Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3758: Didn't you try hard enough?

Chapter 3758: Isn’t it a lack of effort?

  Before the Royal Bank of Scotland acquired NatWest, in fact, it did not think about acquiring it directly at the beginning. Instead, it joined forces with another ally, the Bank of Scotland.

The two banks are both from Scotland and are relatively close to each other. The two banks want to join forces and acquire NatWest Bank together, and then they will become bigger and stronger together.

As a result, as we talked, the Bank of Scotland, an ally, quit the business and stopped the acquisition. It was not that the Bank of Scotland was timid, but that the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Bank of Scotland collapsed during the process of negotiating a joint acquisition.

It’s like two people made an appointment to start an uprising together. After the uprising, it must be clear who will be the big brother. The two banks had conflicts in terms of the acquisition process and management after the acquisition was successful.

This Bank of Scotland withdrew from the acquisition in a fit of anger. I'm quitting it. You can go and do it yourself.

The Bank of Scotland originally thought that without its own participation, the Royal Bank of Scotland would not be able to survive.

 It is no joke to acquire a bank that is more than three times the size of your own. First of all, there is the issue of funding. Not to mention, even if it is acquired, how to manage it is also a problem.

In the end, is it you acquiring someone else, or is someone acquiring you?

The store bullies the customer and the customer bullies the store. There is no specific party A or party B between the two. Whoever has more power will be more powerful. The Royal Bank of Scotland is only a regional bank, ranking second among banks in the world. By chance, if you want to acquire a bank that is more than three times your size, if you are not careful, more than two hundred and three hundred years of history will disappear.

 But Royal Bank of Scotland did just that and made the acquisition despite the pressure. In the end, Royal Bank of Scotland really succeeded.

 The greater the risk, the greater the reward after success. Risk and return are always directly proportional, and this is true everywhere.

 The Royal Bank of Scotland, from a local bank to a global commercial bank, spent 21 billion pounds, setting a record for the highest amount of banking acquisitions in the country's history.

 Then it developed rapidly within a few years. Last year, in the global rankings of banks, it suddenly sprinted to the fifth position from outside the 200th place.

 In just five years, in just five years, the Royal Bank of Scotland has rushed from the 200th place to the fifth position. Now it is also in the limelight and very strong.

Jiang Xiaobai felt a little emotional. Even though Huahua Bank has developed fast enough in recent years, it is still working hard to break into the top ten of the World Bank rankings. As a result, the Royal Bank of Scotland has grown so fiercely that in five years, it has grown from After two hundred places, he reached the top five.

 The speed of development made Jiang Xiaobai jealous.

“Old Huang, look at me, look at you, why can’t you even get into the top ten now? Are you slacking off?” Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes turned red with envy, so naturally he couldn’t help but say something about Mr. Huang.

Mr. Huang was also very aggrieved: "Director Jiang, I have worked very hard, but the Royal Bank of Scotland has a long history. It turns out that it has a history of more than 200 years.

 So this step of acquisition may seem bold and dangerous, but in fact it has a complete set of processes, including leadership staffing, division of responsibilities, internal risk control, reporting systems, performance evaluation, etc., all of which are the result of history.

We, Huahua Bank, only have a long history. We have already worked very hard to be among the top 20. Our history is too shallow..."      "How shallow is it? Sometimes I reflect on myself, okay, isn't it just a set of acquisitions? Plan? You guys can’t do it, just try harder..." After Jiang Xiaobai said a lot of sarcastic words, he finally felt more comfortable, and then said without waiting for Mr. Huang to continue speaking.

“Okay, okay, work harder in the future. I won’t say anything more. Anyway, let’s learn from others. Now take the time to introduce the situation of UBS Group.”

Mr. Huang felt extremely aggrieved. He felt that he had not read the almanac during his trip. Just because he had disturbed Jiang Xiaobai’s New Year celebrations, Jiang Xiaobai made things difficult for him and alienated him from the grassroots level.

 If you don’t have the ability to empathize at the bottom level, and you say that you don’t work hard, you obviously work hard, but you are really unfair to yourself.

 As for it, it’s just that I interrupted my vacation, and it’s just for myself.

 Besides, I’m just trying my best.

Jiang Xiaobai has already opened the information on UBS Group at this time. In fact, the information on UBS Group is very simple. Many people have heard of it. UBS Group is also Swiss Bank among many people.

The reason why Swiss Bank was able to develop actually relied on the confidentiality system. In later TV series, many criminals would deposit their money in Swiss Bank and would always ask for checks from Swiss Bank.

 In fact, it is slightly expanded. Swiss Bank seems to be neutral. In fact, sometimes, when it comes to politics, its **** is also crooked and not so fair.

 Because of the times, UBS Group rose to prominence and is now a behemoth.

The last one is Yazhou Development Bank, referred to as Asian Development Bank, or Ya Bank. This bank is a bit special. It is somewhat like a loose alliance.

 It is a regional intergovernmental financial development institution dedicated to promoting the economic and social development of developing members in the Pacific and the Pacific region.

Since 1999, the Bank of China has put forward a strategic goal, which is poverty alleviation. How should I put it? It is a semi-official financial institution. Let’s call it official. It has no connection with any country. Let’s say it is a non-governmental organization. It is also a semi-official financial institution. There is no controlling owner.

Of course, it is said that there are no controlling shareholders. That is because the shareholders are all from one country, and China can only rank third among them. Citigroup holds the first share and has a veto power.

I don’t know how Citigroup, a country not in the Yazhou area, can hold the first shareholding position in a Yazhou Development Bank.

The reason why this institution can occupy a quota among investment banks is because the domestic plan is between the Bank of China and the Yazhou Development Bank. The relationship between the two parties is relatively close, and there has been a lot of cooperation between the two parties.

After reading the information of the three companies, Jiang Xiaobai felt a little helpless. If anything, it would be better to bully Temasek. The other three companies are either very strong or have very complicated relationships.

 (End of this chapter)

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