Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1070: Guixuedan

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Lu Yang dropped two players in the blink of an eye, which shocked everyone who originally thought that only two people could be sent to kill Lu Yang.

"Who is this person?"

"What reaction speed?"


For a while, everyone didn't make a shot in time. One of the five members took the lead to respond and shouted, "Kill him fast, you can't let him run away."

"Yes, let him run away and we will be dead."

"kill him."

The group then reacted, but now it was too late, Lu Yang said the spell.

"The Ninth Hell"

Lu Yang's tens of millions of magic values ​​were instantly reduced by half, and then a large piece of magic fell every second. At the same time, the players standing on the field seemed to be in hell, and countless flames appeared in front of everyone.

"40000000" (Critical Strike)

"40000000" (Critical Strike)

A piece of damage sprang up. In just one second, everyone around was killed, and the monsters in the first floor of the town demon tower were instantly killed by Lu Yang's skills. None survived.

Lu Yang watched a sneer on the first floor lobby that was killed and walked towards the second floor. At this time, the second floor lobby had not been mobbed. Soon he passed through the second floor lobby and entered the third floor.

A vulture just passed by the third-floor doorway.


Level: 120

Qi and blood: 6000000/6000000

However, it is only 6 million HP. There is no difficulty in killing it, but the chance of full blood status is very low if you want to get into the bottle. According to the exploration of players in the previous life, when the target HP is below 10% Is the easiest to capture.

"Flame Storm"

Lu Yang's left-hand staff pointed at the evil spirit, and a huge array of flames of light emerged from the evil spirit.

"2401986" (Critical Strike)

The evil spirit enters a stun state and is controlled for 2 seconds. Taking the opportunity, Lu Yang first hits a flaming bird.

"2401986" (Critical Strike)

Then replaced the heart of the demon **** and the blood seal of the phoenix. For a while, his intelligence decreased by 900,000 points. He played a Pyroblast in the last second.

"431988" (critical strike)

"421968" (Critical Strike)

The blood volume of the evil spirit is less than 100,000 points.


The evil spirit awoke, and roared towards the landing sun.

Lu Yang took out the refining demon bottle and aimed at the evil spirit.


A burst of blue light flew from the refining bottle, and the evil spirits rushed in the middle. When the blue light covered the evil spirits, the evil spirits looked confused for a while, then the body quickly reduced to a keychain-sized mini dragonfly Into the refining bottle.

System prompt: successful receipt

Lu Yang looked at the bottle with satisfaction, put dragon serpentine into the bottle, and chose refining medicine.

A light flashed from the mouth of the bottle.

System prompt: Refining success

Lu Yang tipped the bottle into his hand, and a spiritual gourd elixir flew out of the bottle and landed in his hand.

Spirit gourd elixir: magic increases by 10 million

Lu Yang wants this baby. As long as he has him, he can continue to release the ninth hell. In this map, except for the Paladin and a few players with magic immunity skills, the rest cannot pose any threat to him.

He continued to walk inside, and after a while, there was a sound of walking behind him, which surprised him a little.

Although this is the third day of the service, there are still few people who can explode the token, and few people can find it. Listening to the footsteps of the other party is obviously familiar with this place. .

Lu Yang curiously used the stealth potion to make his body disappear, and looked at the doorway. After a while, a group of players with different costumes rushed up. They have people from many countries, including Chinese people.

A headed player who made Lu Yang feel familiar said: "Let's look for it. Don't conflict with Lu Yang easily when you meet Lu Yang, and immediately call the rest of us."

"Yes," said a dozen people around.

Lu Yang couldn't help frowning. He didn't remember having a conflict with these people in front of him. Why was these people's purpose their own?

He couldn't help but follow behind the group of people and wanted to hear what they said, but after taking a few steps, he remembered who these people were.

The last-known Liancheng Insurance Group, a huge group that suddenly popped up in the past ten years, his founder made a company with a market value of only tens of millions in just ten years. Soared to hundreds of billions.

The reason why it can develop so quickly is because the boss of this company dares to fight hard.

The most shocking thing was that he escorted the company to a bank ten years ago, in exchange for billions of credit points, and united a few friends, invested 26 billion credit points, and bought an internationally renowned company. 21% of the shares became the company's largest shareholder.

This kind of insurance company relies on its sufficient venture capital and a large amount of borrowed funds to make its own company ups and downs for everyone, and strives to **** domestic companies that have high-quality credit in the world.

At that time, the company that was controlled by the holding company tried hard to obstruct it, but the effect was almost zero. What surprised everyone more was the liabilities caused by the insurance company doing so at the time.

The total asset value of the entire company is less than 10 billion, but it bears 26 billion debts. These debts are required to be paid off within three years. For an insurance company, the possibility is not high, and the company bought this international After the shares of a famous company, the actual control of the company is not his.

If the new company does not pay dividends for one year within these three years, then the insurance company will not be able to exchange money. Even if the dividends are paid, some people have calculated for them, and there is still a gap of 2 billion.

After this problem occurred, everyone was worried about the fate of this internationally renowned company, and scolded the insurance company boss, but what was unexpected was that there was a group of fellow villagers behind him.

The end result is that the company did not use these fellows to help, and it was solo on its own, and when the company's shares were pulled to a higher price, 26 billion shares were thrown out in stages, earning fiercely. Nearly 6 billion credit points.

Later, the boss became an industry star, and he has a famous saying: In this circle, everyone has money, not how much you have, but how much you dare to spend.

Lu Yang remembered that the man in the last life was the game he entered at this time. He never thought of hitting his head.

"Don't dare how much money you have, you don't have the money I have, and I dare not spend it." Lu Yang sneered, and continued to hang behind them.

As he walked, Lu Yang contacted Tu Feng, "Let me check the recent domestic and international situation."

"Yes," Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang felt that if he remembered it correctly, it should be that this year, the wealthy people from all over the world found that after investing in the construction of the main city in the game, they made much more money than after investing in other industries to make money. When it comes to this, the game has entered an unprecedented boom.

After all, this is a huge game with billions of people online at the same time, and the business opportunities in it are unimaginable.

Soon, Tu Feng returned the news.

"Players in various countries are developing very fast. According to what we know now, there are more than 500 bosses who have invested in building the main city in the game."

Lu Yang said: "Fortunately, we are in a remote place and there are not many people competing. If it is outside, it is estimated that even me, it would have been destroyed a long time ago."

Tu Feng said: "Indeed, after these people come in, the salary of professional players has increased very much. Many senior players in our guild have left us because of the better treatment given by other guilds."

Lu Yang said: "It's very good, and the development of various parties is good, but they still don't want to enter this northeast region. I think our family is enough in this region."

Tu Feng smiled and said, "I'll help you investigate the situation in the area. If there is a problem, I will contact you in time."

Lu Yang said: "In particular, pay attention to a guild called Tiantong Chamber of Commerce. Their boss stepped up to the sky and had some ideas for us."

"Okay," Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang closed the intercom and continued to follow them. He wanted to see if these people were colluding with others.

For the Tiantong Chamber of Commerce in front of him, Lu Yang really doesn't have a good way to deal with it. The other party has a large amount of money. The reason for entering the game is to kill the original first, and then they can occupy the first to make money.

The two sides are simply deadly enemies, and they are inherently opposed. It is conceivable that in the next period of time, Lu Yang must first find a way to kill the enemy in front of him.

As for Park Renyi, he can only let him go for the time being, otherwise, if he let a step up to join forces with Park Renyi, he will be out of luck.

Moving forward all the way, soon, Lu Yang followed them to the 4th floor. After arriving here, they caught up with a few strangers.

"Did you find Lu Yang?" Asked the first middle-aged man with a cold face.

Stepped to the sky and said, "Not yet, I suspect he's advanced to the next level, or left."

"Be sure to hit him. If you can kill him, it will be a great opportunity for our guild to make a name for itself," said the middle-aged player.

"I have the same intention. Originally, we had no chance to meet. We never imagined that Lu Yang would dare to come to Tianyuan God City alone. Such a good opportunity must not be missed."


Lu Yang looked at them with a cold look in his eyes. He slowly backed away to 100 meters away. At the moment, he is only one person coming over, and it is not suitable for fighting with each other for the time being, although he has a super curse like ninth hell. But this skill will make the entire third layer of monsters come over to trouble him.

There are many blame lords on this level. Lu Yang also has no ability to kill so many people by himself, and his other skills cannot kill the more than ten people in front of him in an instant.

While he was still in stealth time, he continued to walk towards the upper level of the lock demon tower. When he came to the sixth floor, the lock demon tower brushed again, and mobs were everywhere.

Among the many monsters, there are many green-faced fangs vampires wearing red capes. Lu Yang took out the refining demon bottle, several vampires who had been hit in a row and sucked them in.

Ghost Blood Dan: Add 5 million Qi and 5 million magic.

Guixue Dan is a good thing. Its biggest role is not to restore players' blood and magic, but as a quest item.

Normally, if you want to refine this item, as long as you kill the vampire, drop ghost blood and mix with other items to make ghost blood pill, the demon bottle is the only key to quickly make ghost blood pill.

When it was almost night, Lu Yang refined more than 200 sets of ghost blood pill. At the same time, he found that one step up to the sky and others also came to this floor. He didn't want to fight the grass and scared the snake, and used the scroll to fly back to the safe area of ​​Tianyuan God City.

Just after landing, he sent a message to Zhuo Jiu and others in the simulation group, saying, "Bring the first group."

"Yes," said Zhujiu.

There was a flash of light in the safe area, and more than 1,000 players appeared in the Tianyuan God City. At one time, the entire Iron God Brothers Alliance was the first.

Among this group, there are 100 people in the smithy, 100 pharmacists in the Song of Blood and Fire, 200 people in the curse mage group, 100 people in the druids, 100 people in the tsunami mage group, 100 people in the wolf guards, and war There are 100 Minotaurs and 200 Ironwall Warriors.

"Boss, here we are," said Zhujiu.




The others arched greetings.

Lu Yang smiled and nodded, not hesitating to let his subordinates attack the 120-level nightmare-level copy for three days, and it took all their strength to make up the 1,000 people.

"After listening to my order, everyone will act in unison. Remember, if you die here, you must not order resurrection. You must wait for others to save, otherwise you will be teleported out of the city and returned to the new continent." Lu Yang said.

This is in Tianyuan God City. It is a place of extreme chaos in itself. Various forces are fighting each other, and many people want to attack him.

Suddenly there are so many people in the Jagged Brothers Alliance, and it is bound to cause other forces to have a siege idea.

If you want to get a token, you must kill the lord of the nightmare-level copy to get it. It is not a 100% chance to get it, and the mechanism of leaving the city of death is full of various variables.

The rich variety of skills and benefits in the city of God has made it impossible for players to give up and want more opportunities here.

"Where do we go next?" Xia Yuwei asked.

Lu Yang said, "Follow me first to complete the task. Here are some special tasks. After the completion, they will be given skill points. You can learn some special skills unique to Shencheng."

"Yes," the crowd said.

Lu Yang took these 1,000 people to the palace and found the princess. This is a long series of missions, part of which is similar to the fairy background of China, and part of it can be accepted by European and American players.

Lu Yang also took on the task, and the requirement to complete the task was a team of 20 people. Lu Yang took Xiao Liang, Mu Feng, Hei Yan, and Lan Yu toward the city.

The first task is to kill the transformed lion essence. These tasks are not difficult, especially for the pedestrian Lu Yang.

In less than three days, he completed the first phase of the mission. At this time, items were needed in the game.

"Guixuedan, what is this?"

"Have you heard of this thing in the game?"

"This is me, too. I have never heard of this thing at all."


At the place where the task was collected, the players gathered together and discussed the matter of Guixuedan in pairs.

Many people did this task as early as two days ago, but they did not find Ghost Blood Dan in the game for two days, which made them all worried.

"There are 2 skill points for completing the task, and it is 3 points to complete this, but I can learn gem synthesis skills by only 1 point. This is a baby skill. The gems in Tianyuan God City are quite good. . "

Tianyuan God City can drop another kind of gem here. He is called Spirit Stone. The gems that exploded in the old continent can increase the magic power of Level 1 Spirit gems by up to 10 points. In Tianyuan God City, the gem base here is 1000 magic power.

Many people have blasted out such gems in the game, so that the old gems that have been gradually discarded by players have become popular again.

But if you want to synthesize this kind of gem, you need to learn new gem crafts, and if you want to learn this skill, you need skill points.

Lu Yang stood aside and listened to their words clearly, and sneered inwardly, the Gems and Crafts Department was not so easy to learn.

This is a fragile and psychologically disruptive skill. Normally, if you have learned Level 1 gem synthesis, then you have only a 50% chance to synthesize Level 2 gems. If you want to synthesize Level 3 gems, the chance is 10%. .

In the previous life, I didn't know how many people wanted to rely on gem synthesis to make money. I never expected that all my dreams would be broken and my heart was broken. Most of the money in my backpack was wasted.

In this life, Lu Yang also came here to study gem synthesis because he has sufficient funds and has some experience in gem synthesis. Otherwise, let him come and he won't come.

As long as his men learn gem synthesis, and after they rise to level 130 and get level 130 equipment, he will have enough confidence to defeat Park Renyi and reach the sky one step, and then he can launch an attack on Tianlong.

"Brother, are these ghost-blood dans hard to come by, how can they not get them?" Mufeng asked curiously.

Lu Yang said: "I have the refining demon bottle ~ ~ you can get it from refining vampires, so you can see it easily. Normally, if you want to learn this skill, you need to learn the guild's refining skills first. Only at level 60 can be refined. "

"Level 60 skills take at least a month, which means that we have learned this skill one month earlier than others?" Mufeng said happily.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Do n’t learn. As a combat profession, you have to learn other skills. This skill is handed over to the jewellery master in the smithy."

"Oh." Mufeng responded.

Soon, after the players gradually dissipated, 100 jewel masters came here to complete the mission using Guixuedan uniformly, and gained a skill point.

"Brother, let's go on to the task." Mu Yi led the team, arched at Lu Yang, and led people away.

Lu Yang nodded comfortably, and now Mu Yi has grown up. Since Lu Yang unified the national service, the Zhongyi Blacksmith Shop opened in the Orcs and Han Zhong's Blacksmith Shop merged, and Mu Yi finally returned to the family. It made him very happy.

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