Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3750: Times have changed

Chapter 3750 Times have changed

 “I can’t understand.” Li Xiaoliu said honestly.

“Back then, our canning industry and the beverage industry were on par with each other. Even the beverage industry couldn’t keep up with our canning industry...” Li Xiaoliu said with a look of reminiscence on his face.

 Li Xiaoliu really wasn’t bragging. Back then, the canned food industry was unique in the country and could even be said to be a daily necessity. For visits to relatives and friends, you could just carry two bottles of canned food.

 It is even more essential during the Chinese New Year, when the status of drinks is simply not comparable to that of the cans. Cans can be given as gifts, and the cans can also be used as water glasses.

 After eating the pulp, you can drink the sweet water inside. At one time, many people even thought that the canned food was a nutritional supplement. It was reserved for pregnant women at home, or for patients, and children could only drink two of it.

 In those days when fruits were not available, canned food was one of the high-end gifts.

But now, times have changed. The canned market is shrinking every year, but the beverage industry is booming. The development is not too good. Li Xiaoliu was very jealous when he saw it, so he couldn't bear it at the annual meeting. Zhu De said.

"Haha, let me explain to you why the beverage market is developing well. Beverages are a type of fast-moving consumer goods that are highly related to consumption experience and scenarios. As its categories continue to be enriched, consumers' options are gradually increasing. eventually become part of his rich life.

 This is developed along with economic development. To put it bluntly, when people have money in their pockets, they will naturally buy more drinks. But canning is different. In the past, people couldn't eat fruits. There weren't that many fruits to eat, and transportation and other aspects were underdeveloped.

If you want to eat some out-of-season fruits, you must make the fruits canned. In addition, the fruits of that period were a kind of gift, but now the economy has developed.

People's material life has become increasingly rich. In the past, when visiting relatives and friends, they would just carry two bottles of cans on the table. But now, if anyone carries two bottles of cans to visit relatives and friends, they have to be forced to come out. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, and everyone in the conference room also laughed. These people here have also experienced that era, but they did not expect that in these short twenty years, their lives have unknowingly changed so much. .

"So the shrinkage of the canned market is doomed. The attribute of being a gift is gone, and the practical attribute is also gone. How could it not shrink? But drinks are different. From the very beginning, the attribute of drinks is to let people enjoy life. of.

Now that we have money and the economy has developed, the tide will naturally lift..."

 It would be better not to say anything. Li Xiaoliu became even more depressed. There was no other way. Could he still prevent the economy from developing or even regressing?

After Jiahe Company reported last year’s profits, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t deny the plan to package water and the project to be launched after the year. This is the power of the times.

 In the past, if water could be sold for money, it would have to be sprayed to death. Who would have to pay for drinking water? What kind of water are you talking about? Is it fairy water? Drinking it will make you live forever or it can cure all diseases.

 But things are different now. Nowadays, people are beginning to pursue the quality of life, so this packaged water is naturally put on the table.

Li Xiaoliu on the side became even more depressed as he listened. People can make money by filling water into bottles. However, the canned food he worked so hard to make cannot be bought at a high price. How can this be justified?

 But there is no way, the market is like this, and no one can violate the laws of the market. After Jiahe Company's report, Changxingju Real Estate Company took over the report. Compared with last year, the real estate company's profits have declined. The regulation started in 2004, but in fact, the profits in 2004 were not greatly affected. of influence.

 Because at the time of the regulation, many projects had already been completed or were under construction. Projects that should normally be pre-sold that year were not affected at all.

But this year is different, because in 2004 we received less land and fewer projects can be developed. Naturally, profits will be affected to a certain extent.

However, the impact of this on Changxingju Real Estate Company is not too great. After all, Changxingju Real Estate Company still has some land reserves that can be developed, which can support Changxingju Real Estate Company for three years at most.

 There are two reasons why these reserved land plots are not used now. One is because the current housing prices have begun to fall, and the other is because Changxingju Real Estate Company has also been affected by bank policies and is in the contraction strategy.

 Once the market is liberalized, Changxingju Real Estate Company can be the first to recover.

Yabaihan Supermarket is not small in scale, but unfortunately due to the seniority-based reporting model, in the morning, it was not the turn of Yaohan Supermarket.

 At noon, we had a simple meal, but we all got together and had a few drinks, but it didn’t affect the afternoon meeting.

 In the afternoon, companies continued to report. This may also be the last year that Yaohan Supermarket will report, so the data of Yaohan Supermarket is also very beautiful, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Huaqing Electric’s performance is also very good. In the past two years, the concept of channel being king has become more and more important. As the largest electrical appliance retailer in China, Huaqing Electric can be said to be stuck in the neck of many domestic home appliance brands.

 The reason why Gurley Group cooperates with Huaqing Holding Group is because Huaqing Holding Group owns a powerful home appliance chain brand like Huaqing Electric Appliances.

Company after company was reporting, and by the evening, these companies had basically finished reporting. That night, a dinner was arranged at the headquarters, which was relatively private.

 Tomorrow, there will be some performances, awards activities, prize distributions, etc. There will be more people eating, so it will be easier for everyone to talk tonight.

  Reminiscing about old times, chatting, and bragging, in fact, after putting aside the appearance of the company, we are all ordinary people. Wang Meng drank a lot. After drinking too much, he mentioned Li Laosan, which made everyone feel sad for a while.

Tianyuan talked about the past when they came to Huaqing Holding Group, and lamented how time flies. The strategic plan written on paper back then has become a reality.

 Wang Chao talked about the first time he met his wife Liu Xiaomei...

 (End of this chapter)

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