Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 794: Bidding Meeting (Part 1)

  Chapter 794 Bidding Meeting (Part 1)

  Chen Zhengyue thought for a while, noticed the phone in the room, his eyes lit up, and then said, “Wait for a fight, I’ll call and ask.”

  Chen Zhengyue has been in the construction industry for a long time, and there are still some acquaintances in this industry.

  Speaking, Chen Zhengyue picked up the phone and dialed out.

  At this time, the office is already off work, and can only make calls near home.

  Fortunately, Chen Zhengyue has an unusual relationship with the other party, and he also knows the phone number near the other party's home.

  I waited a long time for the call to connect, and then came back for a long time, only a familiar voice came from the phone.

   "Brother Liu, you have to do me a favor." Chen Zhengyue said straightforwardly.

  The other party was taken aback, and without too much hesitation, he said, "You said it."

   "That's right, I want to find out what happened to Binzhou Hotel today. I know your leaders should bring someone to participate in this tender meeting?"

   Chen Zhengyue asked, and after a while, Chen Zhengyue hung up the phone without expression.

   "How about Brother Chen?" Chen Jiantao asked anxiously.

Chen Zhengyue stroked his mouth and said: "The only thing that can be determined now is that the tender plan is true. In the afternoon, their company held an emergency meeting. I heard that the news came out because of the tender plan, but the specific content was his do not know,

  The meeting is limited to a few top leaders of their construction company. "

After Chen Zhengyue finished speaking, everyone was silent for a while. Chen Zhengyue thought for a while and said: "There is no time. We will make a bid according to this bidding plan. It is just that we need to advance the funds. The big deal is that we cut some other projects. , To pressure up the funds."

  Every entrepreneur has a lot of courage, and a choice like this will accompany them throughout their lives.

  Chen Zhengyue gave an order. Although the others still had some worries, they were not talking. Instead, heated discussions began.

  "With our current strength, it is definitely not shown to take over the overall project. I suggest that we focus on bidding for two places. One is the sales department, and the other is the decoration part of our old business."

  Chen Jiantao set out two goals, and no one disagrees.

  Everything has to be done according to one's ability, these two projects are enough for them to Zhengyue Construction Company.

   Needless to say, according to the payment method of Huaqing Holding Company, even in accordance with the normal payment method, they cannot afford such a large project.

  Eating too much will choke.

  It was quiet at night, and Chen Zhengyue's room became quiet after 2 o'clock in the night.

  Chen Zhengyue opened the window to let in the cold air from outside, dissipating the smell of smoke in the house, and at the same time sober up by the way. Some of the confused minds who stayed up all night, by the way, carefully consider this bidding.

  Early the next morning, Chen Zhengyue and others saw other construction companies after they went out with their red eyes.

  After breakfast in the cafeteria, everyone came to the meeting room with a thick tender document. Chen Zhengyue wanted to take this opportunity to inquire, but it was a pity that everyone spoke in the cloud.

  Chen Jiantao had already gone to the bank to make a payment early in the morning, with a deposit of 200,000 yuan, and he could not participate in the bidding meeting without paying it.

  If after winning the bid, but not signing in accordance with the contract, or imposing additional conditions, the 200,000 deposit will be confiscated.

Ten minutes before the start of the bidding conference, Manager Lu took the two into the meeting room, with smiles on his faces, strangely different from the other people in the meeting room with a must-have expression, but he was a look. The look of gloating.

  Five minutes before the start of the bidding conference, Chen Jiantao ran into the conference room out of breath and came to Chen Zhengyue to indicate that the deposit had been credited to the designated account of Huaqing Holdings.

  There are still two minutes left before the start of the bidding conference. Jiang Xiaobai, Dean Liang of the Provincial Design Institute, Song Weiguo, Zhang Weiyi, several colleagues in the design group of the Design Institute and other people from Huaqing Holding Company, a group of people marched toward the conference room mightily.

  As Jiang Xiaobai and others walked into the meeting room, everyone in the meeting room focused their eyes.

  Chen Zhengyue looked at Jiang Xiaobai who took the lead into the meeting room, and was stunned.

   His face was unbelievable, and soon his face was full of joy again, and there was an old man who started the business together with his face full of excitement.

   yelled: "Director Xiaobai, Brother Chen, is the director of Xiaobai."

  Chen Jiantao was breathing steadily and a little shortly. Everyone knew that it was the director of Xiaobai. Didn’t this make others laugh?

   "I know, I know." Chen Zhengyue also said excitedly.

Jiang Xiaobai walked to the front desk and cleared the microphone and said: "First of all, I will introduce to you. The person next to me is Dean Liang of the Shanxi Provincial Design Institute and one of the designers of this Huaqing Building. So today we Dean Liang and a few comrades from the Design Institute are invited to help check the checks. Everyone is welcome."

   "Papa......" Jiang Xiaobai took the lead in applauding, no one did not give face, and soon there was a warm applause.

  Dean Liang is over 50 years old, his face is full of unresolved smiles, and it's nothing more than raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, I announce below that the bidding meeting for the Huaqing Building project has officially started. Now some units that have paid the deposit will submit their bids in order. We will judge and score on the spot in another room, and then select the most suitable for us. The construction company of the Huaqing Building project."

   After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, his eyes swept over the people in the conference room. Just as he was about to leave, he saw Chen Zhengyue who was excited underneath. He felt a little familiar, but he didn't care.

   nodded to Dean Liang, and then led people to the outside of the meeting room.

   But when he reached the door, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly stopped and looked back at Chen Zhengyue again.

  He remembered, who was the excited man wearing a large suit.

  (End of this chapter)

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