Chapter 3941 Chaos

Jiang Xiaobai fell silent again. In fact, he didn't know what Li Longquan said. Could it be that Song Xin encountered an accident? It was possible, but this possibility was very small.

The reason is also very simple. In those years, social security was relatively chaotic. Jiang Xiaobai and the others always brought bodyguards with them when they went out. Now Jiang Xiaobai can easily go out with Li Longquan, his secretary and a few others.

 But I wouldn’t dare to go out without following four sturdy men.

The same goes for Song Xin, so the possibility of an accident is very small, and the only possibility is that Song Xin did it voluntarily.

Then you have the greatest possibility.

After Jiang Xiaobai was silent for a long time, he waved his hand and said, "You go ahead and do your work. I'll think about it myself."

Li Longquan and Zhao Xiaojin nodded and stood up to leave. Jiang Xiaobai sat on the sofa in the reception area. Without even returning to the desk, he lit up a cigarette and smoked, clearing the chaotic emotions in his mind.

 Jiang Xiaobai felt that he should be considered a relatively stable person, but it was of no use now. His mind was so messed up that he couldn't calm down at all.

  I think this way for a while, then think that way for a while, and I can’t figure it out at all.

 At noon, Zhang Tingting saw that Jiang Xiaobai had not eaten in the office, so she knocked on the door and reminded Jiang Xiaobai of the time. Jiang Xiaobai always worked like this, and it was normal for him to forget the time sometimes.

As a result, when she opened the door and walked in, the whole office was filled with smoke. Zhang Tingting subconsciously looked at the ashtray. The ashtray was already full. How many cigarettes had Director Jiang smoked?

Zhang Tingting quickly opened the ventilation, and then reminded Jiang Xiaobai: "Dr. Jiang, it's already noon. Are you going to the canteen today, or..."

"I'm not hungry, you go ahead." Jiang Xiaobai's voice was hoarse as soon as he opened his mouth.

 Zhang Tingting looked at Jiang Xiaobai's solemn eyes, nodded, exited the office, and gently closed the door for Jiang Xiaobai, but she was full of doubts about what happened and why Director Jiang smoked so many cigarettes.

Since Zhang Tingting followed Jiang Xiaobai for so many years, she has never seen Jiang Xiaobai so sad. No matter what happens, Jiang Xiaobai is always confident and has never been timid. It seems that there is nothing that cannot be solved.

This is the first time she has seen Jiang Xiaobai like this, and he can be so embarrassed.

 Obviously nothing happened to the group, and all subsidiaries are running normally. What is going on? When I got off work last night, there was no problem. I came here this morning, and there was no problem.

  I did not receive any important notifications or important calls in the morning.

Zhang Tingting combed through it quickly and found nothing. Why did this happen? Zhang Tingting couldn't understand. Before she went to eat, she specifically told Jiang Xiaobai that no one should disturb Jiang Xiaobai and stop anyone who came. .

When she came back from dinner and asked, Jiang Xiaobai was still in the office and had not come out at all. Zhang Tingting frowned slightly, and then said, "Well, go to the canteen and pack a meal, and I will deliver it to Director Jiang."

The people in the administrative department nodded and quickly packed the meals and came back. Zhang Tingting knocked on the door and walked in again.

As soon as she walked in, Zhang Tingting was shocked. Nearly an hour had passed since she went to eat. Jiang Xiaobai was sitting there without even changing his posture. He was in the same posture when he came just now. Now Jiang Xiaobai is sitting there. Or what posture. It didn't even move at all. "Dr. Jiang, I have packed some food for you, please eat some." Zhang Tingting put the food on the coffee table.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Okay, I understand, just put it here."

"Well." Zhang Tingting originally wanted to open it for Jiang Xiaobai, but when she heard this, she paused and put her hand down. After straightening up, Zhang Tingting hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Dr. Jiang, is something wrong? Something happened?"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "It's okay, don't think too much, just go and do your work first, and cancel all the schedules arranged for me in the afternoon. No matter who comes to me, they will tell me that I am not here."

 Jiang Xiaobai's mind was in a mess. After Zhang Tingting left, looking at the food on the table, he really had no appetite at all, so he finally lit up a cigarette.

How did that happen? Could it be that Tangtang is really Song Xin's and her own child, her own daughter? How could Song Xin make such a choice?

 And I haven’t told myself for so many years, what should I do?

Should you ask Song Xin directly or continue the investigation? It would be very simple if you continue the investigation. Just do a paternity test. This is not complicated at all.

 There is no need to alarm Song Xin at all, because he is too familiar with her, and there are not too many opportunities.

 As for paternity testing, it is no longer an advanced technology at this time. With Jiang Xiaobai's ability, if he is willing now, the results can be obtained in a few hours.

 But if the result is true, what should you do?

 But the matter has reached this point. If we don’t investigate, will we be able to deceive ourselves and others?

Impossible. I believe that as long as I tell Zhao Xiaojin and Li Longquan, this news can definitely be concealed. They will definitely not tell it to the public. But if it can be concealed from others, can it be concealed from yourself? ?

Wouldn’t you think of this incident late at night in the future?

But if I investigate further, how will I face Song Xin, how will I face Song Tang, and my own family...

Jiang Xiaobai's mind was in a mess, and it took another afternoon. When the lights outside started to turn on, Zhang Tingting knocked on the door again and came in. She turned on the light in the office. The light shone down. Jiang Xiaobai, who was used to the darkness, felt it was a bit dazzling and raised her hand to block it. one time.

“Director Jiang, it’s time to get off work,” Zhang Tingting said.

“Have you already gotten off work?” Jiang Xiaobai was stunned and turned to look out the window. He didn’t know when it was already night, and time passed too fast.

"Okay, I understand..." Jiang Xiaobai said and was about to stand up. As a result, he had been sitting for too long and his body was numb. As soon as he stood up, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Jiang Xiaobai caught him in time. handrails, otherwise you will fall.

Zhang Tingting was startled and quickly ran over to help Jiang Xiaobai.

“Dr. Jiang, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, I just sat for too long, I just need to stand for a while and move around.” Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands and limped to the window, looking at the night view of the Magic City outside the window.

 (End of this chapter)

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