Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3731: Painted cake

Chapter 3731 Painting Cake

When Mr. Zhong saw Zeng Yiqi's hesitation, he immediately said: "Director Zeng, if you can help introduce me, we will increase investment in Qianfeng County, at least more than five million, or even It’s ten million.”

 At this time, Mr. Zhong has no other choice but to increase his weight, which is investment.

Zeng Yiqi sighed helplessly after hearing this, and said: "Mr. Zhong, let's give it a try. Before this, we had never dealt with Director Jiang, nor did we know him.

But Factory Director Lu of Wanxiang Group said that he would try to see when Director Jiang is free. When the time is agreed upon, Mr. Zhong can just go with him. Mr. Zhong can be regarded as our local entrepreneur. "

In the blink of an eye, Zeng Yiqi assigned an identity to Mr. Zhong. Mr. Zhong was overjoyed when he heard this. He didn't care about the identity, as long as he could see Jiang Xiaobai.

 “Thank you, Director Zeng.” Mr. Zhong said while holding the wine glass.

Zeng Yiqi waved his hand: "Mr. Zhong is too polite, but I am curious about one thing. What does Mr. Zhong want from Director Jiang?"

 “I want to attract investment.” Mr. Zhong said directly without hiding anything from Zeng Yiqi.

Zeng Yiqi was stunned when he heard this: "Are you also short of money?"

"It's not a lack of money." Mr. Zhong shook his head when he heard this and said, "This lack of investment can be divided into several situations. One is just like the lack of money mentioned by Director Zeng, which is also the situation of most people. The other is the lack of investment. Seeds are short of resources.

Of course, it is not the case that there is no shortage of money at all. Who can think that there is too much money? As an enterprise, you need to expand the scale of production, do advertising, find channels, and distribute goods. Short of money.

 But the main reason for seeking investment from Director Jiang is for resources..."

"Resources?" Zeng Yiqi was a little confused, and Mr. Zhong was not surprised. How do people in this system know how to do business? If they knew, so many state-owned enterprises would not collapse in their hands. Well, they think that to do business, you just need to have money, and you can succeed if you have money.

 After all, many times, if you have money, you can buy technology, introduce equipment, and advertise.

 But many times, it’s not that simple.

“Yes, resources, the reputation of Huaqing Holding Group is well known, not to mention the reputation of Director Jiang, and the companies that Director Jiang invests in are basically investing in a company and turning it into a company.

They are all developing very well. Those who have been the richest people in the country, such as the Liu brothers of the Hope Group, have the investment of Director Jiang, and Mou Qizhong of the Nande Group has also cooperated with Director Jiang.

Later, Mr. Ding of Wangyi, among the shareholders of Wangyi was Huaqing Holding Group..."

“This is the man who has been the richest man. The remaining companies that have developed very well, such as Vanke and Jili, have all developed smoothly after Director Jiang became a shareholder.

Even the small travel agency in Magic City, Yuanqiu International Travel, has now become Yuanqiu Airlines. As long as they can catch up with Director Jiang and get him to invest, basically everyone will live a very happy life. Moisturizing.

 At the very least, it can become one of the top 100 domestic companies, a leader in its respective industry, or a well-known company. In addition to the fame brought by Director Jiang’s investment, Director Jiang’s network resources are also a very important factor. In the process of development, there will inevitably be competition. When competing, everyone has The support behind their respective allies is also very important.

 Those who have allies will be able to help not only in terms of funding, but also in terms of publicity.

Director Jiang said, needless to say about human resources, money, channels and channels, and publicity. Nowadays, the domestic Internet industry is also very vigorous in publicity, and many domestic Internet companies are related to Huaqing Holding Group is inextricably linked.

 Finally, there is the channel aspect. Yaohan Supermarket and Jiang Dong’s channel network in Xiangjiang will be of great help to us in the future..."

Mr. Zhong talked a lot, and the more he talked, the brighter his eyes became. If other people invested in this, he might have lured the wolf into the house. Maybe he would control his own company in the future and turn against customers. But Jiang Xiaobai's character is still there. Where is it displayed?

Having invested in so many companies, I have never heard of any company that Jiang Xiaobai has participated in, or that he has acquired partners and merged them into Huaqing Holding Group.

On the contrary, several appearances in other companies also helped the founders. For example, during the dispute between Wanke and Wanke, Jiang Xiaobai took action and helped Wang Shi, and then helped Wang Shi to protect Wanke. Come down.

As well as Xinlang, it was Jiang Xiaobai who helped several times to save Wang Zhidong. Otherwise, it is unclear who is in charge of Xinlang now.

So investors like Jiang Xiaobai are simply amazing. They have all the advantages and no problems at all. They are completely ideal investors.

Zeng Yiqi and other leaders from Qianfeng County looked at each other. They had heard of Jiang Xiaobai's name and knew that Huaqing Holding Group was a large company with great influence, but they never expected that there would be such a big company in the shopping mall. Influence.

Looking at Mr. Zhong’s excitement, they realized how attractive Huaqing Holding Group was to ordinary companies. They originally thought that Fushan Spring Water was considered a big company.

 They directly build a factory here, collect water, install water, and choose water sources in other places. They can also advertise on CCTV. This is a big company after all.

There must be a gap with Huaqing Holding Group, but I didn’t expect the gap to be so big. The two sides don’t seem to be the same heavyweight at all.

I originally thought that after Mr. Zhong got online, he wanted to cooperate with Huaqing Holding Group. Unexpectedly, after Mr. Zhong got online, he actually wanted to fully join Huaqing Holding Group and become Jiang Xiaobai's younger brother. .

 This is really...

"So, Director Zeng, fellow leaders, this opportunity to meet Director Jiang is particularly important to our Fushan Spring Water. If we can obtain Director Jiang's investment, then our Fushan Spring Water will develop well. As our Fushan Spring Water water source, this is also a promotional slogan of Qianfeng County, and when we promote it, we will also mention Qianfeng County.

And in the future, we can also invest and cooperate to develop the tourism resources in Qianfeng County..." Mr. Zhong presented various cakes to Zeng Yiqi and others in turn, and promised first whether it was successful or not.

 (End of this chapter)

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