Chapter 3911 Comparison

 The specific situation must be analyzed in detail. The lessons left by the Qiongzhou real estate bubble were indeed profound, but now the situation is different.

 Jiang Xiaobai continued to analyze Wang Meng.

“When was the real estate bubble in Qiongzhou? It was 1992. What was the situation in the country at that time? Let me give you a few examples. In that year, the 1992 faction was born.

Starting from that year, a large number of people with iron rice bowls in the system began to be laid off. Before that, even if you made money, you were still a self-employed person and you would be looked down upon. I remember there was a saying at that time The words are called, put down the airs of the working class, become a self-employed person, invigorate openness, and make some contributions. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, feeling a little happy. When he mentioned the past, memories always came to his mind involuntarily.

Wang Meng also laughed. Nowadays, who would say that being a worker still has airs is just a joke, but in that era, the working class really looked down on business.

 Anyone who does business as a self-employed person will be looked down upon by others. Do you think you have a sense of superiority as a worker?

But workers in those days really had a sense of superiority. The iron rice bowl of a state-owned factory meant that the person you were negotiating with had priority in choosing a spouse. It was like the kind in the dating market for future generations. They would say, "I have a car, a house, and an annual salary of 350,000 yuan." About one hundred thousand.

 In the summer, state-owned factories have homemade sodas to drink, there are factory hospitals for those who are sick, and schools for factory children. There are cultural centers and cinemas in the factories, which also provide a wealth of cultural and entertainment activities.

 Working in this state-owned factory is a guarantee.

As a self-employed person, no one will care about you when you get sick, and you have no support for what you want to do. There is no difference between a person without an employer and a person without a home. This is really not an exaggeration at all.

That's how it was in those days.

 If you want to be self-employed and do business, you must first put down your working-class pretensions.

"In 1992, after Nanxun that year, the "Opinions on Standards for Joint Stock Companies" and "Opinions on Standards for Limited Liability Companies" were issued. Based on these two documents, the companies established were both limited companies and joint-stock companies. So. It was not until 1992 that entrepreneurship based on the modern enterprise system really appeared. Before that, there was not even a formal joint-stock company in the society. "

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "In 1992, the business environment also changed. The basic line must be adhered to for a hundred years. This sentence established a mature domestic business environment, and the domestic economy began to truly develop. ”

"After 1992, the people in the country began to really have money. Of course, the first batch of wealth began to come into the hands of ordinary people on a large scale. It was the magic city's wealth certificate in 1992, that is, the magic city. In 1992, a large number of ordinary people began to have money in their hands."

Wang Meng nodded, what Jiang Xiaobai said was true.

“Think about it, around 1992, people had no money and companies had no money, so the prices of real estate in Qiongzhou continued to soar. It’s obvious how it could last for a long time.

In 1991, it was 1,400 yuan per square meter. In 1992, it went up to 5,000 yuan per square meter. In 1993, it reached 7,500 yuan per square meter. This price was obviously impossible. In this case, it was If you play the game of drumming and passing flowers, there will be thunder sooner or later. "

"But think about today. From 1992 to 2007, fifteen years of development have passed. In fifteen years, the changes have been huge. If you look at the high-rise buildings outside, there are still There is domestic economic development there.

  It is no longer comparable to what it was in 1992. The real economy has developed and people have money in their hands. Of course, the houses sold by the real estate industry are still very expensive. But many people have money to buy, and companies are also rich. After fifteen years of development, these companies have made money, and they are no longer the ones that were just starting out. status.

 So naturally there is no game of drumming and passing flowers.

 Because the situations faced by the two are fundamentally different..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, and Wang Meng relaxed completely. Jiang Xiaobai's analysis was indeed true. House prices have indeed risen now, but relatively people have money in their hands. Of course, this is still a small proportion. part of.

 But it is enough, as long as it is not speculated back and forth in the hands of real estate speculators, because that will cause the real estate industry to collapse, and it will not be able to survive at all.

“Of course, the current housing prices are indeed not low. They have risen to several thousand, nearly ten thousand. The price is indeed very high, but there is no way, and it is also not something that our family can stop.

What we can do is to subsidize this part of the profit on the construction cost of the house. If you feel that you have made too much, you can make less. At least you can spend so much money to buy a house and live more comfortably. .

 Carrying on the quality of the project and delivering the buildings on time and with guaranteed quality, this is what we can do now..."

Jiang Xiaobai also sighed as he spoke. In his previous life, housing prices were high, and many people suffered from it, but there was no way. The rise in housing prices could not be stopped by one's own abilities.

Even if it is rebirth, it seems a bit insignificant in the face of the general trend of history, and there are not many things that can be affected and changed.

Wang Meng nodded: "Okay, Director Jiang, I understand. Don't worry, I've always been very strict about the quality of the project, so I guarantee there won't be any problems."

"Well, hold more meetings, emphasize this matter more, and form a one-size-fits-all management system within the company. As long as something goes wrong with the engineering project, no matter who it is, no matter what the relationship is, and no matter how much contribution they have made to the company, they will be directly Fire and accountability, from top to bottom, everyone, everyone in the entire project will have to pay for it..."

Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, this kind of thing is not severe enough to deter. While he is still in the group and still has prestige, he must carry out this matter.

 When encountering this kind of thing, we must deal with it severely, and there is no room for negligence.

When the dust of the times falls on an individual’s head, it is like a big mountain.

 For a real estate company, it may just be an unfinished project, but for individuals, this is a heavy blow to two or three generations, and may even directly change their lives.

 (End of this chapter)

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