Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 705: You worth the price

  Chapter 705 You are worth the price

  After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, several people were a little stunned.

  Just now when Jiang Xiaobai said that the people were there, they were a little confused.

  A few of them, Wang Chao and Wang Meng belonged to the educated youth cannery, but Song Weiguo belonged to the garment factory.

  To say, if you find the leaders of the two factories for a meeting, then you should also call the director of the clothing factory Shi.

  The three of them, Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, they understood.

  It turned out that they were meeting as shareholders of the educated youth cannery, and to be honest, several factories were in charge of each. If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai, they might have forgotten their shareholder status.

   "You can pass this newspaper first to read it." Jiang Xiaobai handed the newspaper in her hand to Song Xin, who sent it to several people, and opened the third page.

  They saw the eye-catching headline all at once, and several people's eyes condensed, and then their expressions became serious.

  This is the most authoritative newspaper above, and every sentence is worth pondering, and now it has used such a large space to report on Jianhua Village.

  Bu Xinsheng and Garment Factory seem to be so famous this time.

  The eyes of a few people were full of surprises, and they didn't think about the meaning behind this incident.

  And why is it so famous? Jiang Xiaobai called them alone, instead of holding a meeting to bring everyone together to announce the good news.

   "Director Xiaobai, you are going to be famous, and our Jianhua Village is going to be famous too, good news." Wang Chao raised his head and said with a smile.

   Jiang Xiaobai also did not have a gloomy face, smiled and nodded, did not speak, and waited for Wang Meng and Song Weiguo to finish reading the newspaper before speaking.

   "This is a good thing, too, but there are also disadvantages. At the beginning of the year, the price double-track system was implemented, and now the top is crossing the river by feeling the stones.

  Now we are famous, but the rafters who came out first rot first. Once something changes, our Jianhua Village will definitely be the first..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, the faces of the three people suddenly became pale and ugly.

  They are not as familiar with the future direction as Jiang Xiaobai, knowing what to do?

  What will they do for the future? There is no bottom in my heart, especially after the most severe years of "fighting against speculation."

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at the faces of the people with bad expressions, knew what they were thinking, and comforted them: “Don’t worry too much. There will be no smooth sailing on the road, but I believe the future is definitely good.

  Although it is crossing the river by feeling the stones, the results of the reform are constantly changing. Once the general trend is formed, no one can stop it, it is nothing more than twists and turns. "

  But overall, reforms have been going on. Especially last year, going to the sea has become the mantra of people in some big cities.

  Thinking of this, a few people looked a little better.

   "But we also have to make some preparations. We are now under the sun, and we are also in the People's Daily. As long as we don't have any problems, no one can do anything to us? The first is the property rights of the company."

Jiang Xiaobai paused and continued: "The property rights of the company are clear. This is the most important thing. So I am going to set up a company to put in the shares of the educated youth cannery and the shares of the holding factory, and it will be this company in the future. Holding several factories,

   Otherwise, the rights of several factories are equal, and there are many inconveniences in management. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Song Weiguo and the three can barely understand, but even if they don’t understand, they won’t object.

  This is the personal charm and authority of Jiang Xiaobai’s several factories in Jianhua Village.

  Song Weiguo nodded and agreed.

"Well, since everyone has no opinion, then this matter is settled. The name of the newly established company is Huaqing Holdings. It takes one word from Jianhua and the educated youth. It also means that our company is a young man in our country and is growing. ."

   Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, the name is good, Huaqing Holdings, Huaqing has far-reaching implications," Wang Chao was the first to agree.

  "Youth, grow up vigorously, yes, now several factories are thriving." Song Weiguo also said with a smile.

  The several factories in Jianhua Village are different from the factories he has seen. The factories have a vigor and vigorous vitality.

"Song Xin, this is to be handed over to you. The shares of the new company are still in accordance with the previous order. I will give you 2% of the original shares from my personal shares, but one day when you want to sell, Everyone sitting here has the priority to repurchase."

  Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked at Song Xin and said, that’s why Song Xin was called to come for a meeting today. Since then, Song Xin has also been an educated youth cannery. No, Huaqing Holdings is a shareholder.

  As soon as Jiang Xiaohua spoke out, Song Weiguo looked at Song Xin with envy.

  2% of the shares, he only has 5% of the shares, this is still early.

  And how much the 2% of the shares are, he can probably figure it out. The net profit of several factories last year was more than 4 million.

  The net profit of the educated youth cannery, divided according to shares, can account for more than 3 million within 4 million.

  2% of the shares, which means that it is more than 60,000 yuan. Several factories are still developing, and the future may be 100,000 or 200,000.

  Moreover, it is not only a matter of money. Being a shareholder also means that you have expanded your right to speak.

  It turned out that Song Xin was just an assistant. Now that she becomes a shareholder assistant, her power has expanded more than just a little bit.

  Wang Chao and Wang Meng are relatively simple. These are Jiang Xiaobai’s shares. Jiang Xiaobai is willing to give to others and has nothing to do with them.

  Furthermore, Song Xin is a high-achieving student who has returned from studying abroad and has strong working ability.

  Song Xin hurriedly waved her hand and said, "This, this is not appropriate, I can't ask for it."

  Educated youth cannery 2% of the shares represent, her assistant certainly knows.

  That's a lot of money.

   "Okay, you're worth the price. Last year, Lu Guanqiu still spent 8,000 yuan to buy college students from Zhejiang University. We can't do things a little more magnificently than him. That's it." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Song Xin rolled her eyes to Jiang Xiaobai, and her words were really ugly.

  It's worth the price, as if I were a piece of goods.

  In the past few years, Lu Guanqiu spent 8,000 yuan to buy college students and went to newspapers, and it was precisely because of this that he became a news figure.

  (End of this chapter)

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