand, it is a consumer issue. The main focus is on those who are willing to fight and those who are willing to suffer. Consumers do not care about these things. Because of the backwardness of domestic automobile technology, many consumers have already had a deep impression that foreign products are better than domestic ones. Okay, so even if these problems are exposed, some domestic consumers are still flocking to them.

This has also led to international brands being somewhat unscrupulous.

  But this is a two-pronged effort. On the one hand, what is needed is for the authorities to continue to improve relevant laws and regulations. On the other hand, domestic companies must work hard to let the Chinese people know that the products produced by domestic companies are no worse than those produced abroad.

This year of scandals has been a huge improvement. At the very least, I have the courage to question foreign brands. It is no longer the same as before, thinking that foreign brands are good.

And time slowly slipped away. After the end of the year, there was another Dongfanghui. Jiang Xiaobai suggested finding a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Dongfanghui also reported several places. Finally, Jiang Xiaobai chose a place around Lin'an. , called Qianfeng County.

The environment there is very good. Jiang Xiaobai went there once in his previous life. This time, after Zhao Xiaojin reported many places, Jiang Xiaobai liked it at a glance and settled on this place.

 Jiang Xiaobai has settled down, which means Dongfanghui has settled down.

 (End of this chapter)

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