Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1133: Lu Yang's Grievances

Lu Yang's mouth spelled out.

"Water brake"

Balls of water polo were released from his hands, hitting the chicks that were approaching in front of him.

System prompt: you killed a chick

System prompt: you killed a chick


Killed 5 in a row. When the 6th chick died, a dagger fell on the ground.

This is a setting of the game. Monsters will drop items, and players will randomly match the dropped items to attack monsters.

He picked up the dagger, stopped releasing magic, and fought with the chicks close together. The chicks had less blood and could kill one with just two swords.

Killed 20 in a row, the light flashed.

The system prompts: You have raised a level.

Lu Yang picked up a magic cloth that fell from the ground, put it on his body, and continued to fight.

There are a total of 100 chicks, how much equipment can play the full screen player luck, Lu Yang killed 20 and got two pieces of equipment, which is considered bad luck.

When he killed 50, a bunch of small magic healing potions and a skill book dropped on the ground.

Lu Yang picked it up and looked excited with an expression on his face.

Water Dragon Wave

Type: Water

Distance: 0 yards

Cost: 100 magic

Description: Deals a lot of spell damage to all targets within 0 yards.

Lu Yang ran into the right angle of the wall on the left side of the castle. Everyone has different understanding of the game, but they can find the most suitable way to open the game level.

The way Lu Yang found was relatively simple. He hid in the corner and surrounded the chicks. He didn't kill the chicks. When the time came, when the second wave of monsters came, let the chickens grab the monsters. it is good.

"Oh ~"

The remaining 50 chicks swarmed Lu Yang around the corner, but only 5 chicks could attack Lu Yang, but only these 5 chicks made Lu Yang uncomfortable, and each chick attacked The power is 6 points, his magic short coat armor is 4 points, his own defense power is 1 point, each time he is attacked, he will drop 1 point of blood, 5 points is 5 points of blood.

Lu Yang's own health is 60 points, and the blood bottle in his backpack only has 2 bundles. He needs to hold these chicks for 0 seconds.

It is also considered Lu Yang's good luck. If he does not get a magic cloth, Lu Yang will not be able to do so. Now it depends on the waiting time.

0 seconds

20 seconds

10 seconds


0 seconds

System prompt: The second wave of monsters starts to attack

The light flashed, and a large number of horned deer were brushed out of the castle. After they appeared, they gathered toward the location of the landing sun, but they could not break through the 50 chicks in front of them, and they could only passively stand behind the fifth row of chicks. Not long after, 100 were gathered.

"Water Dragon Wave"

Lu Yang's mouth read a spell, and his right hand pointed at the center of the deer herd. A giant water dragon with a diameter of 0 yards suddenly got out of the ground, and a lot of water bombs hit the deer.





The horned deer has only 80 points of blood. In this attack, more than 60 deer were hit and killed more than 40.

Lu Yang flashed a golden light.

System prompt: You have raised a level

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and was promoted to level. His defense increased by 1 and his blood increased by 10. The chicken beat him no longer bleeding, and he didn't need to eat the blood bottle anymore.

The horned deer burst out with a flashing skill book and several accessories. Lu Yang was not in a hurry and continued to wait in place. After 5 minutes of persistence, he brushed out a third wave of monsters.

"Crunchy ~!"

100 scarecrows came behind the horned deer herd.

Lu Yang waited for them to gather and chanted in his mouth.

"Water Dragon Wave"

After a ray of light, 60 scarecrows were left with blood, and after another ray of light, 60 scarecrows died.

Lu Yang was released twice more, and the remaining 40 scarecrows were also killed, leaving only 40 deer and 50 chicks, as well as a large amount of copper coins and several pieces of equipment.

The scarecrow will drop copper coins, and the role of copper coins is to buy things. In the castle, there is a duke, where he can spend money to buy mercenaries, skills books and some powerful equipment, or special Items, such as escape daggers.

"Water Dragon Wave"

Lu Yang threw his skills among the chicks and deer on the left and killed dozens of chicks and horned deer. He ran out of the corner and picked up 10,000 coins and 2 spells +1 along the way. Ring.

The chicks and herds behind them followed closely.

Lu Yang is not in a hurry. It takes 5 minutes to brush the monsters. He just waited for the monsters. It took only minutes to play the monsters. He still has 2 minutes.

After running out of the castle with the strange group, Lu Yang ran around the square for a small circle, and quickly ran back to the corner. He didn't look at the ground objects, as long as they were dropped, they were picked up.

By the time the chicks and deer herds came back, Lu Yang had already picked it up and looked at the copper coins. There were 20,000, which surprised Lu Yang. If 20,000, he could do a lot of things.

System prompt: The fourth wave of monsters starts to attack

Lu Yang opened his backpack and learned the skill book flashes and water. The fourth wave of monsters is a level 4 skeleton monster with an attack power of 15. He didn't wait for the monster to approach.


A flash of light flashed, and Lu Yang jumped out of the mob's encirclement. He quickly ran towards the castle, went up to the third floor, and found the Duke of the castle in the hall near the fireplace.

"Friend, can I help you? I have a lot of things to sell here," Duke Iris greeted gracefully.

Lu Yang said, "Open the purchase."

An inventory appeared in front of him. There were hundreds of things in it. He didn't watch the others. He directly clicked on the mercenary item and chose to hire an archer.

"Twenty thousand coins, thank you," said Duke Iris, smiling.

Lu Yang delivered 20,000 copper coins, the light flashed, and a beautiful archer appeared next to him, holding a curved bow.


Level: 0

Qi and blood: 100/100

Attack: 50——50

Defense: 10——10

Special Skill: Slow Arrow

This is a mercenary who can give him a weapon. There is no time limit. Daguai can raise the level. He does not share Lu Yang's experience. He is the best Daguai partner.


The chicken walked up the stairs. Lu Yang stood at the door and waited for the chicken to surround him. Using this method, although it may be a bit trickier, the equipment of this game has durability. If the durability is consumed, , The equipment will disappear.

Lu Yang used this method to fight monsters. He persisted until the 10th wave, and the equipment on his body would be broken by the chickens. Therefore, he could get 20,000 bronze coins in the third wave in exchange for an archer. Good promotion.

"Water Dragon Wave"

The light flashed, Lu Yang fired his skills, all 50 chicks around him were killed, a burst of golden light lit up, the archer upgraded to a level, became level 2, and his attack power rose to 60 points.

"Water Dragon Wave"

Another burst of light flashed, 40 deer were all resolved, the light flashed, the archer was upgraded to the level, and the attack power became 70 points.

Lu Yang looked at the objects on the ground, and to his delight, two bottles of deer blood and root antler burst out.

He took these two things to Aris in surprise and said, "I want to sell these things."

"Deer blood and antler, friend, you met the right person, I will give you a good price." Iris handed Lu Yang 50,000 copper coins.

Lu Yang shook his fist vigorously, and he was lucky enough to give him so much money. He said, "I want to exchange for an archer."

"No problem," Iris said.

The light flashed, and an additional archer came out of Lu Yang. He named the archer No. 2 and the former was No. 1. The second archer had the same level as the first archer. The creatures summoned this time are of the same level as the creatures summoned before.

System prompt: The fifth wave of strange attacks begins

Lu Yang brought the two archers to the doorway below, and saw that the monster was a skull monster. The 5th-level small skeleton moved slowly and held a bone stick in his hand.

Skeleton Monster

Level: 5

Qi and blood: 100/100

Attack: 20——20


Lu Yang didn't need to use magic, and said to the two archers around him, "It's up to you."

Archers No. 1 and No. 2 opened their bows at the same time, both attacking at 90 points. At a rate of 1 shot per second, the two arrows killed a skeleton monster. Before the skeleton monster rushed to a distance of 0 meters, they were all destroyed. Killed.

The light flashed, and Lu Yang and the two archers rose to level 4 at the same time. Lu Yang looked on the ground and found a skill book summoning water.

Summon Water Elemental

Type: Water

Distance: Close

Cost: 50 magic

Description: Summons an element of water. Attack power and health are affected by intelligence.

Lu Yang chose to study, and read the mantra in his mouth. A water element as high as him appeared next to him.

Water element

Level: 4

Qi and blood: 200/200

Attack: 50——50

Defense: 20——20

Lu Yang's magic damage is now 5 points, which means 1 mana, which is equal to 10 attack power, 40 health, and 4 defense.

In this game, the player's attribute points cannot be increased by themselves, but there are skill books for increasing attribute points in the game. Each price is 1,000 copper coins, and 1 attribute is added.

Lu Yang just killed that wave of skeleton monsters and only gave 1,000 copper coins. Taking into account the remaining 150,000 copper coins before, a total of only 160,000, can only increase 16 attributes.

"This exchange is still very suitable." Lu Yang returned to the third floor of the castle and found the Duke Iris. "I want to exchange the attribute points."

"One thousand coins." Iris said gracefully.

Lu Yang chose intelligence, spent 160,000 bronze coins, and exchanged it 16 times. Immediately, his intelligence increased to 19 points.

The attributes of the water element around him immediately increased.

Water element

Level: 4

Qi and blood: 760/760

Attack: 190-190

Defense: 76——76

This attribute was invincible in the early days. Before level 10, no monster can move him, and the duration of the water element is 5 minutes, and the cooldown of the summon is 1 minute. Daguai.

He left two archers and walked into the basement of the castle with the element of water. The basement is another strange area. According to his memory, there are many high-level monsters in the underground passage that can burst out of equipment.

System prompt: You have entered the underground passage

The light flashed, Lu Yang looked to the left and right, not far away, there were five or six zombies standing among a pile of rocks, eating the body of a miner.


Level: 10

Hit points: 00/00

Attack: 50——50

Defense: 10——10

Lu Yang uttered a spell in his mouth, summoned another element of water, and the two elements of water rushed towards the zombie together.

"Hello ~!"

The zombie found the water element, slowly moved over, and met on both sides. During the attack, the zombie hit the water element without breaking the defense, while the two water elements attacked twice, they could drop a zombie.

In less than 2 minutes, all the zombies were killed on the ground, dropping a level 5 bow and arrow, and the attack power was 6 points.

Lu Yang put it in his backpack and continued with the water element, killing the zombies all the way, picking up the ore when he saw it.

Iron ore, copper ore, silver ore, and gold ore are randomly refreshed in the pit. Each ore has a different grade. If you can get a few more gold ore with good luck, he will have the confidence to clear more levels.

System prompt: You have dug a piece of copper ore

System prompt: You have dug a piece of iron ore


System prompt: The sixth wave of monsters came to attack

Lu Yang did not care about the situation above, and continued to fight with the water element. It is very simple for the two archers to defend the sixth wave monster. The really difficult one is the tenth wave monster, and the others are garbage.

After walking 100 meters forward, Lu Yang's eyes brightened, he saw a piece of silver ore, and the shining silver light made him extremely excited.

Quickly came to the silver ore and dug it out. A flash of light flashed from his body. He rose to level 5 and looked at the archer's health, almost still full of blood.

Tu Feng called and said, "Boss, one step up to the sky to come and inquire again, what should I do?"

Lu Yang asked, "What news did he inquire?"

Tu Feng said, "With regard to the reasons for our large-scale purchase of spiny beasts, Pei Zicheng asked us what to do."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Let Pei Zicheng tell him."

"The truth?" Tu Feng was a little surprised.

Lu Yang said, "To be honest."

"OK." Tu Feng had no doubts about the execution of Lu Yang's order.

Lu Yang asked, "What are the calculations of those who want to besiege our guilds in the New World?"

Tu Feng said: "As of now, these people's alliances are very loose, but they have a lot of air professions, some are not easy to deal with. In addition, there are magic free professions there, I'm afraid our defense must be consolidated. . "

Lu Yang asked, "How many people are there?"

"The seven guilds together have 10,000 people," Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang said: "This 10,000 people is enough to threaten us. It is to consolidate. Your multiple rows of archers, Templars, and thieves are responsible for defending the city. There is a lightning tower defense, and ordinary mages don't need much. "

"Yes," Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang closed the talker. He had his own thoughts on this war. In fact, he now wants to kill one step to the sky. It is very simple, but because of the joint attacks of various countries, he must be careful to deal with these people. Can't beat Liu Jie.

According to the information he has received so far, eight super guilds, including Germany, France, North Africa, and Saudi Arabia, attacked Liu Jie from two directions.

On Lu Yang's side, 7 super guilds such as South Africa, Italy, Turkey, and the United Kingdom attacked him in one step.

Lu Yang thought that there was absolutely no problem with the defenses of the two fortresses, so he only had to rest assured that the spirit beast was exposed.

System prompt: you sent a gold mine

Lu Yang looked down and did not expect to be able to dig out gold ore, which is in his hands.

"Luck is really good, still a quality of 20 or more." Lu Yang said excitedly.

500 yuan at 1 point and 20 yuan at 20 points are equivalent to selling 10,000 copper coins. He put the gold ore in his backpack and kept searching.

Until the eighth wave, Lu Yang found 2 gold ore and 6 silver ore, including more than 0 other iron ore and copper ore, and returned to the Duke of Aris.

"Friend, these are all things I need urgently. I can give you ten thousand gold coins." Iris said.

Lu Yang took the gold coins, opened the purchase dialog, found the bow and arrow option, selected one of the 10,000 gold coins, and bought two 10-level bows.

Bow Through Clouds (Gold)

Level: 10

Attack: 0-0

Lu Yang returned to the door and handed two bows and arrows to his archers No. 1 and No. 2, both of whom rose to level 10.

Mercenaries' upgrade experience is much less than player experience, so their upgrade is faster.

The archer is exactly 10th level. After replacing the bow and arrow, the attack power is increased to 180 points, so that he can continue to fight without having to stay here.

He glanced at the ground and exploded a book on water skills, namely "Corrosive Water", "Big Wave" and "Water Wall".

Giant Wave is the same skill as Giant Wave Master. It is equivalent to the chicken rib skill here. It has no meaning. The role of the water of corrosion is to spread acid water on the ground. When the target moves at a speed of 15, it will cause 50 per second A little hurt.

The effect of Water Wall is to add a water shield to the target, which can resist 10 damage for 15 seconds.

Lu Yang felt that his skills were pretty good. He learned everything. The rest of the items contained only some accessories and equipment. After picking it up ~ ~ he did n’t see anything good, so he sold it to Airi. Duke of St. Louis received 20,000 gold coins.

"Friend, I suggest you can buy some defense towers now to help you defend, how about it?" Iris said with a smile.

Lu Yang also responded with a smile, "No, never."

This is a pit. The defense tower is a large pit, or a bottomless pit. Even in the previous life, Lu Yang is full of resentment.

In the last life, Lu Yang had a chance to break the highest record, but he initially chose the road of the defense tower, I believe the tower can hold the castle for him.

At the beginning, the defensive tower relied on the attributes of high defense and high attack. With the strength of the tier 1 defensive tower, it resisted the attacks of the level 5 monster and the level 6 monster. The boss in the first level of level 10 was killed by him, and the price paid was only a defense tower.

At that time, Lu Yang thought that he had found the key to customs clearance, and built a large number of defense towers. When Lu Yang did not expect, starting from the 15th level, there were monsters that specially attacked the siege. This monster hit the tower. It's like cutting tofu with a knife.

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