Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3739: unanimously optimistic

Chapter 3739: unanimously optimistic

On the third day of the Oriental Conference, after talking about the real estate industry, everyone became very enthusiastic. The macroeconomic control that started in 2004 has indeed affected the development of the real estate industry.

Even just the real estate industry, heavy industry, and related upstream and downstream industries. The real estate industry at that time had thirteen bans in a row, announcing that the cold winter of the real estate industry had come.

It has indeed had a great impact on the real estate industry. Last year, countless companies in the real estate industry closed down, and the related upstream and downstream industries were also severely depressed. However, this does not mean that the end of the real estate industry is coming.

On the contrary, everyone is still very optimistic about the real estate industry. Chinese people have an extraordinary enthusiasm for land. Even Wang Zhidong told reporters complacently during the Internet industry bubble that they had a lot of money in Xinlang. A big advantage, because their house was rented many years ago and they rent it for ten years.

 Hence, everyone's enthusiasm for the real estate industry has not only not subsided due to macro-control matters, but on the contrary, it has become stronger. This situation is the kind of unanimous optimism in the stock market.

 When everyone is unanimously optimistic about a stock, the stock will inevitably rise. Even if there is a slight adjustment, the rise is inevitable.

The real estate industry is like this now, especially this year. Last year, when macroeconomic control was strict, everyone was a little better. However, this year, things have been a little relaxed.

Everyone began to make plans secretly again. Not to mention those who were in the real estate industry, those companies that were not in the real estate industry also began to buy some properties for the company. Some companies with factories began to buy two more pieces of land to build. factory.

 Although it looks like a factory now and the nature of the land is industrial land, if the time is right in the future, as long as the land is in your hands, you can still change the nature of the land at any time.

 The nature of this land is not said to remain unchanged.

 Some people who do not have factories have begun to buy land to build office buildings. Even if the land is not built for the time being, they will not take advantage of the low price to get the land.

 In fact, economic laws are cyclical. For many ordinary people, they are only aware of it afterwards, and they may not even feel it afterwards.

For example, take green onions. There are fewer people growing green onions this year, and the price of green onions has gone up. Then there will definitely be more people growing green onions in the next few years, and accordingly the price of green onions will become less valuable.

 The price of pig heads is high this year. Needless to say, there will definitely be more pig farms in the next few years.

As the number of pig farms increases, the price of pork will naturally become cheaper. When it becomes cheaper and there are fewer pig farmers, the price of pork will naturally rise again. This is the economic cycle, which is adjusted according to the market.

For many ordinary people, facing the torrent of history, the only thing they can survive is the wave of demolition. Taking Shanghai Magic City as an example, even the 92nd Financial Development Plan cannot be tolerated by some people. It can even be said that most people can’t eat it.

All they can afford is nothing more than demolition and demolition as dividends of the times.

The same goes for everyone else. Take the Internet industry as an example. From the beginning to the development and evolution to maturity, I don’t know how many opportunities have been created.

 At Baidu, there are seven employees with a net worth of 100 million U.S. dollars, and more than 100 employees with a net worth of 10 million U.S. dollars. This is the dividend of the times. After that, Ali’s Taobao was also a hot spot, and people who caught it were already eating a lot. Then came WeChat business, then live broadcast, then short video, and so on.

This is considered mainstream generosity. It does not require you to be able to achieve any level. Even if you can only survive in such an industry, you can reap the dividends of the times.

Not to mention the extension, for example, in the early days of e-commerce, the express delivery that followed the development, not to mention the four-way and one-way express delivery sites, those who did it early made money.

This is the dividend of the times. The times are moving forward fiercely, but most people are ignorant. Not to mention predicting it in advance or realizing it later, some people have even made a lot of money and still understand. No, there are even some who look down on them.

 The imprisonment of thoughts is the most terrifying thing for ordinary people.

 For these members of the Oriental Society, all of them are very smart. They have a conservative attitude towards the Internet industry and do not know how to accept it. They even say they are unwilling to accept it. But for houses and land.

They are very clear about the things that are generally rooted in people's hearts in this land. This macro-control is not over yet, and everyone has begun to secretly make plans.

 From the site where the factory is built to the site of the headquarters, any land that can be obtained in advance has been laid out.

 So it goes without saying that this discussion is in full swing.

"Housing is the basic living need of residents. With the cancellation of the welfare housing allocation policy, economic and social development and the improvement of people's living standards, the incremental demand and improvement demand for urban housing are both strong, which is the driving force for the sustainable development of the real estate industry. Supply exceeds demand It will be the dominant trend in the domestic real estate market in the next few decades..."

This is what Director Lu said. Even a layman can see this very clearly, let alone an insider. As soon as Director Lu finished speaking, Wang Shi took up the topic.

“Although there have been endless voices from all walks of life about real estate bubbles and excessive housing prices since the beginning of macro-control, residents’ enthusiasm for home buying has not diminished, and the continued substantial growth in sales volume shows that demand is still strong.

 Demand is the foundation and support for sales growth, and I think there are several reasons that support the continued growth of demand:

 First of all, the growth of the national economy has driven the increase in the income of urban residents, exceeding the growth rate of housing prices. Since 1998, the average annual growth rate of urban per capita income has been 8.95%, and the average annual growth rate of housing prices has been 3.82%.

 Only in 2004 did the growth rate of housing prices exceed the growth rate of urban per capita income. With the increase in income and the continuous improvement of living standards, people's demand for housing is also improving, and the demand for improvement is increasing, such as replacing a small house with a larger one, replacing an old home with a new one, etc.

  Second, urbanization is accelerating, and the growth in urban population has driven demand for commercial housing. In 1990, the domestic urbanization level was 26.4%, and in 2004, it exceeded 40%. The annual urban population growth of more than 10 million people is an important driving force supporting the continued growth of commercial housing sales..."

 (End of this chapter)

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