Chapter 727 Worship

  When he arrived at the Provincial Design Institute, Jiang Xiaobai directly led Song Weiguo to the office of Dean Liang on the third floor.

  As soon as he reached the second floor, a young man recognized Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Director Xiaobai, are you here to see Dean Liang? Dean Liang is in the conference room on the fourth floor."

  "Do you know me?" Jiang Xiaobai was a little confused.

  "Know, know, you want to build an 18-story high-rise building. Our design institute has spread it all over. The tallest building in Jin Province, our colleagues in the design institute admire you in particular..."

  Young people look at Jiang Xiaobai with admiration in their eyes. A young man in his 20s is about to build the tallest building in Jin Province.

   "Haha, thank you." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded, leading Song Weiguo to the meeting room.

The young man watched Jiang Xiaobai go upstairs, turned back to the office, and said excitedly: "The director Xiaobai is here. He is really young. I guess he is only twenty-four or five years old. He speaks nicely. ..."

  "Director Xiaobai is here, where is it? Where is it? Let me see." Another colleague stood up and asked anxiously.

  One day yesterday, the news that the director of Huaqing Holdings, the director of the township enterprise Xiaobai, was going to build the tallest building in Shanxi Province had spread throughout the design institute.

   Then, step by step, until today, a township and village enterprise wants to build the tallest building in Shanxi Province.

  This is a legend, and the young people at this time are the most passionate and innocent.

   Just like the original Mu Qizhong canned food, the eighteenth princes followed.

The young people of   design also adore Jiang Xiaobai.

   "I have already gone upstairs and went to the conference room, with what seems to be a leader, looking very serious." The young man said.

   "Hey, why do you think this manager Xiaobai is so good, how old he is, and he is going to build our tallest building in the province. How much money does it cost?"

"How much is it? It is estimated that it is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. The 13th floor of the Sanjin Building that was completed last year cost 50 to 60 million. Now the director of Xiaobai wants to build the tallest building in Jin Province with 18 floors. Although it seems to be 5 stories taller than 13 stories.

  But the difficulty of construction has more than doubled, and the Sanjin Building is dominated by the government, supplemented by state-owned enterprises. Now it is built by Xiaobai’s director. That is completely two concepts..."

   Jiang Xiaobai did not hear the discussion in the office, and would not care if he heard it.

   directly led Gu Zhengwen to the conference room on the fourth floor, knocked on the door and walked in.

  Song Weiguo has arrived, crawling on the table and studying something with Gu Zhengwen.

   Seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming, he pulled Dean Liang out of the meeting room.

  Jiang Xiaobai did not want to disturb the busy designers in the conference room.

  Proposing to go to Dean Liang’s office, Dean Liang has nothing to do.

After arriving at the office, Jiang Xiaobai introduced Gu Zhengwen to Dean Liang.

  Dean Liang heard that a working group had been set up above, and he immediately felt the attention from above.

  At the same time, I felt the burden on my shoulders heavier.

  When the Sanjin Building was designed, the design institute in the capital was found above, and the provincial design institute was not involved.

  Now we are going to build an 18-story building, which is also the tallest building in Jin Province.

  According to the urine characteristics above, a working group has now been set up. Maybe the Provincial Design Institute will be replaced, and the experts from the Beijing Design Institute will be asked to design again.

   And there is a great possibility for this, although the project this time is not led by the province.

   But if the upper side speaks, the Provincial Design Institute and Huaqing Holding Company are not relatives, and they can find the capital, so why do they have to look for the province?

  Jiang Xiaobai estimates that by then, he will not help the Provincial Design Institute, but will be kind.

  After all, think about it in another way. If I stood in Jiang Xiaobai’s position, I would agree. After all, this is only good for building a high-rise building.

  But this opportunity is very important to the Provincial Design Institute and to myself.

  The design of an 18-story building, the tallest building in Shanxi Province, is a qualification for the Provincial Design Institute, but for myself.

  Being able to lead the design of the tallest building in Jin Province during his tenure is an extremely dazzling achievement.

  So, after Gu Zhengwen introduced the story, Dean Liang said directly.

   "Two days, two days, if we don’t eat, drink or sleep, we have to come up with a general charter."

Dean Liang looked at Jiang Xiaobai and promised.

   "Okay, then you will have to work hard for Dean Liang." Jiang Xiaobai nodded. Of course, the sooner the better, as for the design of the building, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care too much.

   is mainly to use this thing and the above to finalize the matter.

  It's just that I feel a little guilty for Dean Liang and the Design Institute, and I can't bear it.

   Dean Liang looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s expression, but felt that he was right. It seemed that Director Xiaobai also knew in his heart how hard he and the others would have to do next, and he had a sense of incense.

  Maybe I can help to speak in the future.

   "Okay, then I will report this matter to the above. Dean Liang can borrow the phone." Gu Zhengwen nodded and said that he was about to grab the phone on the desk to make a call.

  But Dean Liang held it down.

   "Can you slow down first, and wait until we have finished the design plan." Dean Liang looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said pleadingly.

  If the upper person knows now, maybe he will change the person directly and contact the capital.

  The Provincial Design Institute here is nothing but joy.

   "President Liang," Gu Zhengwen was taken aback for a moment, and then as an old institution, he immediately understood the thoughts of Dean Liang.

  However, although he wanted to understand Dean Liang’s thoughts, Gu Zhengwen didn’t care.

  In terms of price, he is not as high as Dean Liang.

  But what department of the design institute is, it is a Qingshui government, and it is easy to be bullied. The last time Sanjin Building went to the Beijing Design Institute, didn’t it just make it clear that the design institute was bullied?

   But if you are bullied, you will be bullied. In units like the Design Institute, no one can step on it.

  He is a powerful director-level cadre, of course he can also step on it.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng's expression turned gloomy, and he said, "Dean Liang, now the leaders above attach great importance to this matter and have set up a special working group. I need to report this matter at any time. When there is a delay of two days, When you design it, who will be responsible for the delay in these two days."

  (End of this chapter)

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