Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3774: Initial cooperation intention

Chapter 3774 Preliminary Cooperation Intention

Mou Qizhong looked at Jiang Xiaobai and didn't know what to say for a moment. He knew that the distance between him and Jiang Xiaobai had widened. It turned out that Nande Group could cooperate with Huaqing Holding Group.

At that time, the two parties also invested in a series of joint ventures such as satellite companies and technology companies, but now, Nande Group has become Nande Entertainment Company.

 A person who makes movies and TV series wants to cooperate with Huaqing Holding Group. What kind of cooperation can he do? Collaborate on a large-scale documentary about the decline of the South German Group?

But he knew the gap was big, but he didn't expect it to be so big. He was still thinking of getting a loan from the bank. Jiang Xiaobai was already investing in the bank.

The loan he applied for from the bank was still not approved. He was also thinking about whether to have a dinner with someone from the bank in a few days. As a result, Jiang Xiaobai even bought a stake in the bank easily.

The banks have already agreed, but Jiang Xiaobai is still reluctant because the shares offered by the bank are few.

The gap between the two people is now so great that it is difficult for him to arrange a meeting with the president of a branch in the city. Jiang Xiaobai spends all day negotiating with the board of directors of the bank headquarters.

Mou Qizhong opened his mouth several times, wanting to say something, but in the end he swallowed it back. What should he say? Needless to say, the loan trouble he was facing now could be solved by Jiang Xiaobai just by saying hello. , but is that what you want?

 Let Jiang Xiaobai help him, where would he put his face?

Sometimes, the more familiar these people are, the more Mou Qizhong is unwilling to bow his head. During the same meal, he and Jiang Xiaobai ate and drank. They talked about things from the past. It was the first time they met. They went together. The cans in the north were exchanged for airplanes, and the two of them went to launch satellites and so on.

That was the most glorious thing in Mou Qizhong's life so far, and it was also the most memorable moment for Mou Qizhong.

Although the current Nande Entertainment Company, in the eyes of outsiders, is considered a medium-sized company and a leader in the entertainment industry, with many celebrities still pursuing it, it is not what Mou Qizhong wants. .

Two days later, Jiang Xiaobai received the news from Chi Rui. Gongshang Bank agreed to kick out American Express Company and Allianz Company, and Gaosheng Company and Huahua Bank were responsible for the listing.

This is a good thing. It can be considered that the two companies have reached a preliminary agreement on cooperation. Of course, it is only a preliminary agreement. It does not mean that it has been finalized. There is still the matter of shares to be discussed.

This is the most important thing. Only when the number of shares to be released can be settled, can the negotiation be said to be successful.

However, that night, Jiang Xiaobai and his colleagues from ICBC held a small celebration dinner. At least the preliminary cooperation intention was reached. Everyone was consistent in the general direction, which was a big step forward. .

"Director Jiang, the next negotiation is expected to be easier. I propose that starting from tomorrow, we will formally enter the negotiation process and determine some of the main contents of cooperation. What do you think, Director Jiang?" Chi Rui He asked, looking at Jiang Xiaobai while holding the wine glass.

He knew that Jiang Xiaobai's appetite must be quite big. He asked for nearly 20% of the shares from China Construction Bank. Although it was said that part of it could be purchased in the future, in fact, he got only 20% of the shares. Ten up.

 At present, Gongshang Bank is willing to give out one of the board seats, and the other is more than 5% of the shares, leaving about 2% of room.

 Their previous plan was to allocate a total of 10% of the shares to international strategic investors. If there are three companies, each company would have about 3% of the shares.

 The contract signed with Gao Sheng is also about 3% of the shares, totaling about 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, and the price per share is a little more than one yuan.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai has kicked out two companies, theoretically, they are still preparing about 7% of the shares. Their idea is to give Jiang Xiaobai about 5% of the shares of Huahua Bank and a director seat.     If Jiang Xiaobai wanted more, it would only be about 7% at most.

I just don’t know if Jiang Xiaobai can satisfy these. After all, Jiang Xiaobai has a huge appetite. He insists on kicking out two companies, and kicked out American Express and Allianz Group at once. This is not the mentality of ordinary international strategic investors. .

 The normal mentality of international strategic investors is to only consider their own interests, but Jiang Xiaobai directly considered the interests of Gongshang Bank and wanted to ensure his influence in Gongshang Bank in the future.

This position is fundamentally different. The positions are different, and the things you want are naturally different.

 So start negotiations as early as possible, so that if you encounter any problems, they can be resolved in time.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai had no objection. He also wanted to finish the discussion as soon as possible. He wanted to return to the Magic City as soon as possible. It was already mid-March after the new year, spring had arrived, and he was still grinding away in the capital.

The group has not gone there even once, and the others are fine. But for Yaohan Supermarket, Liu Xiaomei has called her several times to sign for it. Yaohan Supermarket will go out independently this year.

All kinds of documents and the like need to be signed by oneself. As a result, after the new year, there will be no one to see. Of course Liu Xiaomei is anxious.

He estimated that if he didn’t go back, Liu Xiaomei would send someone to the capital to look for him.

 After agreeing on the time for the negotiation, everyone did not drink too much that night and started negotiating the next day. This was business. Drinking too much the night before would not affect the negotiation on the next day.

 The next morning, people from both sides sat in the conference room. First, Gongshang Bank introduced the signing status of Gaosheng Company.

“We gave Gaosheng Company 3.3% of the shares, and the price per share was 1.16 yuan, a total price of 1.2 billion U.S. dollars. There is no need to discuss the price per share.

 Also based on the price of Gaosheng Company, Mr. Jiang, do you have any opinions? "

Chi Rui looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked. Jiang Xiaobai immediately said: "We have no problem here, just follow this price."

Chi Rui breathed a sigh of relief. This was considered an agreement. The record-keeper on the side took note of this item and then talked about the shares.

"Director Jiang, your Huahua Bank wants a board seat. I have tried my best to get it, and the superiors have agreed. What we are considering is long-term cooperation. Just like what Director Jiang said before, in Globally, our two companies’ positions are the same.”

 (End of this chapter)

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