Chapter 3901: Excited

Liu Hui had been with Song Xin for such a long time, and of course she knew it in her heart. After she went abroad to get married and have children early, she got divorced. From then on, her ex-husband seemed to have disappeared from the world and never appeared again. .

At least she had never heard of it. Sometimes, when the two of them chatted in private, they also talked about this topic. But every time when this matter was brought up, Song Xin remained silent. As time went by, she I won’t mention this matter anymore.

 As for the children at home, Song Xin's father has always helped take care of them, and Song Xin's mother passed away due to illness.

She understands all this, but what she doesn't understand is that she was fine before, but now she has to go back to the group headquarters to be the vice president just for the sake of her children. Being the vice president of the group headquarters, if it were in other companies, this would definitely be It's a promotion.

After all, the vice president of the group headquarters is definitely one level higher than the person in charge of the subsidiary company. However, under the framework of Huaqing Holding Group established by Jiang Xiaobai, the vice president of the group headquarters has very little power.

 At least not as big as the person in charge of a subsidiary. Each subsidiary has great autonomy, and it is not something that the vice president of the group can intervene at all.

If you say that if you can become the vice president of a group and one day become the CEO of the group, then forget it, but in fact it is simply impossible. Needless to say, Zhang Wenyi is doing a good job as the CEO of the group, even if Zhang Weiyi does it No, I need to replace him.

Under the existing group framework, it is only possible to select people from among the heads of each subsidiary, and it is impossible to select from the group’s vice presidents.

 So becoming the vice president of a group is equivalent to directly giving up the rights in your hand and living in retirement. How could Song Xin suddenly make this decision so well?

“Sister, where’s my uncle? Isn’t he always carrying Tangtang and doing it well? Why is this all of a sudden...” Liu Hui asked doubtfully.

Song Xin didn't hide anything. She told her father's travel plan. Liu Hui fell silent immediately. She opened her mouth several times to persuade her, but in the end nothing came out.

One is Song Xin's words, which have made it very clear that the decision has been made, and she said not to let her persuade her any more, and this matter has already been discussed with Jiang Xiaobai, which means that the matter has been settled. .

The other thing is that she is also a mother, and she understands that. Although she has a strong career ambition, and her husband, mother-in-law, and mother help take care of the children at home, it is like this. Sometimes when she goes back to see her children, she feels very unhappy. Giving up.

What's more, Song Xin is like this. If Song Xin's father also goes out, only the children and the nanny will be left at home. If she encounters this situation, she will also think of going back to take care of the children.

"Okay, don't think too much. I came here to tell you that when Director Jiang asked me about my successor, I recommended you to Director Jiang." Song Xin said with a smile, looking very relaxed. .

This time I was relieved of all the burdens on my body, and I felt relaxed all over. Although I was reluctant to leave the energy company I founded, I was more yearning for the days when I could spend time with my children in the future.

Liu Hui suddenly became excited after hearing this. Although she tried hard to hide her excitement and excitement, she still couldn't control it. At the same time, she felt a little uneasy. Song Xin recommended herself to Jiang Xiaobai. What about Jiang Xiaobai's opinion? ?

If she can become the person in charge of a subsidiary company, she will become a real senior executive of Huaqing Holding Group. She has been with Huaqing Holding Group for more than ten years. From a young girl who just graduated to a design institute Well, I was poached here, and I got to where I am today step by step, but when I reached the position of vice president of a subsidiary company, there was almost no room for improvement.

  Unless the group is involved in a new industry, there is only a small chance. But even so, it is not easy to become the person in charge of a subsidiary, especially for the current Huaqing Holding Group. The older group of subsidiary persons in charge are like Wang Chao and Wang Meng. , Liu Jian, Li Xiaoliu and others were there when they were in Jianhua Village.

In addition, the new group of subsidiaries’ heads, such as Chu Beiping, Sun Jianyun, Tian Yuan, etc., have already emerged when they were in Longcheng, and what about the current subsidiaries’ heads?

Liu Xiaomei returned from studying abroad, and it was by chance that she took charge of Yaohan Supermarket. As for Ni Guangnan, needless to say, the qualifications and qualifications are there.

The only person who can be compared is Hu Jinshan, but what kind of resume Hu Jinshan had before joining Huaqing Holding Group? In terms of academic qualifications, he is nothing. In terms of ability, it is not easy to compare with the second generation. .

It turns out that when she came to Huaqing Holding Group, college students were still very popular in the group, but now, college students, even graduate students, and doctoral students are everywhere. Domestic famous schools, famous schools around the world, don't be too Many.

 But there are only so many positions for the heads of subsidiaries. Each one of them is in charge of tens of billions of assets and has a great say.

 So if you want to get into these positions, it depends purely on luck. If you are lucky, it is possible, or you are the vice president of the subsidiary company or the person in charge of the subsidiary company that Jiang Xiaobai really admires.

It seems like there is only one step away, but this step is like a natural chasm. Once you have crossed it, you will always have a place at the top of a group with hundreds of billions of dollars in meetings or when studying major group strategies.

To a certain extent, a decision can affect the economic development of a region, affecting the economic development of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people in the area.

 How many families and how many people's fates may be changed because of your decision.

If you can’t get promoted, you will be the vice president of a subsidiary company. If the person in charge of the subsidiary company hires you, you will have some say. If you are not employed, you will be just an ordinary vice president.

The difference between the two is too great, so when she heard Song Xin recommending herself to take over, Liu Hui couldn't help but breathe quickly, and the excitement on her face was palpable.

“Hey, little girl, you were trying to persuade me just now, but now that you’re going to be the leader, you’re so excited that you can’t persuade me anymore.” Song Xin watched this scene and couldn’t help but joke.

Of course, the main reason for this is the relationship and affection between the two of them for so many years. I am also retiring. Joking and the like have brought the relationship closer.

 (End of this chapter)

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