Chapter 3781 Summer

Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aiguo returned to Xiangjiang after being trained, and the group's affairs were basically on track. In a blink of an eye, it was summer, and Central Communications Bank was listed on the market. HSBC made a huge profit by investing in the Bank of Communications.

 It is estimated to be tens of billions, and as the stock price rises in the future, more will be earned.

 This state-owned bank stock represents the domestic economy. The domestic macro economy has developed very well in the past two years, and everyone is very optimistic about it.

 After Bank of Communications is listed, it will become the Bank of China.

 On May 11, the Bank of China's IPO international roadshow was officially launched at the Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong, with an expected net fund-raising amount of HK$68.071 billion.

 Subsequently, the Bank of China’s management team went to major financial centers around the world to start international roadshows. The IPO was a huge success, with a total of HK$75.427 billion actually raised, setting a record for the world's largest stock issuance in six years. The public offering was subscribed 76 times, and part of the frozen funds in the public offering reached HK$291.5 billion.

Millions of people subscribed in Xiangjiang. On average, one out of every six adults over the age of 18 applied for shares in Bank of China, breaking the historical record of more than 600,000 people subscribing in the Hong Kong subway in 2000.

On May 20th, the Three Gorges Dam, which took 12 years to complete, was completed. This is the largest water conservancy project in human history. The total investment reached 24 billion US dollars. After completion, it will generate electricity every year. The capacity can reach 847 watt-hours, replacing the former Itaipu Hydropower Station and becoming the world's largest comprehensive power generation and flood control project.

 This is also a symbol of national strength.

At the end of May, Jiang Xiaobai went to the capital for a few days to discuss the listing with Gongshang Bank. The rest of the time, Jiang Xiaobai stayed in Shanghai. After entering June, the most important thing for Jiang Xiaobai was What's more, my son Jiang Langlang is about to take the college entrance examination.

Although test scores are not important to Jiang Langlang, Jiang Langlang still attaches great importance to it. Wanting to get into a good university on his own is also very stressful for Jiang Langlang.

Both of my parents were students of Beijing Normal University, especially my father Jiang Xiaobai, who was the top scorer in the college entrance examination back then. Although the college entrance examination had just resumed at that time, it could not compare with the current college entrance examination in terms of knowledge points and difficulty.

 But it is also the college entrance examination. It would be embarrassing if I could not even get into college. Although I would still be able to study by then, it would be too shameful to tell anyone.

Jiang Langlang was also very serious. Jiang Xiaobai didn't go to the company either. In the early morning of June 7th, he got up and tidied up, and then he and Zhao Xinyi went to see Jiang Langlang off for the college entrance examination.

While in the car, Jiang Xiaobai saw that Jiang Langlang was a little nervous, so he smiled and comforted him and said, "It's okay. If I had known you were so nervous, I would have gone to the capital to take the college entrance examination."

Money is not everything, but money can solve many things. For many ordinary people, it may be difficult to obtain a household registration in the capital, but for Jiang Xiaobai, it is just a matter of words.

The college entrance examination environment in Beijing is a little more relaxed than that in the capital. Of course, there are many universities in the capital and there are more local enrollment quotas. Compared with other major college entrance examination provinces, it is also easier. .

Jiang Langlang shook his head: "No, I will take the college entrance examination in Shanghai. Back then, you and your mother were able to pass the college entrance examination in your hometown. I am now in Shanghai. If you fail, it will be a shame for you." "

 Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and rubbed his son's brain: "Okay, you have ambition, but I have to correct one problem." "What?"

"First of all, your mother was the daughter of the factory director. She was not an ordinary person. I was an ordinary person who jumped in the queue to take the college entrance examination in the countryside. In addition, I studied while working in the queue, and I also took the exam. The top scorer in the college entrance examination in the province." Jiang Xiaobai said coquettishly.

This is the best thing to take out and brag to your children.

It's just that Zhao Xinyi on the side is not willing. If you brag, you can brag. What do you mean by stepping on me?

"It's really ugly. What a daughter. I am just like an ordinary person. At most, I don't have to work and can focus all my energy on studying." Zhao Xinyi paused and continued: "And that kind of college entrance examination back then There is nothing valuable about being the No. 1 pick, and there is no way to compare it with what it is now.”

"What is not valuable? Why don't you take a test if it is not valuable?" Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi were joking. The car also arrived at the school gate. There were many cars in the magic city and there was no parking space at the school gate. Jiang Xiaobai searched for a long time. Only then did we find a roadside parking spot.

Then he sent his son into the examination room. At this time, many parents had already sent their children to take the examination, and they did not leave after sending them. Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi were no different from other parents at this moment.

  The two of them are also preparing to wait at the school gate today. It’s not that they are nervous about whether Jiang Langlang will do well in the exam, but that this is an important moment in Jiang Langlang’s life after all.

Especially Jiang Xiaobai, he missed too many important moments for Jiang Langlang. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Langlang became a young man and was about to take the college entrance examination. He couldn't miss the college entrance examination this time.

"Let's wait under the shade of the tree over there." Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the side and said, Zhao Xinyi nodded. After the two of them arrived under the shade of the tree, it felt much cooler. In June in the Magic City, the weather was already uncomfortably hot. .

Jiang Xiaobai sat down directly on the curb. He never maintained his identity and felt that any behavior was not in line with his own behavior. Anyway, he could sit if others could sit. The sun shone from the tree crowns, making spots on the ground. The spots of light are like stars.

They still look beautiful. Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi have not been so relaxed for a long time.

"Time flies so fast. I still remember that when Langlang was just born, he was so wrinkled. But in the blink of an eye, he has grown so big that he is about to take the college entrance examination. He will go to college in the summer soon." Jiang Xiaobai Sighing.

Zhao Xinyi nodded: "I still remember that time. When Langlang could just walk, he was toddling at home. I followed behind, for fear that he would accidentally fall down. He was so fast. He went to college, and I saw him every day. No one is around anymore.”

Zhao Xinyi said it with eyes full of reluctance. When her children are older, they will have their own lives after going to college. They may also fall in love and follow other girls. They will become wild and have no home.

 All parents are the same in the world. No matter how much money Jiang Xiaobai makes, the feelings of being a parent are the same.

 (End of this chapter)

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