Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3922: private dinner

 Chapter 3922 Private Dinner

 “Director Jiang.” Zhang Tingting looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai handed the phone to Zhang Tingting, and then said: "Let's change the itinerary. There is a dinner here at noon. I want to have a meal with Director Wang. The time to go back this afternoon is to be determined."

"Okay Director Jiang." Zhang Tingting nodded and turned around to make arrangements. It was originally said that Jiang Xiaobai was going back to the Magic City. He won't be going back this afternoon. Some of the work arranged in the Magic City will be postponed appropriately. .

Of course, she has been following Jiang Xiaobai for several years, and this is not the first time this has happened. Zhang Tingting has long been used to it, and she is very familiar with the coordination.

 At noon, Jiang Xiaobai met Wang Jianjun in the Yongshi Hotel.

However, what surprised Jiang Xiaobai was that Wang Jianjun only brought his secretary, and no one else, except Wang Jianjun.

Jiang Xiaobai thought that Wang Jianjun would bring other leaders with him. In fact, Jiang Xiaobai was very familiar with the leaders in Yong City. After all, Huahai Automobile is here, as well as new energy vehicles and wafer fabs.

With so many companies here, how could Jiang Xiaobai not be familiar with the leaders in Ningbo City?

In order to choose Huahai Automobile to build a factory, I personally led a team to the Magic City to meet with Jiang Xiaobai, the third-in-command and Team Leader Zhang, who fought for Huahai Automobile to settle there, and later personally received the second-in-command, Director Gao.

 There is also the current top leader, Director Wang.

 These are all from leaders Jiang Xiaobai is familiar with in Ningbo City.

Of course, Team Leader Zhang was later transferred and promoted because of his outstanding achievements, and Director Gao also went to work in the province. Now in Yong City, the people who are most familiar with Jiang Xiaobai are Director Wang and Wang Jianjun.

Although the other leaders are also familiar with each other, they no longer have the same feelings as before.

However, for dining and socializing, Wang Jianjun would normally bring other people with him instead of going to the banquet alone. Unexpectedly, Wang Jianjun just brought a secretary over.

 “Dr. Jiang is here, please sit down quickly.” Wang Jianjun stood up and greeted.

“Director Wang, I’m sorry, I’m late.”

"If Mr. Jiang is here, I'm very happy to be here. I originally made an appointment at twelve o'clock, but I came early. What's more, this time I was a little presumptuous and disturbed Mr. Jiang's plan. I also invited Mr. Jiang I understand.”

“Director Wang is too polite. You can push back your work. If Director Wang calls you, why don’t you come...” The two of them exchanged greetings and took their seats.

“Director Jiang, are you coming to Ningbo to inspect new energy vehicles?” Wang Jianjun asked proactively.

“Well, this is probably the main purpose. Director Wang also knows that he didn’t bother to come over last year and was busy with other things. Now that the new year has started, I’m here to cheer everyone up..."

“Dr. Jiang, when will this new energy vehicle be able to produce results? I think it will take several years. Is there any problem with this technology?”

“Yes, when developing new energy vehicles, we will definitely encounter a lot of technical difficulties. After all, although this is not a completely new thing, many of them are still based on fuel vehicles, but the energy supply is different after all.

 It was originally a fuel vehicle, but now it is an electric vehicle. There must be difficulties in the development process. " ˆ ˆ ˆ Jiang Xiaobai paused and continued: "But I believe that this difficulty can always be overcome. Many technical problems are also being continuously solved. According to our original plan, the earliest will be the first half of next year, and the latest will be In the second half of next year, new energy vehicles will definitely roll off the assembly line.

 At that time, a new chapter in the automotive industry will open..."

Jiang Xiaobai said confidently, and Wang Jianjun also showed a smile on his face: "It would be best if this was the case. I also believe in new energy vehicles. So is there anything our city can help with in this process? Director Jiang Just ask."

“Haha, Director Wang took the initiative to ask for help this time, so I should arrange this meal.” Jiang Xiaobai joked.

“No, I personally invited Director Jiang to this meal. We have known each other for such a long time, and I personally want to show that inviting Director Jiang to a meal shows his trust in our Ningbo city.”

Wang Jianjun said that Jiang Xiaobai was a little strange. It was a personal treat. Huaqing Holding Group was considered an investor. Wang Jianjun treated himself to a meal. It was a banquet for investors on behalf of the city.

No matter how upright and honest you are, there is no problem, and it should be reimbursed by the public.

 Otherwise, Wang Jianjun’s salary would be enough to eat in such a high-end restaurant.

This is a normal procedure. Jiang Xiaobai is a little confused about what medicine Wang Jianjun is selling in the gourd today. Is it because he has some personal request and does he need his help?

“Director Jiang, if there are any difficulties in our new energy vehicles that we can solve, you can tell me now and help solve the last difficulty while I am still in this position.” Wang Jianjun said.

 “Director Wang, what do you mean?”

"I'm retiring. I'm getting older. I've reached my station and have to take a back seat." Wang Jianjun said with some reluctance and melancholy.

 He has been in this position for many years, and it is time for him to step down. He cannot keep occupying the position.

“Are you retiring?” Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Jianjun. He knew that Wang Jianjun had the opportunity to move to a higher position, but Wang Jianjun was unwilling to leave, so he had stayed here.

However, he did not expect that in the blink of an eye, Wang Jianjun would reach the age of retirement.

Looking at Wang Jianjun, Jiang Xiaobai realized that Wang Jianjun was indeed quite old, and his hair on his temples was already gray. Although he dyed his hair all day long, it still looked black on the surface.

  But it can be seen from the temples.

"Thank you, Director Wang, but there are no difficulties now. Time flies so fast. I still remember the first time I came to Yong City and met you, Director Wang. At that time, you scolded Fang Qiu and pointed out the country. This time I’m going to retire in a blink of an eye,” Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion.

Wang Jianjun showed a smile on his face: "I'm old now. Fortunately, I have done some things for Yong City in these years. My only regret is that I was not able to see new energy vehicles being produced off the production line when I was in office, but it doesn't matter. , I believe I will definitely be able to see it in my lifetime.”

"Haha, when the first batch of new energy vehicles rolls off the assembly line, I invite Director Wang to come over and test drive them in person." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, feeling very grateful to Director Wang. Director Wang is a person who does things, and he has really done it all these years. It provides a very good investment environment for the development of Huaqing Holding Group in Ningbo City.

 (End of this chapter)

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