Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 710: Should not be said

   Chapter 710

  "Here, this is Xinxing Feed Factory. Actually speaking, my chance to create Xinxing Feed Factory was very accidental. At first, it was because the villagers could make a fortune together.

  The pig farm was built. After the pig farm was built, our Liu Jian factory developed a feed formula by chance, and then a new feed factory..."

  Jiang Xiaobai introduced them to the two, while waiting for the two to enter the Xinxing Feed Factory?

   is still a wide and flat factory area. The northwest corner of the factory area should be the factory warehouse. There are a few cars at the entrance of the factory warehouse that are busy loading trucks.

  Jiang Xiaobai took the two directly to the production workshop. Before entering the production workshop, he heard the rumbling noise of the machine.

  Unified white system, workers with masks are pouring raw materials into the machine generation after generation.

  The workers on the assembly line are also busy with their own affairs.

  Occasionally when someone saw Jiang Xiaobai, they just nodded slightly, and then went to work on their own affairs.

The respect in   's eyes is similar to that of the villagers who greeted Jiang Xiaobai on the way, but here, they just nodded slightly.

   did not stop working or took off the mask to say hello.

  The workers in the workshop turned a blind eye to a few people, they just nodded when they saw Jiang Xiaobai.

  Liu Yonghao and Liu Yongxing were very curious in their hearts, but they seemed to be infected in this environment, and they didn't ask aloud.

   Instead, he kept listening to Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Zhang Weiyi, our deputy factory director, is also a stock in the feed factory of a high-quality university graduate, but he came with the production line when he came, and he is a capable person.

  In fact, our emerging feed factory restricts our development is the lack of production materials. The main raw material for the production of pig feed is grain.

  As everyone knows, the means of production of grain is not easy to buy, but a dual price system. We also directly signed grain purchase contracts with villagers in several nearby villages.

  In other words, the household contract system is now implemented, and every household has surplus grain. Otherwise, our Xinxing Feed Factory will not be able to open it. There is no way for a clever woman to cook without rice. "

   Jiang Xiaobai was talking and joking.

  Nothing is taboo, but there is nothing to dare to say.

  They are not reporters either. As long as he doesn't admit it after saying this, the two brothers are useless to talk about it everywhere.

  But the two brothers are really shocked. There are some things that the two of them dare to say behind closed doors, but some people have to be cautious in their words and deeds.

  I was deeply afraid of bringing disaster to myself, but looking at Jiang Xiaobai again, he didn't say anything but didn't take it into consideration, but what he said was basically the truth.

  No exaggeration, no complaints, but when it comes to current affairs and politics, you can just say what you want.

  In fact, the production workshop of a factory is the core, but after coming out of the production workshop, Jiang Xiaobai took them to the factory warehouse again.

  Sacks of feed with the words "Xingxing Feed Factory" are being loaded into trucks.

  The workers were so hot that they sweated on their heads and wiped them off with a towel. They didn’t mean to rest at all.

  After visiting the feed factory, Jiang Xiaobai took the two back to the educated youth canning factory.

  Seeing that Song Xin’s room opened, but the Liu brothers were there, and Jiang Xiaobai did not go there.

   During this period, Song Xin has been busy with the registration and share conversion of Huaqing Holding Company, and the office door is basically closed.

"Director Xiaobai, I don’t think any of the workers in the production workshop greeted you. Did they not know you or for other reasons? The person in charge of loading at the warehouse door was already sweating profusely and looked tired. It’s not working, but there is no one to rest. What is going on?"

  Liu Yonghao asked his doubts.

Jiang Xiaobai made a cup of tea for the two of them, smiled and said: "Others are not only feed factories, but the production workshops of several other factories are the same. As long as it is working time, no matter who comes, the leaders and those who visit and learn are also the same. Great

  Never say hello or stop working.

  As for the workers who load the truck, we implement a basic salary plus a piece-rate wage system. The more you install, the more you earn.

  The people in Jianhua Village are afraid of poverty. Now there are opportunities to make money. How can they not make money with all their energy? "

   Jiang Xiaobai explained one by one, the two of them thoughtfully.

  The feed factory and the educated youth cannery that I saw today actually shocked them.

  The clean factory area, snow-white work clothes, masks, headgear, and a serious attitude of meticulous work.

   is fundamentally different from the state-owned enterprises they have seen in the past.

  There are more management methods for them to ponder.

  "Director Xiaobai, your model is somewhat similar to the model of Huaxi Village. It is developed by a township. Is there any other statement here?"

  Liu Yonghao looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai was startled, took a closer look at Liu Yonghao, and then closed it before speaking.

   "Of course there is a saying, and we are not only relying on a village, but also a relatively poor village. When my village develops, people cherish everything that is hard-won and will not let anyone take it away.

  We in Jianhua Village have also experienced various difficulties, but we have solved them all relying on the villagers. No matter how much I can say, I just want to say that we all speak out from the grassroots,

  Unlike some big shots, it is clear that the dual-track system of means of production provides state-owned factories with an advantage in the procurement of means of production. As a result, it has become an opportunity for some people to make a fortune.

I believe this model is not only Huaxi Village, but also Jianhua Village. There may be a third and fourth one in the future... But this model also has flaws, that is, complete family and village cadre management, restricting development... "

  Jiang Xiaobai today can be said to be simple and profound, and he talked a lot about what should and should not be said with the Liu brothers.

  Finally, the Liu brothers stood up and bowed deeply to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Two brothers, our private enterprises are facing tremendous difficulties in developing. Everyone should help each other. Don't hesitate to talk about any difficulties. As long as I can help, I will definitely help."

   Jiang Xiaobai lifted up the two and said.

   "Okay, thank you, Director Xiaobai, let's go to rest first, let's not disturb you." The two brothers Liu Yonghao left and went to the place arranged by the educated youth cannery to rest.

  Today's harvest is enough, and shocked enough, they need to go back to discuss and digest today's harvest.

   Jiang Xiaobai stood at the door of the office and watched the two go away before he walked into the office of Song Xin.

  Song Xin was leaning on her desk and busying herself, when she saw Jiang Xiaobai coming in, she stood up quickly, with a smile on her face.

  (End of this chapter)

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