Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3733: profit point

Chapter 3733 Profit Points

It is understandable that the voice of the Internet industry is loud. This year’s Shengda game was launched, and Cheng Tianqiao became an upstart in the domestic shopping mall, with a net worth of US$1.1 billion, US$1.1 billion.

This is not a big family in an online novel, nor is it advertised on the Internet. Billionaires are everywhere. In reality, even in a top domestic chamber of commerce like the Oriental Society, people can reach this level of wealth. Not much.

Of course, this is just that the market value of the shares held has reached this value, which does not mean that you can come up with so much cash.

But that's it. In five years, I started with half a million yuan, and in just five years, it increased by 18,000 times. It was still a big shock.

 It is not an exaggeration to say it is a miracle.

Of course, there is also Baidu. Li Yanhong is worth about the same. Baidu’s market value of US$4 billion is also a blockbuster.

This has also injected new life and vitality into the domestic shopping malls, stimulating the interest of many young people in society in science and technology. Many people even want to become the next Cheng Tianqiao, the next Li Yanhong, create the next Baidu or... Shengda Games.

ˆ It has to be said that the ability of mutual benefit networks and capital markets to accelerate the realization of wealth is very shocking.

 Five years, his net worth has increased 18,000 times. To be honest, this speed is amazing.

Although the current domestic shopping malls are still dominated by traditional industries, and the influence of the Internet in shopping malls is not as great as that of later generations, the speed of wealth growth has caused many big bosses in traditional industries to They are all very envious and jealous.

 It is absolutely impossible for traditional industries to have such rapid wealth growth. Traditional industries increase bit by bit, while the Internet industry grows by leaps and bounds. These are two completely different concepts.

 So everyone is paying great attention to it, so the Internet industry was the first to be identified.

Then there is real estate. Although real estate has undergone a round of regulation, the plate is still there. Needless to say, the authorities just want to regulate and cool down the real estate market. They have no intention of killing real estate with one shot.

Even if the authorities want to kill the real estate industry with one stroke, there is a saying that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Therefore, the real estate industry is the second one to be determined, and the remaining other industries are up to you and me.

 The automobile industry was the third one, and when the last one was left, everyone discussed it for a long time, but nothing came out. Finally, someone simply proposed an issue about when the regulation could end.

Regarding the issue of regulation, macro-control has also been an unavoidable topic in China for more than 20 years. Before the 1990s, to be precise before 1992, macro-control was called governance and rectification.

Of course, the governance and rectification of the association at that time was also very vigorous. Among the members of the Oriental Association here, many old people have experienced it, such as Jiang Xiaobai, the Liu brothers, Deputy Uncle Li, and Factory Director Lu. Wait, only those who came from that era know how great the impact of governance and rectification is.

Back then, the Liu brothers wanted to hand over all their properties during a governance rectification, but Uncle Li ran directly to Pengcheng, giving up everything and going to avoid the limelight.

Jiang Xiaobai also had a situation back then. During the time of rectification, he secretly ran back to Jianhua Village.

 But after the 1990s, macroeconomic control was actually relatively less stringent.

Since 1981, everyone has accumulated experience. Every time macro-control begins, he will notify us of various documents and the like, and there are even several control documents, one after another. was issued, but when it was over, there was no notification.    This is something you have to control yourself.

 When the control is over, you can boldly throw off your arms and get started. This is also very challenging to grasp the timing. If you can grasp it well.

 Start working as soon as the macro-control ends, and you may be able to get rid of many people. Before your peers and friends have reacted, you have already established your advantage.

In this shopping mall, every step is faster and every step is faster, and every step slower is slower.

But if you are too anxious and jump out early before the macro-control is over, you will be on the receiving end of a gun, and you will have no problem dealing with it.

 So once this issue was raised, it quickly received support from many people.

 This fourth issue has also been determined.

Every Oriental Meeting has four to five topics. This time, after four topics were determined, everyone was finished.

 In the afternoon, everyone started chatting about the Internet industry. Everyone had different opinions, but the discussion was more about the profitability of Internet companies.

Has the current Internet industry found a profitable direction? I found, for example, those who make games in portal websites. This online game is a good profit point.

 The bidding ranking in the search engine website is also a good profit point.

However, these profit points always seem to be a bit wrong. Making money from online games has not received good reviews, and there are many voices of controversy from the outside world.

As for search engines and the bidding ranking model, it is better to talk about online games, because if the bidding ranking is not done well, it will dig its own grave.

I came to use your search engine to solve the problem. As a result, when you search, all of them are advertisements from various companies. There is no problem in recommending some products, but the problem is that you cannot recommend them. Advertising and Products.

 If this continues, users will definitely be lost.

 So everyone’s discussions on the Internet industry mainly focus on the profit model.

E-commerce is definitely a major direction. A few years ago, Mr. Ma wanted to develop a B2B model. Many people were not optimistic about it, but now they feel that this may be the most positive profit model in the Internet industry in the future. .

"The domestic Internet industry is now like all industries that have entered a period of rapid youth..." Jiang Xiaobai spoke, and the discussion in the conference room suddenly became much quieter.

Everyone's eyes slowly focused on Jiang Xiaobai, wanting to see what Jiang Xiaobai thought. Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai really thought that mutually beneficial online games were the profit model of the Internet industry?

 (End of this chapter)

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